𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢

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"Crucio!" A grey eyes man casted one of the unforgiveable curse. The wowan all dressed in pink shouted, her cried filled with pain, her scream filled of agony. She was Umbridge, one of the follower of Dumbledore and one of the person who hurted Atheia with curse guil. The man glared at her hatefully as he throwed more spelled at her.

"The audacity of that pink bitch to hurt our princess." The grey eyes man spit with disgusted. "Remember, she is not the only one." A brown hair man came from behind wrapping his arm around the grey eyes man's shoulder.

"We need to find your idiotic brother." Brown hair man chuckled at the cute offended expression his partner gave him.

"Do you think that she will remember me?" The man with grey eyes looked at his partner with sadness fill in his pretty eyes. "Maybe." His partner answered with a pretty smile.

"Let's go before the aurors appear." His partner grabbed his hand and teleport away from the bloody place and entered their Manor with a smirk on their face.

Even their clothes were full of blood that dripped down. "We need to take a shower!" The brown hair man gasped
as he took a looked of himself in the mirror. "Damn pink bitch ruined my clothes!" The grey eyes man muttered with disgusted while making his way toward the shower.

The partner slowly took off his coat
and shirt off and threw his necktie
away while looking back his partner.

"Let me join!" His partner shouted
with delight, "In your dream." He replied with a smirk. He already knew that his partner would come and joined
him neither way so why not play a little.

"So mean." A pout formed on the partner's face, he then walked upstairs and entered the shower to bring his
half naked lover in his arm.

"Should we make our big entrance at the Malfoy Manor?" The grey eyes man asked curiously. "Definitely." His partner grinned mischievously.

"I can't wait to meet the family
once again."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Dumbledore is getting suspicious. He think that we are planning something against them." Theodore said. Tom
and Lucius looked at eachother before nodding. "Let's him keep thinking that, we wil start by playing with his mind." Tom said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Also, Draco." Tom called out coldly. "Yes, my Lord?" He replied, ice grey eyes were staring in dark blue eyes, as if it was some sort of competition. "Keep an eyes on Snape's daughter." Tom said, his stone were cold as always but harsher.

His followers had understand that their Lord dislike the daughter of Severus Snape. "Yes, my Lord." Draco answered, he also no longer like Rosalie since she was a spoiled brat more the time passed.

"Good. Bellatrix you keep an eyes on that bushy hair girl." Bellatrix nodded with respect but she was mostly trying holding back her laughter.

"Lucius and Narcissa keep doing your work as a parents." Narcissa smiled happily, her smiled was something Bellatrix barely saw and now she was able to see it again.

"Where is Antheia?" Tom tilted his head curiosly, he is dying to see his future wife again. For him, Antheia was a bird that want to learn how to fly but never could and by his side, he will make sure that she would never to fly away.

If years ago someone told him that he would crave for an innocent girl's attention and want to marry her then
he would have tortured the person.

"She is in her room." Theodore answered with a shrugged. "I will go
to see her." Theodore stood up and started makinh his way toward Antheia's room. "Wait for me!" Draco said loudly yet he made sure to not wake Antheia up.

Both brother figures left the room and went to ther sister's to pass time with her. Draco smiled and opened the door then they saw their cute flower cuddling with her snake and Theo had also decide to add it in the killing list he had.

The adults in the other room were Narcissa, Tom, Lucius and Bellatrix. Rodolphus and Rabastan went to the Lestrange Manor to do their paper works since they were in Akzaban for
a long time.

Tom who sensed a different type of magic's eyes widen. "Narcissa go to the right!" Lucius who heard it grabbed her wife's arm when an explosion occur. It was not a normal explosion but mostly a mockery one. "What the.." Bellatrix looked at the black and red paint that was falling down.

"I told you to not over do it." Tom's eyes widen at the sound of that voice. He would always remembered it. "Sorry, love." Narcissa and Bellatrix covered their mouth in disbelief.

"How?" Narcissa muttered, she slowly walked toward one of them and brought him in a hugged. "Reggie!" She cried out in the arm of Regulus Arcturus Black.

"Regulus!" Regulus chuckled and signaled for Bellatrix to joined them
in the family hugged.

"Family reunion very heart warming but where is the fuck is my daughter?" Lucius raised a brow and looked at the brown hair man in disbelief. "Potter?"

"The one and the only, Lord peacock." The brown hair man took off his mask and smirked, the man under the mask was non other than James Fleamont Potter.

"My suspicion were right." Tom muttered, he looked at James and Regulus with a smirk. "We have a long discussion ahead of us." He said.



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