𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

Draco sat in his common room with a book in his hand, a small smirk was plastered on his lips thank to an amazing news that he gain in the early morning

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Draco sat in his common room with
a book in his hand, a small smirk was plastered on his lips thank to an amazing news that he gain in the
early morning. The death of Peter Pettigrew.

But of course, that lovely good mood have to be ruin by a brat who can't
keep her mouth shut. "Is the bitch still at aunty Cissa's manor?" She asked while rolling her yes. Theodore clenched his fist and glare at her, if only look could kill.

"Leave the poor girl alone, you have
no right to compare yourself to her like
you are the real bitch here." Astoria
said with a sweet smile. She went to
visit her fiance's family and then she met her sister in law, Astoria could
not help but fall in love with her cuteness and kindness.

'Ria', Antheai gave her that nickname, she love it, she did not understand
why Rosalie dislike such amazing girl, Antheia was like a flower even her name said it. "She is jealous of her." Daphne said to her once.

Draco smiled and kissed her cheek,
he was happy to see the five most important girls in her getting aling so fine, Narcissa, Antheia, Daphne, Astoria and then Bellatrix, the most important girls he had and will always have.

Theodore give her best friend and a small smile and took out a box of strawberries, Astoria's favorite fruit
and give it to her. "Antheia prepare
this for you." He said. Astoria squealed and took it.

"She is such an angel!"

Rosalie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Then two person came in.

"Fred? George?" Daphne looked up to see her boyfriends standing there, they look kinda sad but she know that it was an act for the funeral. "What are those Gryffindor doing here?!" Rosalie asked angrily.

"Shut up!!" Everyone shouted at her.

"So," "Annoying." Fred and George said.

"You can go, Dracokins!" They teased, Draco rolled his eyes and left his Common room. He made his way toward the gryffindor corridor and saw Ron Weasley fucking Lavender.

"Manwhore." He muttered.

"Oh hey, Weaselbee." He said coldly, Lavender gasped and blush embarassed, Ron groaned and looked at him with disgusted.

"What Malfoy?!" He snap. Draco took out his want. "Avada Kedavra." He whispered, the green light formed and then Ron was on the ground dead. Just Lavender was about to scream, Draco covered her mouth.


Draco smirked and looked at the girl, "Go to Dumbledore while crying and tell him that you accidentally killed Weasley because he cheated on you." With a
nod from the girl, Draco turned away satisfied with what he did. Meanwhile
a certain muggle born brow hair was being torture by Bellatrix Black and Rabastan Lestrange.

And again the Weasley had to attended the funetal of their youngest sons, the twin was crying so hard that Daphne want to laugh out loud.

"We will miss you Ronnikins!!"

"You ugly boxers!!"

"Your rat cent!!"

"Your incompetence!"

"Your ugly body!!"

The twins hold each other, Percy frowned, he did not know what he
was doing, none of the siblings excepy
Ginny like Ron, he was a prat, arrogant, asholle and very disgusting so they
had to put the perfect family show on.

The Weasley family was never perfect.

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