𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

Ever since the news of Regulus and James being alive, Antheia start passing more time with them to get to know them personally

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Ever since the news of Regulus and James being alive, Antheia start passing more time with them to get to know them personally. She found out that she was a lot like a papa, Regulus. They love nature, reading and love silence thought they both dislike being left alone.

She love them, the fact that they did
not abondoned her made her happier. James did not looked happy about the thought of his daughter marrying Tom but he gave up since he knew that his daughter will be well protected by him and that he may genuinely love Antheia.

The love of a family is all what Antheia's wish and it have become reality after so many years if pain, sorrow and abused. She will not trade this happiness, never.

This was greater than any goods in the whole world. Some people love being lonely so did Antheia. She had want to be alone when she was with the Dursley
or with Dumbledore. Wanting to be alone and being left alone is completely different.

She love her family, her friends which only consists of Daphne and Blaise. Rosalie seem to hate her but Antheia did not understand why so she just stayed quiet and not complained like a good girl that Molly usually tell her or mostly convinced to shut up.

And for Tom, she felt happy with him, she did not know why her face would flush at every little attention he gave her or why her stomatch feel weird when he smile at her, or even why
her heart beat fastly when he kisses
her cheek.

Was that love? What type of love though? She was confuse. She love Rabastan the same way she love Draco, Theo and Blaise while she also love Roldophus and Bellatrix the same way she love Narcissa, Regulus, Lucius and James. She also love Winter just like how she loved Hedwig and Nagini.

Yet Tom was different, she did not love him that of way so she was confuse. She used to be scared of him yet she stand up to him because people counted on her─ used her. She wanted to fight in the war because she was an hero─ a tool.

She had to go back to the Dursley because it was for her protection─ her desmise. She had to participe in the tournament because she had no way
out─ they tricked her. She was called the Dark Lady for talking to snakes but she was not a Dark Lady─ she will soon though.

Everything she did was bad, she had
to live through others's expectation
and needed, for the light side she was
a tool but for the dark side, she was
their Queen, their future Dark Lady
and whoever touch the Queen will perish, no on will dare to hurt her.

The Weasley used her, the Black-Potter love her, the Dursleys hurted her, the Malfoy healed her. She was the missing piece in Narcissa's heart, the reason to Lucius's happiness, the calm to Draco's fury, the light to Tom's dark mind and heart, the pups to Sirius' moony, the daughter to James and Regulus Potter Black.

She is want and need.

No one will hurt her anymore─ if they do then they shall face the wrath or the Black, Malfoy, Slytherin, Potter and Peverell. She was untouchable to the world and the chosen one.

Chosen by Death, himself.

Death who have been lonely for centuries, he who watched over his house, he watched the burden of Tom and the foolishness of Dumbledore, he watched the houses create by the fourth original leaders of Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tears each other apart.

He then watched the two legacy of Potter and Black fell in love and their hardship. He watched how they sacrificed themselves for their daughter and he admire and respect that unlike Sirius who Death annoyedly watched ran after a rat who framed him.

Leaving the precious child hhat Death have gotten used to, her cries and whines when she did not get chocolate and watched the abused the sweet girl went through. He had to do something.

Sending James Potter and Regulus Black back were a good idea, after all.

Anything for the flower.

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