𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫

"Any sign of her?" Dumbledore asked Molly who was still near his two children, Ronald and Ginerva Weasley alongside their friend Hermione Granger

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"Any sign of her?" Dumbledore
asked Molly who was still near his two children, Ronald and Ginerva Weasley alongside their friend Hermione Granger. "No." Molly clenched her hands angrily. All of them were confuse on how could a small and weak girl be able to escape Akzaban all alone.

"Damn it!" Dumbledore slapped his palm on the table with anger and looked at the kids. "How are the Slytherin!?" He asked them with the same temper."They have been quiet Sir!" Granger answered with fake confidence that she got from him. Ronald and Ginerva nodded to confirm their friend's words.

"This is bad, bad,very bad." Dumbledore muttered anxiously. "Why is it bad?" Molly asked confused "They are must
be planning something!" Ronald's eyes widened at Dumbledore's words and gulped. "Are you sure?" Granger asked unsurely since she did not want to angered Dumbledore. "Yes." The old goat answered with a twinkle in his eyes.

"We need to keep an eyes on them, recent Lucius Malfoy have not been coming to here instead he must have been with the Dark Lord. We need to
be careful and once we kill all of them, the Wizard World will finally be ours children." Dumbledore smirked before drinking water which is rare.

Little did they know that the Dark Lord was not alone, he had three person much more stronger than any wizard, witches or even Merlin and those persons would kill anyone for Antheia Potter Malfoy. No one stand a chance against them. No one will and no one ever did.


"Are we really going to let the Dark Lord marry Antheia?" Draco sat on the couch, his grey eyes shining with anger and worriedness. "The Dark Lord won't
hurt her and Antheia even said that she
trust him." Narcissa answered his son nervously.

She was also worried but she knew that her daughter was now more smart on who to trust or not and they also trust the Dark Lord.

"Fine." Draco gave up and went outside in the garden and found his sister playing with the snake who keep stealing her from him.

"I will choke it to death one day." He muttered and slowly place his palms over Antheia's eyes. "Big brother, Dragon!" Antheia smiled and said it at only one guess.

"Little sister." Draco smile and grab her waist, spinning her around. "Whoa woa!" She giggle feeling the wind making her hair covered her face.

Draco placed her down and cupped her cheeks gently. He sighed, "We need to talk princess." Antheia tensed and looked at him worriedly. "Y-yes?" She stuttered, Draco clenched his teeth and sat down against the tree. "Next to me." He ordered softly. Antheia slowly walked toward him and sat next to

"Tell me everything that happened to you in the muggle world." He demanded his head down. "W-what?" Antheia tilted her head nervously.

"Tell. Me. Everything. Everything that those muggles did to you." He looked at her, his eyes was dark as if there was no light in it. Antheia looked down and take two deep breath before starting.

"I-its start when I was three years old. My uncle woke me up and locked me
in their c-cupboard. They m-made me started washing d-dishes and did the all of t-their c-chores. When I-I was f-five, I a-accidentally b-broke a plate and M-my aunt and u-uncle beated me for it and m-made me slept outside." She sobbed, clenching her hands on her dress as she continue.

"D-dudley w-would bullied me with his friends and s-sometime kicked me. W-when I started having accidental magic, its g-got worse. They o-only
allow me to e-eat on t-the m-monday, w-wednesday and s-saturday." Draco clenched his teeth with his hand tightly.

"That why I barely saw you in the great hall? You still obeyed those commands in Hogwards. You only ate Monday, Wednesday and Saturday." He muttered coldly. Antheia nodded biting back another sobbed.

"Come here." Draco told her, Antheia looked at him and went infront of
him. He cradled her head in his arms protectively. "You can cry." He whipered with a painful smile. Draco hate seeing his family hurt. If only he was not just a spoiled brat before, he would have take those habbits of her to consideration and helped her.

He murmured a small melody while letting Antheia crying in his arms. He will made sure to them all a good visit. He will kill all of them, one by one will die by his hand. No one hurt a Malfoy.

In the dark, two men leaned against the tree watching the Malfoy siblings with a soft smile plastered on their faces. "She is safe." The brown hair man muttered.

"I am killing those mudblood." The man with grey eyes whispered back with a fierce looked. "Soon." Brown hair man chuckled and pat the grey eyes man's back.

"We will meet eachother soon, prongslette."


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