𝑳𝒆𝒇𝒕 𝑶𝒖𝒕~ 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤

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This came from my mind.
Chris and Matt are best friends, they do everything together, but their brother Nick has started to feel left out. So he distances himself from them, and they start missing him.

Disclaimer: I don't actually think Nick is left out.


The Sturniolo Triplets have always been together, they moved as one. Did everything together, they even bathed together.
But as they got older, one of them was slowly pushed away and left to his own devices, and for a while it was fine, he didn't care.
Not for a while, but he started to. Just little things here and there, he'd ask to go with them to little events but they'd always say, "Come on Nick, we've been together our whole life. I think we can have a few hours apart". Well, hours turned into days, days into weeks.

At this point, Nick was used to it.
He'd either spend time with Madi or he'd just sit in his room, alone. He had to admit, he missed when it was the three of them.. and when they could barely go a day without talking to each other, now he hears Matt and Chris laughing and talking to each other in the other room.
While he just sits and waits, waits for them to invite him in. Though, it never happens.

Nick's POV

I had just gotten ready for my day, I was pretty excited because Matt asked me if I wanted to hang out. We haven't really done that in.. eh, it doesn't matter. What matters is what I'm gonna wear, which ends up being a yellow sweater and some white baggy pants, I let out a breath before heading downstairs where I thought Matt would be, "Hey Matt, you ready?..."
I trail off because I don't see him or Chris in the living room, where they just were not too long ago, where'd that kid go? I think to myself, looking around the whole house until I realize, he left.
Of course he did.
Today was supposed to be my day with Matt, why the fuck can't I just have ONE DAY. I think, walking back upstairs with tears pricking the sides of my eyes. I text Madi to see if she wants to hang out, but she can't, so I'll just be alone today.

Multiple hours later I hear the front door open, Matt and Chris laughing loudly and talking incoherently. I hear Chris say he's gonna take a shower, so I take that as my opportunity to go confront Matt.
I wipe my eyes and make sure I look fine before going downstairs. Matt sees me and waves, "Oh hey Nick" he says simply. 'oh hey?..' I think, "Yeah...hey Matt.. What- what happened I thought we were supposed to hang out today?.. we were supposed to go watch that one movie I really wanted to see remember?" I ask, Matt looks up at me and just scoffs, "Yeah- sorry about that. I went with Chris instead, he wanted to go super bad" Matt says lookiyback down at his phone. My jaw drops, "Oh- okay..well that's funny because you promised we could go...as in you and me" I reminded him, my voice laced with fake confusion, trying to hide how pissed off I was.

Matt shrugged "I dunno man, I wanted to go with Chris" he said as if that wasn't a huge fucking issue, I sit down in front of him. "Matt..do you not understand that today was supposed to be our day? You literally promised me!" I said, Matt sighed, clearly frustrated "Well- what do you want me to do Nick? I already watched the fuckin movie so" he snapped, I scoff and stand up "It's not about the movie! It's about the fact that we NEVER hang out anymore!" I say, raising my voice slightly. Matt stands up too "Calm down Nick! We'll hang out at some point! And plus, you didn't even invite Chris to the movies with us, so I felt bad!" He 'explained'. Tears fill my eyes, "He could've gone with us Matt!.. I-" I stop myself and shake my head in defeat, he really doesn't care.
"It's whatever.. it's not like it even matters, since you and your fuckin dick rider (not literally relax) wouldn't even enjoy hanging out with me" I say, storming off back to my room.

I hear Chris get out of the shower, and a few minutes later he comes to my room and opens the door. "Dude! What's your problem? Just cause Matt didn't want to hang out with you you're all upset?!"
I look up at Chris and furrow my eyebrows "You're an idiot, Owen. Get the fuck out of my room". Chris scoffs and stands there "Hell no, not before you apologize, and don't call me Owen kid"
"Get out Chris! I'm sorry that I wanted to hang out with my brother, NOW GET OUT!" I yell, Chris chuckles "Okay tough stuff, get over yourself. It's really not that fuckin serious" he says before slamming my door closed.
Yeah.. maybe it isn't that serious.

A few months later, Matt and Chris have been having the time of their lives with each other. I on the other hand, have given up trying to hang out, I've given up trying to talk to them, I've given up trying to interact with them even a little.
In car videos, I don't talk to them really or engage in the conversation, I talk to the viewers. I got my license so I didn't burden the other two, I don't even think I'm upset anymore. (He's upset)

Tonight was another car video I had to endure. As I'm getting ready for it I hear my door open, "Hey man uh- you almost ready?" I hear Chris ask, I simply nod and give him a thumbs up. There's silence for a moment before my door closes. I sigh, remembering all the times they wanted me around, remembering when we were younger.
I feel myself start to cry, so I wipe my face and leave my room.

As we're making the car video, I notice the Matt and Chris weren't really talking to each other, but they were trying to talk to me. I gave them little responses, not saying much as we packed it up and drove home. Matt kept on bringing up a movie night with all three of us, the third time he brought it up I scoffed "Nah, I think I'm good" I said simply.

Chris looked back at me, "dude really? We're trying to include y-" I stop him immediately, tears stinging my eyes "No, No Chris shut up. You two 'including' me after MONTHS, no wait, YEARS of leaving me out of everything?! Fuck that, and fuck you. Turn around and staple your God damn lips shut because I don't want to hear it." I begin, Chris looks dumbfounded and a little upset, probably cause I'm crying.
"You fucks have left me out, countless amounts of times. Now you wanna turn around because what? Because I've given up?!" I ask genuinely, waiting for a response. Matt mumbles something, sniffling a little bit, "What was that?" I ask, he sobs a little as he says "I-I miss you Nick.."

I feel my heart shatter as tears fall down my face. I don't say anything though, we pull into the driveway want I leave the car quickly, hearing the other two following behind.

I walk in and start going to my room, but I get grabbed and pulled into a hug by Matt who was now crying harder "Nick I'm sorry.. I really am, I didn't realize what I was doing- we didn't realize. Nicky, you're our brother, we love you so much.." he said, holding onto me tighter. I wrap my arms around him and cry, burying my face into his neck "I-I love you guys... I forgive you.." I say, feeling Chris join the hug.

That night we all stayed up watching movies, cuddled up on the couch with snacks. We never spent a day apart again after that.

The next chapter is gonna be sad- just a warning-

D. 🕷️

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