𝑩𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅~ 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬

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Chris is blind, one day, he gets beaten up and pushed into an unfamiliar area. Will Matt and Nick ever find him?

Tw: mentions of blood, panic attacks, crying, cruelty to blind people.
Christopher Sturniolo hasn't always been blind, he went a full 12 years of his life able to see things. The grass, the sky, his family and his friends. But by age 13, his vision began to deteriorate. Slowly but surely. By age 14, his vision was practically gone completely. He needed help walking around the house, with school work, he had to get glasses, but they didn't work for long.

Chris's family became increasingly worried when Chris complained about not being able to see, it wasn't like him to complain. His brothers didn't have the same problem, and they were triplets, so it was concerning. By the time they scheduled an appointment for Chris, he was telling them that he couldn't really see colours anymore. He told this to the doctor, and after many tests, they came to the conclusion that Chris had Stargardt disease. This disease attacks the patient when they're younger, and their vision is usually gone by adulthood. In Chris's case, it was happening rapidly.
Chris, understandably, wasn't very happy about this news. He cried for a while, and kept himself in his room for weeks at a time. Barely eating, not talking. However, Nick was able to get through to him and Chris finally came around.

This was years ago, he's grown more accustomed to his new life over the years. His illness took over 90% of his vision, so he needed a seeing eye dog for when he went out, and of course a walking stick. Trevor took the role of seeing eye dog, and Chris was more than happy with that.
The only thing that changed was Chris's energy, he became slightly bitter over time. He wasn't a tyrant to be around, no, he just didn't laugh or smile like he used to, he was quieter than he used to be. But that was to be expected, losing your sight must be a horrible thing to go through.

On this day, Chris was feeling tired and cranky, he and Matt had gotten into an argument. It got heated, so Chris decided to take Trevor and go for a walk. What's the harm in that? Chris always went for walks, he wasn't helpless..

-argument flashback-

Chris had asked Matt if he could run up to the store, so Chris could get a snack. He didn't tell them why, but it was because he felt sad that day.
Matt got angry.

"You're so helpless, Chris. I'm--" Matt sighed and shook his head. Chris furrowed his brows.

"Matt, don't say that.." Nick chimed in. Chris couldn't see his brother's face, but he knew that Nick was looking at Matt.

"I don't fucking feel like driving right now! Why do I have to feel sorry? For fucks sake" Matt snapped. This was new to Chris, Matt hadn't ever snapped at gim like this. Needless to say, it wasn't making him feel better.

"I know you're upset right now, but you need to stop being such a dick.. Chris I'm sorry, he doesn't mean that--" Nick gets cut off, Chris feels tears fill his spotted vision. Wanting so desperately to see what was going on, see their mannerisms.

"Yes the fuck I do, Nick! Don't talk for me!" Matt roared. Chris scoffed, "Hey man just fuckin' forget it alright? I'll do it myself-- Trev!"

Chris listens for his dog to come, once he does, Chris reaches straight down and grabs the leash that was attached to Trevors collar. "Wait-- Chris no, it's raining sweetheart stop--" Nick trys, Chris feels his brothers hands attempting to stop him, but he pushes them away. "no-- fuck you, get off me-- leave me alone!" Chris snapped, as he bagan to rush out of their home. Slamming the door behind him.

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