𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑬𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉~ 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬

901 13 33

Chris has been ridiculed by his brothers more here recently. On top of the fact that Chris is just..sad. One night, Nick and Chris get into a fight, and Chris begins to cry.

Tw: name calling, crying, depression, argument, tiny mention of suicide, use of the word 'tubby' (lmao)
I'll try to put some fluff at the end <3
Nothing was ever good enough.
Chris, himself, was never good enough.

He wasn't a good enough friend, he was definitely not a good enough brother, or son. Or just person in general. He did everything wrong, and it was all his fault half the time.
He could do nothing right.

Lately, Chris has been quite deep into his mind. Listening to the thoughts he was told not to listen to, as they weren't true.

However, if they weren't true.. then why were the people, who told him that they were wrong, saying the same thing?

'You're just a useless little fuck, aren't you?' Chris's thought would say to him. Then it'd be counter acted by Nick, saying; "Chris you're so useless, kid. Do something for once for Christ sake"

'You can't do a single think right. Might as well just not even be here' Once again, Chris's thoughts raced through his mind. This time, Matt would speak. "Damn it Chris! Can't you do something right?! For God's sake, kid, get outta my way"

The list goes on, and on.
Today however was different, unlike separate days where Chris could easily step out of bed and go downstairs. Tuning out the thoughts. This morning he woke up, and his mind was loud.

'Stupid fucking bitch'
'Such a waste of precious air'
'Cant do anything right'
'Rude ass'
"Such a loser"

Chris sat upright in his bed and sighed. Feeling the sensation that he usually felt when he was about to cry. He held his face in his hands, but before he could let it all out. His door swung open.
"Chris! You fucking loser, get up! Now! It's 6PM dude, where the fuck have you been?!" Matt. Chris immediately stops himself and looks over at Matt. "Six..pm?" Chris asks.

"Proves my point. Lazy fuck."

"Yes, Chris! Six-fucking-pm you lazy fuck! Get up! We need to film for tomorrow!" Matt fumed. Chris quickly got off of his bed, put his shoes on, and followed Matt out to the car.
"God, Chris. You can't do a single thing." Matt sighs on the way to a parking lot to film. "No for real, bro couldn't even wake up!" Nick chimed in. Chris felt his heart ting a bit at the comments, but he would not cry in front of them.

When they arrived, they set up the camera and everything. Then started to film.
The whole time the were recording, Chris wasn't saying much like he usually did. He couldn't find the energy to speak anymore. He was getting so..tired. His thoughts were speeding up, he still knew what they were saying. One of them was sticking out.. it was a little newer.

"Kill yourself, Chris."
When Chris heard this, he had to bite his tongue. Literally. To stop himself from crying, this made the boy's tongue start to bleed, as he practically bit through it. Then, stupidly, he yelped. I mean of course he did, he just bit into his fucking tongue.

"Yo-- Chris can you shut up, always making some dumbass noises and shit to be funny, newsflash, you're not funny"
Nick spat at him. Receiving a chuckled from Matt, "Yep. Sorry Nick, it's not like I just bit my tongue or anything" Chris grumbled in response. He hears a scoff from his brother, "yeah, whatever-- didn't ask, at all." Nick said, rolling his eyes and looking towards Matt, who was shaking his head with a slight smirk.
Chris didn't say anything after that, attempting to keep his composure until he was able to be alone. He listened to Nick as he continued to rant about how annoying Chris was. Then, thankfully, him and Matt started fighting because Matt wanted to move on.

As Nick started to continue with the video idea, Chris felt a hand on his hand. He looked down to see that Matt was holding his hand lightly. The man could've broken down right then and there, but he didn't. He only smiled a little, attempting to control his shaking lip.
Finally, the three of them wrapped up the video. Matt screamed at the camera, and it was done. As they were putting up their supplies, Nick started up again. "No but seriously, Chris, you actually need to just..shut up. Like for the rest of your life" he said with a chuckle. Chris's jaw clenched slightly, "you need'a stop being a dick for the rest of your life" Chris mumbled. This got Nick started.
And he continued all the way home, when they were all inside, Chris walked over to the fridge to grab a Pepsi. He really needed one. Then, just a little comment.. one more thing. That's all it took for Chris to lose his mind.
"Oh, look at tubby over there. Drinkin' all the Pepsi again, you know you have to b--" Nick's cut off by a very loudly slammed fridge door. "Buy more? Is that what you were gonna say, Nick? Because I already know. You can be rest assured that Mr. Useless is going to buy some more fucking soda for you. I am so sorry that I need one after all this bullshit you've been spewing. I get it! I'm not worth a God damn thing but can you please stop?!" Chris said, raising his voice slightly. It cracks a little, and tears quickly fill his eyes. "I'm annoying, I get it. My mind tells me so every fucking day, you'd think I'd be able to catch a fuckin' break! But no, my own brothers hate me as well. Well 'newsflash' Nick, you hate me, mother fucker? I hate me too!" Chris cried, tears now freely flowing out of his eyes. His brothers stand ahead of him, worry and surprise plastered on their faces.
"Oh, we're surprised? Surprised that the waste of space is talkin' huh? Just- leave me alone, alright?" Chris sniffles, setting the cold Pepsi on the table. Not wanting it anymore. As he sped walked into his room, turned off the lights, closed the door and curled up on his bed. Letting himself freely sob into his blanket.
Not even five minutes later, Chris hears a light knock on his door. The man shakes his head and sighs. Another knock, then his door opens. "Chris?.." it was Matt's voice. Chris could've had a breakdown as soon as he heard it. He looks over at Matt, who smiles a little, "hey man.. uh, you okay?--" Matt asks, sitting on Chris's bed and rubbing his knee lightly. Chris makes a heartbreaking 'about to cry' whimper before he completely breaks.
"No, I'm not okay!-- I- I'm so..upset, I just fucking.. hate my mind, Matt! I h- I hate it, it tells me things..and then you guys say almost the same things and-and I'm like.. i-is it really true?.. and then you guys say it's not but it is!" Chris sobs, Matt scoots closer to him and holds out his arms for a hug. Chris greatfully accepts and begins to cry against his brothers chest. "I hate myself so much, man.. an- and Nick hates me.. he thinks I'm just, a fucking nuisance!" Chris cries. Matt nods silenly, allowing Chris to let everything out. Rubbing his back soflty, "I got'cha Chris, let it all out" Matt mumbles as he began to rock them side to side.
"I'm scared, Matty... Th-the thoughts they, told me to kill myself.." Chris sobs, squeezing his eyes shut and sobbing a little louder. "No, no Chris. Dude, I'm here for you, okay? And so is Nick even though he's a dick sometimes.. okay? Oh, Chris we love you man. You-- there's no need for any of that. You aren't a waste of space, and you are not useless. You might be a little, tiny bit dumb, and silly at times. But that's what we love about you, Chris. I know that we lose our tempers with you a lot, and we say things we shouldn't, but that doesn't mean that we mean it. Ever. I love you, man, you're my brother, I'll always love you, bubba!" Matt giggled a little at the end, pulling Chris closer to him. Chris sniffles a little and looks at Matt, "For real..?" He says softly, a smile forming on his lips. Matt chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Yes Chris, for real." He replied, earning a soft giggle and a tighter hug from his sad brother.
The next day, Nick apologized to Chris in his own way by making french toast, and kissing the top of his head. Later that same night, Chris cried again whilst attempting to make fried rice, he burnt it, and got upset.
His brothers vowed that they would help Chris get through his depression slump, which was the whole cause to the sudden sensitivity. However, they loved Chris so much, they didn't mind taking care of him.
They didn't mind wiping his tears, or kissing his head. They'd always love Chris for who he was, no matter what his thoughts were saying.
Not proofread 🫢

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