𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒅~ 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭

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The triplets are in college in this.
Matt is getting harassed and assaulted by someone daily, for months. What happens when his brothers find out?

Tw: R@pe, SA, being silenced, a man physically assaulting a woman.
No, Matt didn't want this. He didn't want any of it, he wanted her to leave him alone. He didn't enjoy it. It made him feel disgusting, dirty, weak, creepy.
All of the above.
Marissa, she was pretty on the outside, Matt wouldn't deny that, but he had no intention of getting with her, he just wanted to be friends- In fact, he just wanted to go to class. Having no idea the nightmare he'd be enduring after a female voice called out to him. Seeming so innocent, so harmless.


"Excuse me?" A seemingly harmless voice spoke, Matt lifted his head from his dorm door, being met with a shorter woman with curly blonde hair that only grazed her shoulders and too-innocent, sharp green eyes. Matt smiled politely and waved, "Yeah, what's up? Y'need something?" He said, putting his hands into his pockets. The woman smiled, her eyes gleaming with unknown intent, "can you walk me to class? I'm a little new" she said with a giggle. Matt nodded, "Sure, what class?" He asks, not really paying attention to the girls demeanor. "Uh- um, Finance?" She said with a slightly questioning tone. Matt looked at her, but said nothing, just nodded and gestured in front of him for her to start walking, which she did, and he followed suit

The two of them began walking down the corridor, "My names Marissa, what's yours?" Marissa asked, deliberately getting extra close to Matt.
"I'm Matt" The boy said flatly, getting frustrated with all the unnecessary small talk. Marissa rolled her eyes playfully and hit Matt's arm, making him tense a little and glance at her.

Already, he felt uncomfortable with Marissa being near him. Though, at the time, he just chalked it up to his anxiety acting up. Needless to say, that's not what it was.

-a month later-

Matt was getting tired of everything. He couldn't make her stop, she wouldn't listen and he couldn't hurt her. Though, he was disgusted by everything she did, every word she spoke felt like spikes being shoved into his ears, touching his brain and giving him a headache.
Her touch burned, every time he begged for her to stop, she would threaten him. Slap him, and make the assult worse. He couldn't let anybody know though, for fear of her telling people he raped her. Which just wasn't the case, or in fear of her doing something to Nick. Why Nick? Matt didn't know, but he didn't want to find out, so he put himself through her torture, listened to her words. He was giving up.

"Matt!" A cheerful female voice called from across the hall. To everyone else, Marissa was a happy-go-lucky woman, bubbly and sweet, could do no wrong. To Matt however, she was a monster he wasn't allowed to fight.
Matt was currently talking to Nick about a sleepover when Marissa called his name, making him internally start crying and wishing this was a dream, but reluctantly, Matt turned to face her, Nick looked up and nodded his head towards her as if to say 'Hi.' Marissa smiled widely and went to Matt's side, "are you guys talking about a sleepover? Without me Matty?" She cooed, looking up at the man and grabbing his arm, roughly. Though it looked soft.
Matt internally winced and gave her a fake smile. "Ahaha, Marissa. Yeah.." he mumbled, earning a confused look from his brother.
"Who the hell are you?" Nick asked, looking at Marissa with furrowed eyebrows. The woman looked at Matt for a moment before replying. "Oh, I'm Matt's girlfriend" she declared, squeezing Matt's arm. Matt's eyes widened and he involuntarily yanked his arm out of Marissa's grip, "No, you're not!-" He began, only stopping when he noticed that look in the woman's eyes, the same look he always saw when she was about to..
"Uh- we-we're like, um, talking! Yeah, we're talking..to each other" Matt explained, glancing at Marissa. Sadly, the look in her eyes stuck. Nick rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Can you not be weird for a second. Invite her over or something-" Nick said, starting to walk off, "actually, don't! I've changed my mind" Nick ended with that, and Matt helplessly watched his brother disappear around the corner. Matt's chest tightened as he felt his hand being squeezed, and suddenly he was being pulled along. "Wait- wait come on, I'm so sorry Marissa I didn't mean it I swear-" Matt tried, but was shut down with a harsh shove against the wall.
Matt gasped softly and felt tears fill his eyes, wanting so desperately for this to end.

"You really think you're smart huh? Get down" He was ordered, but he stayed put, attempting to talk some sense into her. "M-marissa!- wait- we're- uh- in the bathroom! We can't just.. okay?- like come on, just, y-you can..you..can come to the sleepover..?" That didn't work. One minute, he was standing and talking to Marissa, the next minute, his lip was bleeding and he was on the floor. Marissa was stronger than she looked, especially when the victim couldn't bring himself to fight back. "Wait! Wait please don't Marissa- God- please I'll do anything just stop-" Matt cried, holding his hands out as he scooted away, into the corner of the bathroom and raised his knees up, in an effort to protect himself somehow.
"Oh, you're in the perfect spot. Now stay there, and shut up or else" she warned. Matt felt himself start crying, he thought it was pathetic, but he couldn't stop it.

As the woman started taking off her clothes, Matt looked away, still crying and shaking his head. He hated this. "Hey! Look at me mother fucker!" Marissa shouted, violently grabbing onto Matt's face and digging her nails into his skin. Matt sobbed softly and looked at her with tear filled eyes, "please stop.. I'll do whatever you want.." he cried silently, Marissa smirked and chuckled darkly. "Oh, Matty. You know what I want." She replied, Matt's eyes widened slightly in knowing realization, and that's when he gave up.

After at least an hour or two, Marissa was finally done. She put her clothes back on, but left Matt's off, as he was just curled in on himself, bleeding nail marks all over his body. Marissa chuckles, "You wanted this, Matt. You wouldn't have cvm so much if you didn't"
With that, she leaves him. Once Matt is aware that she's gone, he lets himself start to cry, it starts out small and quiet, but it morphs into violent sobs that shook his whole body. He couldn't bring himself to put his clothes on, he couldn't bring himself to move. All he asked was 'why?'
Why was this happening?
Why would someone do this?
Why couldn't he stop her?
Why was someone shaking him?-

"Matt?! Matt dude calm down-" Chris, his brother, why was he here?
Before Matt knew it, he was in Chris's arms. Immediately feeling calmer in a familiar hold, he latched onto Chris and sobbed. Chris allowed him to, just running his fingers through his hair and letting him cry it out. "It's okay Matty, it's okay" Wait..


Matt's eyes shot open and what he saw made his heart stop. The one who caused this, she was here. Matt's breathing became erratic and he scrambled away from her, feeling hot tears flow down his face.
"No why- why are you here?! Get out!! GET AWAY FROM ME! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, NOW GET OUT, GET OUT!" Matt screamed, his voice breaking as he spoke. Chris's eyes widened and he stood up, walking closer to Matt, "Matt! MATT.. hey, Matt what's wrong.." he started, watching his brother's actions. Matt looked horrible, wet with tears and sweat, shaking, hair was a mess, he was breathing erratically, and he was looking at someone with so much hatred and fear. Chris followed Matt's gaze, and landed on Marissa.

Chris kept his gaze on Marissa for a moment, "Matt.." he started, looking back at him slowly; "did she do this to you?" Chris asked, his voice evenly calm.
Matt snapped his head up towards Chris, taking in a shaky breath, his lip quivering. "I-I.. I couldn't stop her..she said she'd do something- to- Nick- Chris she would've hurt him! I'm sorry- I'm really sorry I should've told you--" As Matt began talking, he suddenly heard blood curdling screams, making him jump. His jaw dropped when he saw his brother, Chris, had tackled Marissa and was now screaming in her face, holding her up by her shirt.
Chris went on like that for a while before finally, Nick and a few security guards broke everything up. Marissa had some bruises on her shoulders, but nothing else. Chris wasn't that crazy.
It's been a few weeks since then, Chris was in jail. So was Marissa. Matt was in therapy, and Nick was gathering money for Chris's bail. Matt went to visit Chris everyday, they talked about how Matt's therapy was going, Chris had gotten into a few fights but nothing too bad. He was supposed to be released in a few months, unless he got bailed out, which Nick was working on.

The three of them were eventually reunited, Chris was on parole, but it was worth it. Marissa was in jail for 5 years for multiple sexual assault charges.
Turns out, Matt wasn't the only victim, so Marissa got what she deserved, and from now on, Nick and Chris would be keeping a close eye on their brother, just in case Chris had to be put in jail again. Because he wasn't opposed to it, not when it came to his brothers.
Xxbittersweet_RoseXx Finally finished 😭 got 1716 words 😳

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