𝑵𝒐 𝑻𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆~ 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭+𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬

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Chris and Matt get into an argument, Matt leaves, Chris has a panic attack.

Tw: crying, harsh words, argument stuff you know how it is.
This night was like any other night, the triplets had just finished a car video and were ordering takeout. Though, what they didn't know, was that Chris didn't like the way Matt was acting in the car video. Even though, he wasn't really doing anything, he was sitting there and participating, and sure, he asked Chris to stop chewing so loudly, Chris didn't listen though, he continued. Why? Because he was an asshole. Did Matt continue to tell him to stop? No, he gave up. Chris didn't though, he was angry at Matt, for what? We don't know. He just felt like being as rude as possible to his brother that night. So he picked a fight, and now the two of them were arguing. Over shit all, for no reason.

"Matt shut up! You're just a dick" Chris snapped, Matt scoffed "Oh yeah, like you're any better, you fuckin chew like you've never eaten anything in your life"
Matt snapped back, rolling his eyes.
"Fuck you Matt! God I hate you, you're so annoying to look at!" Chris yelled.
"I'm annoying?! Have you even heard yourself Chris? You're the most annoying person to grace the planet." Matt droned, crossing his arms over his chest.
Chris feigned offense, though it wasn't really feigning. "No I am not! I'm not the one who sits in the car being a bitch the whole time!" Chris seethed, Matt shook his head and began to ignore the youngest man's antics. Matt's feelings were definitely hurt, but Chris didn't need to know that. Though, when Chris stopped yelling, Matt was confused. Looking up from his phone at his brother, seeing that he back was now turned and he was eating food. "Oh, you're done now? Hallelujah" Matt grumbled, hearing an empty chuckle from Chris. "I wish you'd just get out of my life or something, at this point I wouldn't even give a fuck" Chris said nonchalantly, this made Matt pause. Did Chris actually think that? He thought, completely stunned by the change in demeanor.
"W...what'd you say?" Matt asked, his voice quieter now, mouth slightly agape. Chris raises his gaze up to reach Matt's and shrugs, "I wouldn't give, a fuck, if you were gone. In fact, I'd find it peaceful" He says, his tone flat. Matt looked over at Nick, who's been watching the whole thing. "Okay..no, you're done forever, Chris. Stop, that was crazy" He chimed in. Matt scoffed "oh, so now you say something?.." Matt growls, standing from his spot at the table. Chris looks at him with an eyebrow raised "What're you doing man?" He asked, concern falling upon his features. Matt sent a glare to his brother and scoffed, "You're unbelievable, Chris." He mumbled before storming out of the kitchen and out of the front door, ignoring his brothers protests as they began to follow him.
"Matt! Dude can you stop, I'm sorry okay?!" Chris tried, watching his brother swing open the car door, get in, and then slam the door closed. Before his brothers could get any closer, he was already zipping out of his driveway and speeding off into the unknown.

"Son of a bitch.."
"Chris, you absolute moron! Look what you did!-" Nick snapped. The two of them stood there for a minute before going back inside, instantly calling and texting their runaway brother. Chris felt tears prick his eyes and his chest tightened, after an hour, Chris couldn't take it anymore. "Nick I'll be back, I gotta go find him" Chris said, not even waiting for Nick's response as he rushed out of the door and jogged down the street.
When Matt left, he didn't know where he was going. But, he didn't go far, as he realized that he was a little hungry so he decided to go to a gas station that was only a few streets away. Walking it would take maybe 10 minutes? Disregarding that, when Matt pulled up to the parking lot and parked his car. He turned off the vehicle and attempted to wipe his eyes, letting soft sobs fall from his mouth. He couldn't even think straight, he was devastated that his brother would say something like that, and mean it. A small part of Matt knew that Chris didn't mean it, buthe wasn't listening to that side at the moment.

When he managed to calm himself down, he was able to go into the store and buy some snacks, a few drinks, and a blanket. As he was deciding to sleep in his car that night. As Matt waited in line to pay for his items, he noticed a very suspicious looking figure outside, they wore a black jacket and dirty jeans, they had long, greasy hair and were looking around, nearing Matt's car. With furrowed brows, he kept glancing at the man as he paid for his things.

When Matt exited the store, he started cautiously walking towards his car. Noticing that the man was nowhere to be found, he let out a breath of relief.
That feeling was short lived, as when he got closer to his car, suddenly he was being roughly shoved against the vehicle, he let's out a gasp and attempts to struggle.
"Hey- hey! Let go of m--"

"Shut up, boy" A man's rough voice snaps, Matt feels the man's hands run over his body. Matt whimpers and stops moving, feeling his chest tighten as tears fill his eyes.

"Listen- listen, man, I-I don't carry cash.." Matt explained. Suddenly he was on the ground, his lip bleeding and vision blurred. He barely sees the silhouette of a man hovering over him, with... A gun?!
Matt gasps and throws his hands up "No! No please- oh fuck, oh my God-" Matt began to cry. Jumping and curling into a ball when a gunshot was fired, but Matt was fine? With a swift motion, Matt gets up and stands onto his feet, hearing the screams of people around him, hearing his heartbeat in his chest, feeling his whole body shake, searching for the man. When he finally spots him, he notices a familiar figure, actively beating the mans face in.
"I- Chris?- Chris!" Matt gasped, rushing over to them and yanking Chris off, watching as the man stumbles away in fear.

"Matt! Matty?! Oh thank fuck!" Chris cried, throwing Matt into his arms, squeezing his brother for dear life. "Oh Matt, God I'm sorry.." Chris sobbed, his face buried into Matt's shoulder. Matt feels tears well up in his eyes, beginning to cry with Chris and hold him close. "Chris...did you mean it.. would you care if I was gone?" Matt asked, his voice cracking, pulling himself impossibly closer to his brother. Chris shook his head, "God, no. Matt, I need you man! You're my brother.." Chris sobbed, sending Matt a water smile. Matt sent a small one back and they stood like that for a while.
Matt soon noticed that Chris was bleeding. "Oh- Chris, your shoulder dude-" Matt gasped, Chris chuckled sadly "It's okay.. let's just go home, take care of it there, yeah?" Chris said, Matt smiled and the two of them hopped into Matt's car and drove home.

Omce they arrived, needless to say, Nick was royaly pissed off, but glad that they were okay.
The three of them dressed Chris's wound, thankfully it was only a scrape. After this night, they all vowed to never run off in the middle of the night for "Such a petty ass reason" as Nick put it, they would talk it out from them on.
Xxbittersweet_RoseXx HERE YA GO :D (I h8 this so fucking much it's crazy)

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