𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔~ 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭

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Chris and Nick have been pranking 'each other' and Matt for a few weeks now. Or so they thought, turns out each of them were both accidentally pranking Matt, and Matt only. Matt seems to take this to heart, but he says nothing.
Until they find out.

Requested by Xxbittersweet_RoseXx

Tw: none, maybe an anxiety attack.


April 1st. Everybody knows the day, it's the best day for some and the worst for others. The triplets had a traditional activity they would do this time of year, for the whole month of April they would prank each other. Matt usually didn't really partake in this tradition so it was usually just Chris and Nick pranking each other. That's exactly what it was this year too, nothing more nothing less, just Chris and Nick, setting up pranks for each other. Like usual.. this year did seem a bit different though, since the two boys weren't getting nearly as many pranks put on them like previous years.

Why was that? Oh, because Matt was getting them. Not on purpose of course, it's not like the other two knew this was happening, but nonetheless, it was happening, and it made Matt upset.

They knew that some pranks would give him anxiety, or upset him in some way. He just didn't like pranks, and they knew that. So why would they be setting up pranks for him? Well, they weren't. In fact, they genuinely thought that they were pranking each other and leaving Matt out of it like they normally did. Matt believed that they were doing it on purpose, but he didn't say anything, the reason for that being unknown.

Chris's POV

Today is April 19th, I just came up with the best prank for Nick. I would use it for Matt but he doesn't like April fools, so whatever. This prank consisted of a clear string, whipped cream, and a rock. Now, hear me out, so I tied the rock up so that it's sort of floating in the air, there would be only a little bit of whipped cream on the floor. Nick will come, slip on the whipped cream, and get this, the rock will fall and narrowly miss him, instead it'll slap a plate that has a lot more whipped cream on it, and it'll smack him in the face.

I don't know why, but me and Nick never really stuck around to watch our pranks. We just let them happen. So when I set it up I just went back to my room, it was around 8:09 P.M so hopefully Nick would come strolling through later. I trudged to my room and fell asleep pretty quickly, not remembering that Nick wouldn't be back home for a while tonight.

Matt's POV

It was around 1:30 A.M and I had just woken up from a nightmare, sweating with tears rolling down my face like water out of a faucet.
which is just lovely I know. I decided not to go see Chris or Nick, though they usually made me feel better, I didn't really need anymore bruises on my body from their stupid pranks. Honestly I don't know why they'd prank me so much this year, they know I don- WHAM!

Suddenly I slipped, feeling my head slam onto the floor before a fucking rock drops directly onto my head, I groan slightly, feeling tears prick the corners of my eyes. Oh of course.. that's nice I think to myself, feeling the side of my head the rock fell on, feeling some gross warm liquid pooling in the area.
Not a lot, but enough to feel it. I force myself up and turn the light on, wincing slightly. The sight before me had Chris written all over it (-I had to look up what that meant- D.) I furrowed my eyebrows and held my head, cleaning up as much as I wanted to before going to my bathroom to fix myself up so I don't bleed to death while I sleep. Dragging my feet all the way to my bed and getting under the covers, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
Then I feel my heart clench, thinking about how and why they would do this to me, knowing how badly I hated it, why would they go out of their way to just set up little pranks to injure their unsuspecting brother. Before I know it I'm crying softly into my pillow, burying my face into the soft fabric as I feel it start getting wet with my tears.

Soon I feel my self succumb to sleep, feeling my head throb as I drift off.

3rd person POV

As the days went on, things were clearly getting competitive.
Nick sets up a water bucket on the front door, which Matt gets exposed to. Even worse, the water was freezing which made anxiety fill Matt's chest due to the fact that he couldn't breathe because of the shock.

Chris lets a snake loose in the kitchen sink, and of course, Matt finds it. This one doesn't really scare him, but it was a pain to get out. It bit him all over his arms, drawing blood but luckily it wasn't venomous.

Nick puts soapy water on the floor, forgetting that Chris isn't home, and Matt casually waltzes into the kitchen, slipping horribly and landing on his back, knocking the wind out of the poor boy. It takes him 35 minutes to catch his breath.

The final straw for Matt, was when one of his brothers, he didn't know which one, put clear saran wrap on the walls of the hallway, low enough that he couldn't see it, and when Matt was walking through the hallway, he tripped, and fell right on his face.

Yelling out in pain immediately, he held his nose tightly, beginning to sob from the pain. Of course it was nighttime when this happened, but he didn't expect Chris to come racing to his side, flicking the kitchen light on "Whoa! Matt, dude are you okay?" He cried, holding Matt up. Matt felt rage fill his body and he pushes Chris away, holding his nose, "y-you did this Chris, don't fucking play dumb with me! You and Nick with your bullshit! Get away from me- don't fucking touch me!" He yelled, backing away from Chris, looking at his brother who had his mouth wide open.

"What.. Matt- What?!" Chris questioned, standing up and walking to Matt who backed away "Don't play dumb.." Matt sobbed, giving up trying to get away from his brother as he's engulfed in a hug. Matt just let himself sob into Chris's chest, hearing Nick enter the room with a mumble "What is happening right now.." Chris furrows his brows and looks at Nick "Have you been pranking Matt?" He asked, knowing the answer. Nick furrows his brows, his eyes screwed shut in confusion and pain from the light "What, Chris.. what- no? The fuck-" he replied, Chris nods. He and Nick both take Matt over to the bathroom after fixing up his nose, which wasn't broken, just bruised pretty bad. Matt was the first to speak, "So..you weren't pranking me on purpose?.." he says, uncertainty lacing his voice. Nick immediately nodded, as did Chris "No man, we aren't gonna prank you like that.. and I'm sorry about your head, I guess I didn't think that one through for Nick" Chris mumbled that last bit.

"Here, how about this. We won't be pranking anybody anymore this month, okay? That way we can figure out a better way to make sure it's only me and Chris getting pranked, yeah?" Nick chimes in, taking Matt's hand. The middle brother nods and lays his head on Chris's lap, falling asleep to the feeling of his brothers fingers being ran through his hair.

Nick and Chris spoke to each other about everything and the agreed that they probably wouldn't be participating in April fools day ever again.

I mean, their brother looked like he got his ass kicked by Mike Tyson. So it was safe to say, they were done with April fools for a while.


I hope y'all like this, it was around 3 A.M when I started writing it, and it's 6 A.M now, I don't know how that works, but here we are.

D. 🕷️

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