4.They meet yet again!🥀

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Nakuul pov:
I got ready for the office,took my keys as today the driver was on his leave so I preferred driving myself than going with another driver.(Considerate ha!!)

I came down stairs saw dad and maa at the table.Maa was serving breakfast and some maids were helping her serve too.
"Maa!!,I called out"! "Are beta ready hogaye",maa asked. "Now do your breakfast come sit",she said.
"Yess maa I am not gonna take more slaps,not that mistake again",I said.
She chuckled and gestured a slap to me to which I smiled and started eating.

"Beta so everything going well at our company"?,dad asked. "Yeah dad don't worry I won't let anything out of order,will I?,dad chuckled. "Yes Nakuul I know you are my hardworking son"...

I saw my sister Naira she is one energetic girl and as she walked down the stairs I saw and slimed slightly as she hugged me from behind gently ...my princess !

She even hugged maa and dad. "Oh mere pari uth gayi tayar hoke",Dad said with a softer tone for Naira as she's everyone's princess.

"Yess papa,I am ready for college",she said.

Chalo maa and dad,today I will have to be there for arrival of interns who are joining I will leave first.

Mom nodded and dad waved me as I as leaving.
As I was leaving,I was side hugged by my very dear brother.

"What bhaiya apne bhai koh bhul gaye kya",Akhil said.I said shuffling his hair a bit,No akhil I was just a bit late so leaving now.

He nodded and I waved him back and sat in the car driving towards my office.
I reached there on time.Every one wished me good morning,while I nodding back and reaching my cabin.I called the receptionist and asked her for the details of who all are joining.

"Nandini give me the details of who all are joining and sent them one by one towards my cabin",I ordered. "Yes sir,will send you the shot listed names of interns who are suppose to join".There are 2 of them who are supposed to be there today as they both showed more persistence and their credentials were exceptional too so they are under your care ..

She sent me the name's one was Mihir Kapoor and other was Tahira Kashyap both are great as per their documents,let's see if that's the same in their behaviour,I said.

There was a knock on the door.Come in,I said in my cold tone.There was a simple dressed girl with plated hair standing there waiting for me to react.
"Sir may I come in",Tahira said. "Yeah I already gave you the permission",I said confused at her antics.
"Yeah sir but you gave me permission to open door not come in as in inside",she said.Too oversmart,I don't like such girls. "Anyways yes come inside",I gestured.
She told me that Kabir sir is already taking mahir's session.

So she was told to come take my assistance.I nodded and she sat,I explained her everything and she was ready,confident for her first day.I told her, "Listen as you are new I am telling you the rules",Do not break them !!!

First do not cause nuisance,i said in cold tone and with straight face.Second do not chatter around with other employees leaving your work and third do not make silly mistakes I hate such things and keep your private life away from professional one.
"She nodded and left while saying,Sir means I have to work like a donkey right,I mean like a robot",she stated.
I was extremely annoyed by the way this girl was out smarting me like heck,but she's qualified so had to stay calm bcz I respect knowledge ,ya you do,I replied her with same cold face having an upper hand.

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