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Dekha jaye toh Kavita ke batoh kah effect dono pe hi aya tha like they two were literally blushing their life out but were able to hide it bcz of her being in the room!
(STUBBORN AS FU*K)!!Dono hi.

Nakuul's persp-✨
"I reached her office way early than expected"."I mean,I didn't usually drive that hastily but maybe jaldi ane ke liyeh I did a speed run"???......................
Ok ...fine maybe I was eager about this whole hangout thing but I might be wrong!?I just think of her as a friend who I like .???!!!
......I don't make sense at all do I .??
"Yess that's what happen's when I think a lot about her" ??Its her..!!who makes me feel .....Thing's!

(Author:Boy !!You don't know what you're talking about a friend who you flirt with!??more like friend's with benefit's!??😏
Hmm I like it.!!!!))
I reached her office while the security allowed as they knew who I was and what relation I had with their boss!!
Huh!???I am her fiancé !!!,proudly I thought as I had my cold facade on as usual (Nakuul in his happy zone)! —as I went for the elevator mumbling a bit of my inner fantasies while ppl looked at me either with awe mostly some female employees!!And few were weirded out looking at me mumbling I suppose."I should just shut up!?..yes I should!!.I reached the floor I was suppose to going toward's Avni's office when ..

"You have to reach here ok I need the files right now",you understand",Kavita was speaking on her phone as she kept it ending her call after glancing towards Nakuul."Ohh hi I saw you the other day,Aap jiju ho nah Humare",Hmmm???she kinda teased him."Yesss....It's me Nakuul Adani !!nice to meet you"."I was a bit happy as she mentioned the jiju thing but I plainly smiled didn't show it that obviously and I raised my hand for the hand shake .. she too did the same.She talked about few things which I wasn't that attentive to as I searched for Avni by looking towards her cabin just as I like she too had a vast cabin...Hmmm that's like my girl"?!!,shit .!!?what was that??I should stay shut..!what am I thinking??I literally thought that ..?

Just then I witnessed a beauty which was meant only for my eyes to adore!!!!It was the limit for me.I couldn't control the feeling's lingering in my heart anymore.

I reached out to her like a lost puppy as her PA left us alone maybe she read the room I don't care!??
But I only wanted to look at her as she flickered her brown orb's here and there ..elsewhere she was nervous ...NERVOUS of my gaze..my eyes on her examining every single detail she exhibited.
Haaa she's so cute!!I could have my gaze on her all day without thinking about anything in this world..for all I care until she finally looked into mine to complete the gaze,I had on her since I saw her.She was extremely gorgeous!!She is a mix of Sass and Beauty and yess.....Intelligence how can I forget.

I .....was lucky to have her ...!!!I should cherish her even if as a friend to begin with ...!💕let fate decide what's in store for me..and my AVNI!!

Avni's persp:
I could sense him looking at me.....Infact gazing at me as I saw both Kavita and him shaking while introducing more like Kavita teasing him"I will teach you a lesson next time kavi,Mil mujhe tu mujhe?!
I was frustrated mentally until and when
I looked at him with sudden ease in my mind.It came ..effortlessly like he was my happy place...!?Wait what ....AVNI math soch yeh sabh!!??I shook my head lightly as he approached me out of no where and I was flushed...!!!!
I literally had no option but to look elsewhere out of embarrassment.Urghhh why does he make me feel thing's??Like why!!?.
"I wanted to change the topic ...ASAP ..Avni change the topic..!!now!!",I said to myself.

"Toh,chale"?"Yess Avni you are the best",she said to her self."Yeah sure we should get going",and by the way you are looking gorgeous wifey",he said with a smirk and in a different way almost as if he was describing a thing he adored"If only you knew what weird things you do to my heart and MIND Avni".
"Th...thanks Nakuul",I appreciate that",she said with a hint of shy and sass mixed as usual as she looked in his eyes those grey orbs"...uffff....!!!."You don't have to appreciate you are going to be my wife enjoy the praise and let's  goo now deary",he said whispering near her ear as he cupped her shoulder's from either side  as he walked her out of the office with a shocked and blushing Avni with him..!

They sat in his car and Nakuul decided to help her wear the seat belt to which she replied "Waitt...wait I can ....wear with shock as he treated her like a spoiled little princess ...to which he nodded.
(Nak's-My princess 😉👸🏻!!!
"Yeah your princess!!!,🙄✨).....
I don't know why but he was behaving different while I wore the seat belt with him ensuring I did properly as he started the car.. [I actually didn't allow him as I didn't want the proximity to lessen between the already flushed self of mine by his mere presence near me..!]
"So where do you want to go Avni",what's on your mind".?"Hmm let's go to the cafe  I would love to read a book there with my coffee",she said with a spark in her eyes as she explained to Nakuul.I smiled as she explained her stuff to me as if a rabbit 🐇 and she even wore white which made more sense whatsoever..!! CUTE!!!
"Ok you know what let's visit the cafe first","And you can read all the books you want"I took my phone as I texted my man.Ping......(text msg replied )"She looked at his phone as Nakuul looked at her."Yess as I said you can read all the books you wish to",I bought the cafe near by the "Elixir" well known for its coffee and its library integrated one..so the well known books there are all yours now Avni",I smirked and kept my phone as she looked at me with a straight face as she screamed And asked "Whatt"??out of joy",But you shouldn't have done this much for me",she paused as she said this.
Nakuul chuckled as he looked at her slowly lessening the proximity with Avni slowly moving a bit back at a point where they stop,closer to each other ...
"I would do anything for my to-be wife",you hear me??",I said as she looked at me with a slight blush as she slid her single hair strand behind her ear.
"Damnnn...that made an effect on him didn't it",??✨🖤🥂..."It sure did",Nakuul said with a smirk",!!and it was a more sweet and friendly gesture....and a expensive one.!

I didn't know what but the gesture he gave me was enough to make me blush all over again like a high school teenager," I started at his grey orbs as he backed away not breaking the gaze and we were lost in each other's gaze..!

Get a room guy's..!
So the feelings Nakuul experienced were quite clearer in this chp hear it from him if it pleases you!!?

I ....felt like the world was with me nowaday's.All these years have been like a lifeless,colourless picture to me my parents were the one n only reason for my existence and for me to stay on this earth.

I didn't accept it in the beginning but she does make me feel things and things which I want to feel...
I would love to see her giggling and screaming at the top of her voice for the joy I would provide her!.I would love to be her friend too ..before exploring our bond any further.I....will love to be with her if she means the same..!!!too if she feels the same too !!..which I partly do see that-SHE DOES!!!!
The "Elixir to my life",yess that's what she is!!!she gives me that happiness in her small,cute actions which maybe my mind doesn't want to accept but my HEART ...........my heart say's otherwise..!!

—————————-🪷🦢🪞———————End epi-26Do let me know how the chp was?

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