16.A Cute convo!!🥀

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We both looked at each other thinking about the part where we both will be sleeping together.!!
I mean not together but at least in one room surrounded by 4 walls...(together!!)
"Chalo chalo now go to sleep you both must be having work tomorrow right",mom said.Sheezhan went towards his room slightly defeated.I could sense Nakuul smirking from the distance.Wow such a naughty and evilish husband-to-be I received ..god!!?

I looked at Nakuul who already had his gaze fixated on me."Let's go",I said.
"Yeaaah,I am quite tired",he replied.
I squinted a little and rolled my eyes.
With him smirking and teasing me.
I walked .. as Nakuul followed me behind unexpectedly calm!?

Nakuul's side:
I walked behind her as she guided me to her room.I mean,..I didn't intend for such a situation to occur but circumstance's were an issue here.
(Her cousin is not to my liking he's a creep and I won't tolerate him near Avni!!)
~We reached the room and I told him to sit and rest like ...it's his home too so ..!
"Do you want coffeee?",I asked.
"No I don't feel like it",he replied with a slight rudeness in his tone."Umm ok",
I said with the same and I don't know why hurtful tone.Maybe I was hurt by his tone.I don't know what my mind is making me do at this instance.And my reply made him quite hurt too.

He groaned with his hand brushing his hair."Listen I am sorry",he said as he smiled plainly and caught my hand as he touched them.
I know,I behaved a bit rudely but that's
what I wanna talk to you about.
Ok......!,I said.(with a sulky face clearly visible to him).

Nakuul's pov:
With her reply I could clearly sense she's angry bcz of the way,I spoke.And I know
I am the idiot for that.
I signed,and gestured her to sit next to me as I spoke.

Avni's side:
I sat next to him as he gestured but I hesitated a bit as it's new to me .!!
He asked me about Sheezhan.I knew..
I knew something was wrong.
"Why does he cling onto your side like he's your closest brother around or not even like a brother??",he asked."I don't know",I immediately replied,,..
trying my best to hide the truth with a firm face.
"Are you sure??",he asked."Yeah"..!
I answered."Hmm I will use another trick",Nakuul said.Before I processed what he just said he quickly reached my ear's and whispered near my ear's,"Wifey I hope he's only being clingy like a good caring brother and not what I think it is!!?,bcz if it is I won't just sit back and watch"!,he said with a smirk and in a serious way(he'd do that:AUThOR😂).

I gulped as he smirked even more,waiting for my answer!?.Fine .....I will tell you just don't take me wrong.I was never a part of it.Before I could say anything more he held my hand and said,"I trust you ok..more than anything",he said with a calm and graceful smile on his handsome face.I blushed ...but had to continue.

"He ...use to have a crush on me or maybe still does"!!?,I replied.He was partly shocked on my answer and even showed sign's that he already did figure it out judging by his action's.
Which I kinda liked that he felt jealous ..tbh.!!.I mean who wouldn't.
"Oh so this is the prob",he said.
"Why don't you share it with dad",Nakuul said.No...no, I thought he's a kid he will get over it ...And do you think I can't handle such situation??,I asked.
As he pretended like he was deeply thinking and answered with a solid no.!!,which made me laugh.

Hmmm ...Yess this view is quite fascinating!!,he suddenly said.I blushed as he told me that he will handle this whole "Sheezhan" situation to which I unexpectedly nodded indicating my affirmation.
He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek's cupped my side and said,
"Your mine"now.No one can steal you from me.I was shocked and looked straight into his eyes.

Nakuul's side:
I don't know what came into me but I blurted out those words which shook her too.I mean i know it's unusual but I liked this feeling too."Umm",you ok,I said."Yesss..yess I am"let's sleep now,Avni said blushing as she got up and was ready to sleep on her bed while showing me my bed.
I smiled as I saw her reaction which I was satisfied of.And laid on the bed thinking a lotttt...then felt quite sleepy.

And I think she too was wide awake.
Well I am sleeping no,I thought.By the way wifey tomorrow we have to go somewhere together with the fam.So be ready after work ok.I will pick you up,I said as I slept after that ...

Avni's side:
I nodded,as he was telling me about tomorrow's plan and he slept casually without feeling embarrassed after that???
How did he blurt out those words when he was this serious a minute ago "The your mine thing"!!?? "Duffer kahi kah",I thought.(I slightly blushed too.))I don't know why!!!?
I was extremely embarrassed but I forced myself to sleep as I was nervous with him being around.
And I didn't even knew what the surprise plan was ..where is he going to take me..???
I guess I should sleep right now!!
I groaned as I slept...
"Sweet dreams Nakuul",I said.No reply maybe he slept."Sleepy head"!!I said as I chuckled.!!"Tomorrow's a big day".
End chp-16
Do tell me how the chp was !!!
• what is the surprise??
•how will their journey turn out with Sheezhan and maybe many other obstacles??
Check out in next chp.

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