15.Jealous of a cousin!!?(2/2)🥀

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Avni's pov:
I went in my room and as I was slightly expecting ..It was Nakuul's text!
The text:
"Avni you forgot your purse in my car!!!
Don't worry,I'll bring it back!Infact I am coming there right now!!"
——————-text end's————————
Oh shit,I remembered that I literally forget my bag in his car!!I replied with "yess" and a smile 😊)).
"Wow way to go Avni!!?",I muttered.
One sec................he's coming here!!!
Omg no not with shezhaan here.,
I thought to myself.Offo anyway's not that I can stop him from coming it's ......his house too now!!?(🤭she blushed).

As I was in my
"trance moment"something
interrupted me.
"Yr what now"!?,Avni thought to herself.
Who's there?...I asked.
It's me dii...?!,Sheezhan replied.
(Wow what a timing!!!splendid.)I groaned and opened the door.
I opened the door and asked,"What happened do you need something Sheezhan"??,I asked.
"No diii actually aunty asked me to call you for dinner as it's ready",he said.
I told him,I will be there ..and was going to close the door but he stopped by placing his hand on the door).

"Dii smile sometimes it will suit you ok",
he said cunningly?(here Sheezhan is like a bone (kabab mein haddi in her way,not minding his own business and butting into her's)
"Thanks but I prefer this way",Avni cunningly replied with extra sass.

He left with a smirk and it made me even more frustrated like what in the actual heck.Urghhh anyway I got ready as I told mom that Nakuul is coming.
I can't sit in a suit you know!!?even if I'd love to!!Mom ke iccha pe hummara chalna is common here.
(Obeying mom's advices and orders are mandatory here).
I wore my fit!!.I actually wanted to wear something light yet subtle.

I wore some lipstick and chose a liner to match with the outfit in contrast

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I wore some lipstick and chose a liner to match with the outfit in contrast.
The look:

Then I applied sone perfume and went down with my phone

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Then I applied sone perfume and went down with my phone.Just as I reached down,,Sheezhan had to interrupt me again!!
"Waah yr dii...,you look awesome more like model",he said."What"???
I was going to say something as it wasn't appropriate enough for him to comment like that at a certain level you know??!
The bell rang and I was eager for the person who was to arrive.

Mom opened the door and there.That's when my eyes laid on him.Yr what feeling this is why him!!,I thought.He looked handsome in his shirt and jacket which complimented his look.!!👀🤭.

As he was coming in his eyes met mine as he touched mom dad's feet.After that he smiled and made a typical complimenting hand gesture👌🏻)and whispered from afar.
From what I could make out.It must have been...like "I look like a goodness as usual!!".He has somehow lifted my mood now that he's here!!,I was thinking as I blushed a bit.
I chuckled slightly as Nakuul started walking toward's me with a smirk.But yet again this moron Sheezhan ...blocked his path and came in front before me
and before Nakuul could reach.
He said,"Hey dii chal we'll watch a movie"?!.
"No not now Sheezhan",I replied firmly.Just then Nakuul looked at me with a confused and a bit perplexed expression like maybe Sheezhan does affect him.!,I thought.
No no...Avni yr he just likes you nothing more ok..!?,get your act together.

Just then Akshit came to my rescue before I could blabber any impulsive words of mine.
(Thanks Akshit my lovely dumbo your my fav😆).
"Are Sheezhan mere bhai",movie nah come we'll watch together,Akshit said.
He looked puzzled as he didn't like the idea judging by the expression he showed.
"Nahi nahi"....Sheezhan said and was interrupted by him yet again.Are no nahi nahi...!!come with me,Akshit said pulling him in the theatre room.(As he looked at me gesturing to go upstairs).

I chuckled at them,,but my eyes went back at Nakuul who was annoyed and kinda jealous maybe as he could sense the tension quite easily in such situation as to what a persons body language say's.
I stopped chuckling and cleared my throat.
"Ummm where's my purse"??,I asked.
"WHERE IS YOUR PURSE"!!!don't you want to explain or tell me anything else",he said with a face resembling a jealous cat.((he had a bit of jealousy in his eyes with a hint of anger)).
"Umm ..!!?(I acted like I was thinking a bit.)
no I don't have anything to say",I replied.
"Fine...!!!,here take your bag and great enjoy your company"(with him),he said.

He said and I couldn't help but start bursting as he was extremely angry yet I couldn't help but laugh on his antics.
He was gonna leave but as he was walking out,I said."He's my cousin Mr.Duffer"!!.He stopped and looked back and came back slightly pacing.Oh he was your cousin!!,he said as I could sense he was slight happy about that.( he signed and in relief too).

"Yesss",why he shouldn't have been??,I asked with a sass.
"Say that again I dare you"!???,
he said as he challenged and came near me!?
I gulped and was tensed and couldn't get an upper hand in this situation ..which is unalike me ..oh god why this!!?,I thought.

Good girl.,,he said as he pecked my cheek as he was quite near me.I blushed a bit and he said,"You are looking like a goodness yet again Avni"!!??.He said.
"How do you manage to look effortlessly beautiful every time...hmmm"???,he said and I blushed and looked down for a sec.!

Umm I don't ...k.know ..??,I said without stuttering but couldn't do that.
He made me look at him.By placing his finger on my chin and pushed it slightly matching the angle when our eyes meet.

"I will be lucky to have you",he said.I blushed hard and couldn't hide anymore and he hugged me understanding what my condition was as ..I pushed myself into his chest.
"Aww so eager you are women",he said.And Avni punched him lightly and broke the hug.Which was unfortunate for naks as he wanted to hug for some more time.
We chuckled and Sheezhan came.
"Are waah dii jiju ke sath bahut maje karti hai aap par baki sabh ke liyeh no time"??,He said.No nothing like that,I said with my cold face,(I could sense Nakuul's gaze and his eyes 👀 spoke the words (that's my fiancé)!!.

Ok well I am sleeping in your room today dii?!,he said and I was shocked.More than me Nakuul was shocked and angry.As I want to sleep alone a bit ..not with Akshit or in an empty room completely.

Nakuul's pov:
"What the heck!!!,I thought.Why is her brother so clingy towards her like it's not giving the vibe,I thought.( Avni didn't tell him that Sheezhan kinda liked or likes her still,,,((Author-wow Avni is that what I taught you huh!!😆)).
•Anyways /—-back to story.
Urghh I can't let him sleep in her room never.Just then I had a plan.

"Umm maaa" !!!,I called Avni's/my mom.
She came"Ha beta kya hua bolo!!?",
she asked.Mein aaj rukh jata hu yaha bahut raat hogayi hai nah??,I said with puppy eyes!??,(Ways to become a fav damaad/son-in-law😂.)
"Are bilkul abhi mein tumhe yehi batane ane vali thi bete",she said.Wow I love my two mom's god !!?,I exaggerated in my mind.

Avni's side:
I was shocked at the words I heard !!!.Nakuul is staying at my house!!?.Shitt was it because of Sheezhan or just normal,I thought.
I looked at him as he winked at me.I blushed and looked away.God knows what will happen while sleeping at night.Now that Sheezhan won't sleep in my room....I will have to sleep with him
(It's open minded for groom and bride to casually spend time in some families!)

I looked at both Sheezhan and Nakuul both showed different gestures.Sheezhan was grunting mentally ..I guess.And Nakuul had a scary yet sly expression to his.
I gulped and thought wow what a day and the however not so cool night.....!!.
God knows how I will survive...:0
End of chp-15
Let me know how the chap was!!??
•How will the night go ??
•Is Sheezhan a big obstacle or minor.
•How will they sleep at night
On the sofa:(
Or on the other side's😂!!!
Let's find out in the next chp.!

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