12.Is it a Yes!!🥀

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"Jitne bhi tu karle"Sitam"..!!!!
"Haas ...haas ...ke Sahenge hum"
"Yeh pyaar nah hoga kaam"..!

Lafzoh mein kitna pyaar hai nah!!just like our Avni and Nakuul.They just don't know it yet.

Just bcz we can't see our heart from outside doesn't mean we don't have one..But bcz we have a beat(heart) as a proof we do keep fate into its existence.
(Take it in a philosophical way)

Presently as Avni and Nakuul are climbing up the stair's both are quite surprised.As Nakuul had no idea that his mom and dad had planned this so accurately ...he was surprised than shocked.
And Avni was relieved it was him who was her to be husband as with him she's....different....Or you can say she is exploring her inner self more with him..:)

As I was followingAvni,she was quite anxious and was fiddling with her bangles which was making a clanking sound as she moved her wrist.!!
Avni calm down,I said.
She nodded and I smiled a bit as its obvious to feel this way.As she too must have had no idea it was me ..who was to be here.
I reached my room with Nakuul and I told him to sit he ..quietly smiled and sat.
I went to make black coffee as I knew he and me both adored it equally.

Hey you ok??,Nakuul asked.                Umm yeah,Avni said.Listen.....As much as I want this relation,I want you to think throughly and give your answer ok.
No pressure....,Nakuul said.

Just then the coffee ☕️ which I was making started ...boiling and as I was listening to him my hand slightly touched the beaker giving it a bit burning sensation..a little bit,Avni mentally explained.

Author side:As soon as Nakuul saw her burned finger he quickly got up from his seat and paced towards Avni.
Avni are you ok,Nakuul's asked me.Yeah it's just a slight burn,I said as he cupped my hand into his and started blowing at it.What carelessness is this yrr Avni???,
He kinda scolded me.
(tbh I loved it)

I am sorry,I mean...I can handle myself,
I said firmly.I removed my hand from his...
But he immediately took hold again gently.

Hey what are you doing,I asked as he looked sad,,Don't say those things!,
he said with a hurtful face.Why I asked???

Nakuul's side:

The way she said those things pierced right through my heart.I mean I don't know usually ..I won't even care for girl's but now that I like her ...I can't hear such things without a sting in my heart.
What... I like her!!Shit I like her more?!my mind and heart said in unity.

Listen ...I have started developing feeling for you,!!!,Nakuul said.

WHAAT..........!!!???,Avni said in loud voice as Nakuul stopped her by putting his palm on her mouth.
You sure are loud Avni,he said chuckling a bit.
Hey I am serious,,how can you like me in such a short time span!!,Avni said.

You must not be paying any attention to me but I surely do bcz I.....like you in every way possible.(He said with a Sigh)
I like your sass,Your firmness ..Your Angry face..which look's cutee...(Avni chuckled a bit)your smile ....your whole existence ...your independent nature...

Just then Avni BLUSHED!!!!,Hearing all those things from his mouth did something weird to my heart.
It started beating faster that usual pace.(Avni said).
Whaaat..a re ...you sure..!!,I said with a stuttering voice.

Yess 100% sure,Nakuul said.
But I won't talk to you.. I don't like you,I said in sulky mood and made a face and went toward's the coffee maker.

Author:Even Nakuul saw that it was stated by Avni in a cuter way😭🪷).
Ohhh so you don't like meee..,,,!!,
Nakuul said in extra sweet husky voice.

Yeahh I don't like you,,. you are mean and you tease me and you left me .....
Opps didn't see that coming,
I said to myself).(Avni).

He paused and came near Avni and hugged her from behind in cutee way just like how a friend would ..so ..so sweet,(Author's note).
Hey what are you doing I am not in the mood for such things,Avni said.I know but I am extremely sorry for that day Avni.

Nakuul's side:
I was taken aback when,she said
I left her.....
I didn't knew she too has few uncovered feelings for me that she missed my presence so much.

I am sorry,I said again as I explained her about the fire .She said,...It's ok bcz those ppl needed you there and that work comes first...(Avni stated)but why does it even matter to you..!??,she stated as
I turned her towards me.Do you know how much your presence affect's me Avni, I said.
I don't like when you say or point such things for my feeling toward's you,I said slightly hurt.
She gulped and unexpectedly hugged me,

Avni's side:
I don't know why but I hugged him and I couldn't think of anything else...
I kinda liked it but didn't say anything as I didn't want to rush.❤️

I wanted to stay more in his embrace when he broke the hug and said,
So does that mean it's a yes......                      👀ADV.AVNI MALHOTRA....

I mean not so fast first I want... us to understand each other then ....that's when he hugged me again feeling happy.
I too hugged him back as I loved that feeling .!!!
{Oh these love birds(AUTHOR🪷)!!}
We slowly got out of the hug and he smirked at me.

I slightly blushed and I couldn't completely hide it..

Hey don't hide that Red colour.
I love that red on you.I blushed even more and went towards the coffee maker and poured it in cup as I served him.

He took it ..from my hand as he gestured me to sit by his side.Hey there's a few things I will like to tell you before going ahead!!,I said.
He smiled at me and said,Listen you can tell me anything you want....hmm,
he said as he sipped the coffee and kept it aside.
I smiled a bit and explained.

Actually I am a bit reserved about myself amd not all perfect like how ppl around me portray that about my persona.
I actually was against marriage and all that stuff before I knew you( Avni said with a blush).

He smiled as he held my hand.
Which made me feel like a slightly small not that small ...part of hand under his large muscular hand.( I blushed a bit)I don't feel comfortable with ppl complimenting me and stuff.I have insecurities and I don't have self confidence enough...but still manage to keep a cold face and a firm personality and all bc of a DREADFUL PAST!!!!
And I still can't tell you about it as I am not ready ...but I will like to understand you ....US ...!!!

I said forcing my eyes together into frustration about the way I am ...
when I felt a hand caressing my side face.

Hey it's ok to feel this ...,He said with a gentle touch in his voice.I hugged him as he was to good to be true.
I just couldn't not hug him again and again...he smiled as he hugged me and we were complete within each other's embrace.
That's when I had a feeling of satisfaction and content in my heart telling me:HE'S THE ONE!!!!!❤️
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End epi-12
Do let me know how it was...!!
~Feeling touchy yet??
~How will their journey bloom now??any guesses??
~Will they understand each other??
~Will there be jealousy involved??
~Who will fall in love first???
Find out in the next chp..

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