Chapter 6: The Aftermath

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An hour after arriving home, the mutants help Leonardo and Raphael treat their wounds. April stays with them while shedding tears in her eyes as well as Donatello and Michelangelo hugging each other worried about their two brothers. Splinter looks at both of his sons, "Boys do not worry Leonardo and Raphael are strong they will get through this" as he gives his sons a big hug to cheer them up. Thirty minutes after getting patched up, Leonardo wakes up from being unconscious while April, Donatello, and Michelangelo and the rest of the gang are waiting for him to wake up, "Hey everyone" he sits up from his bed while April puts her hand on his shoulder to have him lay back down, "Take it easy you got hurt pretty bad." Leonardo looks at April asking about Raphael by looking around the room, "Where's Raphael?" he looks to see him unconscious and attempts to get up, "Raphael! Oh my god what happened to you?" he gets up and realizes he broke his hand and his leg to where he can't walk, "Oww! What the? What happened to my hand?!" Donatello breaks the news, "Well you fought the werewolves on your own to give us time to escape but Mikey went back to save you and saw you on the ground. The one that attacked you broke your hand along with your leg" Leonardo is stunned, "What that's not possible. I can get back up and start training..." he gets up and falls to the ground due to his broken leg lying there in pain. April instructs Leonardo, "Leo you need to rest and go back to bed your brother will be okay he hurt himself and so did you" she says as she is helps him up and walk him back to his bed to lay down and rest. Donatello and Michelangelo examine the scar on his arm but Donatello asserts himself without tearing up, "Hey Leo I know you seem to be doing a little bit better but are you sure you're okay? You have a pretty nasty bite on your arm" he asks as he worries a little to which Leonardo replies, "I know Donnie but can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm tired and want to lay down in my bed for a while since I'm injured after everything that happened tonight" he says as he is laying in his bed yawning. Donatello agrees as the group leaves the room to have him and his brother Raphael rest. Five minutes after they leave, Leonardo watches Raphael sleeping and is worried about his brother by thinking to himself, "Oh gosh I got bit by one of those werewolves if that's even what they are called either way it shouldn't be a big of a deal" he grabs his arm due to how sore it is and watches over his brother while holding back his tears, "Come on Leonardo pull it together your the oldest you need to set an example he will be okay" he shuts his eyes and ends up falling asleep. He tosses and turns while sleeping and starts to make growling sounds as his bite starts burning and goes into a deep sleep.

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