Chapter 4: Monday At Lunch

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As third period ends, Hayley walks into the cafeteria with her brother Dan as the two of them see Leonardo with April O'Neil and his brothers all sitting together at the table. They walk over to their table to sit down even after having a heartfelt conversation with his sister, he is still ticked for accepting the invitation without him knowing, "This is the only time you are going to hang out with them and after this no more. It is not safe I don't want them to find out our secret remember?" whispering in her ear. Hayley turns her head as they are walking towards their table, "Look I just want to have friends and your preventing me from having any. Why is that and more importantly what is wrong?" she says as she seems to not want to deal with any of his drama. Leonardo sees the two walking towards their table he gets up to talk to them and give them a hug until he hears from Hayley, "I haven't done anything to you. Dan you can be mad all you want but I accepted the invitation to be nice and to make friends so we aren't loners or creeps" as she seems to not care what he thinks. Leonardo looks at the both of them shocked to hear her as Dan looks at his sister annoyed and walks away to sit at another table far away from the group. Hayley apologizes to Leonardo for how she acted, "Hey Leonardo I'm truly sorry for how my brother acted just now he isn't to happy that I didn't tell him about your invite" she says feeling guilty. Raphael gets up from his chair to make sure his brother and Hayley are okay, "Hey Leo are you okay? I thought he was going to hurt the both of you" as he puts his hand on his brother's shoulder he then turns his head to look at Hayley and asks, "Hello" he pauses to admire her beauty, "what is your name?" he asks while staring into her eyes. Hayley pauses to see who is sitting with Leonardo to see his siblings and April sitting with him and introduces herself, "My name is Hayley it's very nice to meet you the person I was walking with is my brother Dan again I apologize for his behavior just now." she tells the two brothers with a smile on her face. Raphael stutters, "R-r-right" he keeps stuttering and can't tell her his name which his brother Leonardo does for him, "Hayley this is my brother Raphael" as he puts out his hand for the both of them to shake hands. She looks at him with a smile, "It's nice to meet you Raphael. Anyways Leonardo it's totally okay it's just a disagreement between siblings which happens every now and then my brother will be fine" she tells Leonardo as she seemed to almost shed a tear but wipes it so no one notices. She sits with them and eats her food to talk to the others while she is with them, April asks, "So Hayley my name is April I have one question for you do you have any other siblings aside from your brother?" she questions as she looks at Dan from the other side of the cafeteria as he is eating his food. Hayley tells April, "Oh no I don't have any other siblings nor do I have any other relatives that we live with at all it's just me and my brother" taking a bite out of her granola bar. As they are talking and having a great time, Dan is sitting by himself listening to their conversation from far away he decides to get up from his seat to go talk to his sister. Right as he approaches the table he taps his sister on the shoulder to talk to her, "Hey sister I just came here to apologize for making a scene as well as your friend Leonardo over here it was never my intention to be upset with you" he confesses feeling guilty realizing he is wrong. Hayley asks her brother, "I understand what you mean Dan I'm over it now. Can we talk somewhere private if that is okay?" her brother looks at the group and agrees to talk to his sister in private by walking to the side. Dan asks his sister, "So why did you pull me to the side again? I know you stood up for yourself and you feel great about it unless your gonna tell me sorry which is unnecessary since I was a jerk to you" he talks quietly so no one is listening, Hayley looks at him annoyed, "No it's not that it's just if they ask me to hang out next week I have to say no like you said before we arrived to school correct?" Dan nods his head in agreement as Hayley continues, "It's just that I feel bad for lying to them but it is for their own good" she says as she puts her head down in shame, Dan replies, "Do not feel guilty I was thinking about it for a moment while sitting by myself and I'm letting you hang out with them and have fun since you can't hang out with them tonight" he reminds her. Hayley tells her brother, "Yeah your right I just hope they never find out" she says as they start to make their way back to the table and Dan goes to move his stuff from the table he was sitting at by himself to the one where the group is at. Donatello starts to tell Dan about his brothers secret, "Hey Dan. I know your name because your sister told me but my brothers Leonardo and Raphael both have a crush on your sister" he says trying to hold back his laughter. Dan looks at both brother's with an irritated look on his face, "Wait what? They both like my sister? You both better not date her!" he warns them with strictness in his voice. Hayley begins to laugh since she doesn't take her brother seriously when he is mad sometimes as Donatello begins to laugh with her and tease both of his brothers' "Why are you both blushing??? Hahahahahahaha you both do" as he continues to laugh and make fun of them while the two of their faces start to turn red from embarrassment. Dan and Hayley look at the two feeling bad as they tell Donatello in unison, "Please stop" they ask in a calm manner. Hayley looks at Donatello and gets upset with him, "Okay that's enough I don't think it's funny to make fun of someone it's thoughtful of them but they have feelings you know" she tells him with a serious tone. Michelangelo and April look at each other and don't say a word until Leonardo asks the twins, "Hey guys since you both are here in front of us well we were wondering if you guys wanted to hang out with us later tonight? We are going to go outside and look at the full moon and the stars to look at the constellations" he asks as sweat is starting to form on his forehead. Hayley thinks the gesture is very sweet but politely declines, "Oh Leo that is so sweet we would love to but we can't we have other things to do that need to be taken care of" feeling bad for herself that she lied to them since she knows they are good people that she can trust. The first bell rings to go to fifth period and the twins go their separate ways from the group as they make their way out of the cafeteria and walk in the hallways, the two of them are stopped by Michelangelo and asks them a question, 'So when my brother Leonardo asked if you both could hang out and you have mentioned you have other things to take car of. What do you have to do exactly?" he wonders as he is very suspicious about the two siblings. Dan decides to answer his question, "Well she is going to work with me since there are certain days she should work as well as I do so we both can live in the house we live in right now to pay for rent and food to survive" while standing with his sister confident in his answer. Michelangelo doesn't think much of it and decides to agree, "Oh okay see you guys whenever" as he goes walking past them and thinks to himself, "I am not convinced that they have something to do something is off like Leo said and I am going to figure it out" he thinks to himself while walking and finds April and his brothers to head to his next class so he isn't late.

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