Chapter 14: An Adjustment

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Leonardo is laying on his bed thinking about kissing Hayley, "Wow I can't believe I kissed her" he gets flashbacks to that moment as he sits up from his bed, "Not only did I kiss her but my primal side almost took a hold of me" putting his hands on his head like he has a headache. Dan knocks on part of the wall, "Knock knock" Leonardo comes back to reality and looks at Dan, "Dan? You need me?" looking at him thinking it was his sister. Dan asks him, "Yeah I do. I know we already showered but do you want to go use Raphael's workout equipment? It will be our little secret he doesn't need to know plus we should test out your strength" with a smile on his face as Leonardo thinks about it until Leatherhead walks in, "Hey you two! Leo how are you feeling?" standing there looking at her, "Oh I'm good Dan and I were talking about working out and I just told him I never have" Leatherhead is shocked, "Wait Leonardo you have never worked out? Your brother works out a lot but hasn't in a day or two due to his injuries it's awesome how he was able to climb a tree with a injured leg" Leonardo starts to take Dan's idea into consideration, "Well if he is able to climb a tree with a broken leg then I can workout just like him. Let's go to the workout room Dan" Leatherhead stands there, "Wait what? Oh okay see you guys" walks away to sit on the couch. The two go to the living room and go through Raphael's workout equipment and go to the workout room. Dan helps Leonardo prepare the weights for him to start lifting, "Okay if you get tired don't forget to take a break and drink water. The whole point of this exercise is to test your limits" Leonardo looks at Dan while holding the weights, "Got it I can already feel the burn and I haven't even started lifting" taking fast breaths as he lifts the weights while Dan starts counting, "One" puts down the weights and lifts it up again "Two come on Leo we need to know your limits you got this" lifting the weights with all of his strength, "Three" he says aggressively. Hayley is in the kitchen along with April making soup, "So you didn't go to school because of Leo?" April says worryingly, "Yeah I hope you understand" Hayley tells her, "No of course I do it's not your fault you just care about him that is all" Dan listens to their conversation in the other room while Leonardo is working out, "Did I do exactly one hundred? I believe I'm already at fifty" looking at Dan, "Earth to Dan are you-" his hearing gets better and listens to their conversation as he gets Dan's attention, "You should get the girls' attention" he snickers as Leonardo agrees, "Alright let me go get them" he leaves for a moment as Hayley talks to April, "Look April you want him back to normal but you don't know if he wants to stay that way you should talk to him ab-" Dan enters the kitchen, "Ladies did I interrupt something important?" the two girls look at each other and say in unison, "No" Dan is glad, "Good Leonardo needs the both of you" his three brothers including their father look at them in annoyance as the two look at them. Dan takes the two of them in the workout room and see Leonardo lifting, "So I was testing his strength and his reflexes his performance is off of the charts. He dodges everything faster than we did when we were kids and can lift more than Raphael" April watches Leonardo doing shoulder presses with twenty five pound weights and is stunned to see how strong he is, "Whoa Leo you are really strong!" Leonardo stops to see the girls standing in front of him, "Oh hey April and Hayley. Dan and I were testing my limits such as strength and abilities that I have" April asks, "So how are you exactly feeling?" Leonardo answers her question as he drops the weights, "Oh I feel great I lifted about forty pounds a little bit ago and I beat Raph's record which he won't be happy about. I am going to tell him about it right now actually" as he walks to go tell him April stops him, "Um I came here to talk to you actually it's more me not Hayley. It's about getting the cure for you since you don't want to be like this anymore" telling him with honesty as she is still blocking him which upsets him, "Wait what?!?! Why?!!! I don't want to be normal anymore I am at a place where I feel alive than I did before! I can lift and smell better. Dan and Hayley are keeping beef jerky in their bags that they didn't tell me about. To answer your question no I don't want to be back to normal again this is the best that I have ever felt in a long time" he tells her with so much energy. April starts to look at Leonardo differently like he grew two heads and starts to feel sad with what he just told her, "You know Leo? We had many great memories before Hayley infected you I miss the old you. Not just that, you were so happy being around us but your keeping secrets which none of us appreciate at all. Your dad and your brothers plus the rest of your family are taking time out of their day to find a cure for you and your telling me you don't want to be back to your old self?" Leonardo and Hayley both want to say something until April quickly shuts them down, "I'm not done. How could you say that? Dan and Hayley are planning on joining us.  I am not sure if they are since they seem to enjoy you being like this. We just want what's best for you" Hayley chimes in, "Well to be fair Dan was just testing his strength it's no big deal. To be fair my bite is what caused this in the first place I don't think he wants to be back to normal since him and I kissed" she shuts her mouth right away as April and Dan look at her and gasp, "Leo you kissed Hayley?" she looks at him upset as Dan seemed to not stay silent but tells him, "Wow you kissed my sister? Well at least she got her first kiss I knew you had a thing for her just don't tell you brother Raph" Leonardo seemed to be irritated with April and Hayley and starts to growl at them as his eyes are turning vermillion. Looking at April, "You don't know what I want!! I want what's best for me and I am going to be the one to make that choice not you!" tears begin to dwell up in her eyes, "Leo you never yelled at me like this" Dan and Hayley are shocked from what they just witnessed. The two feel bad for April. Hayley comforts her while Dan looks at Leonardo with a mean glare and punches him across the face as he flies across the room. Leonardo walks out of the room angry to cool off with April following him while everyone else is in the living room unconscious on the ground as he stares at a man with a metal head telling him, "So your Leonardo the new werewolf that Cynthia Utrom has been spying on?" Leonardo questions him, "Who are you? Wait a second I saw you in my dream" the man looks at him, "You couldn't save your friends and family! How disappointing. Alright soldiers bring the girl." the two soldiers grab April who is unconscious and take her with them as Leonardo stands there helpless. One of the soldiers looks at their master, "Sir what about the two werewolf children? Won't Cynthia need them too?" He tells him, "No we have better plans for those two that does not involve kidnapping" walking away menacingly along with all the other soldiers, "Hey wait! You didn't tell me your name or who you are" the man stands there quietly looking at him. He stops for a moment and tells him, "My name is Oroku Saki but you can call me The Shredder" he turns around to keep walking out of their home as Dan and Hayley get up from being taken down by one of the foot soldiers, "Where's April" Dan asks while holding onto his arm. Leonardo looks at his dad and beings to cry, "They kidnapped her by a man called The Shredder" the twins seemed to be a little scared but keep their cool in front of everyone, "Leo we need to help the others and think of a plan to help rescue April" Leonardo and Hayley go help the others as Leonardo helps his dad up, "My son I'm sorry for everything you are not a monster you have a good heart" Leonardo disagrees, "Dad I am not I yelled at April and it's my fault she got kidnapped" Hayley looks at him and almost says something until Splinter tells him, "Leonardo it is not your fault she just misses the old days where everyone was happy and I have been thinking a lot and I was wrong if you want to be cured then that's okay if you don't that's okay as well it is your choice" Hayley looks at him while helping up Mondo Gecko and tells his father, "Thanks dad let's patch everyone up and think of a plan to save April" Dan and Hayley help the others with their injuries while Splinter and Leonardo are about to map out a plan to save her until his phone. It ends up being a caller unknown and answers it, "Hello?" he asks scared, "Hello turtle" Leonardo is shocked to hear who it is as Dan and Hayley use their hearing to listen to the conversation, "I know you two friends are listening to what I have to say so hear me out. We won't hurt April if you and the other two werewolf children surrender no one gets hurt" she says with confidence as Leonardo asks, "What happens if we don't?" with an upset look on his face. Cynthia Utrom smiles with an evil look on her face, "Then she remains captured plain and simple you have until sunrise tomorrow show up to my lab or she will turn into a mutant" Dana and Hayley look at each other in horror, "Don't you dare hurt her we will be there" Cynthia assures him, "Good" as she hangs up the same time as Leonardo. Dan tells them, "Splinter you and your boys need to stay with the others until they are healed the three of us will go save April" Splinter agrees and tells his son, "Leo do not get hurt if you have to lose control do it bring April back in one piece" Leonardo tells his dad, "Okay but we need a plan" they sit at the table to map out the plan. As they are done the trio head out to save April as Splinter is left treating the wounded.

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