Chapter 17: Rescuing April

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The trio approach Cynthia's hideout where they are keeping April. Leonardo looks at the door as Dan and Hayley look at him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Dan unscrews a part from the air vent so Hayley is able unlock the door and put in a password, "Okay I'm going in I'll let you know when I unlock the door" Hayley sneaks in and does flips and tricks so it does not alert the guards. After a couple of minutes, she successfully enters the passcode and Dan and Leonardo run inside quickly so no one notices. The three of them meet up and run through the halls to find April. Leo uses his hearing if April is in one of the rooms, "Check each room to see if April is in there" Leonardo asks as Dan and Hayley nod in agreement, "Okay be careful" Hayley says to Leonardo before they look through the doors. Leonardo checks the doors on the right side of the room and is unsuccessful. Desperate to find her, the twins look on the left side of the room and find her tied up in a chair with a mutagen bucket tied up in the air. Hayley tells Leonardo, "Leo we found her" he runs up to meet with the twins as the three of them walk in the room to help untie her. Dan unties the rope on her hands while his sister unties the rope on her legs as Leonardo begins to feel relief, "April I'm so glad your okay I got you" holding onto her tightly. She wakes up and sees Leonardo, "Thanks Leo I'm okay" Leonardo apologizes to her, "Hey April I just wanted to say I'm sorry for yelling at you. The thing is you didn't deserve it I was just mad at what other people wanted but I just didn't know what I wanted for myself" she sees him feeling ashamed and feels guilty for what she said, "Leo don't apologize I should be the one that is sorry. Part of this is my fault I shouldn't have been upset with you. I went with you back there to check up on you but I was knocked out by this person in a metal mask...." Hayley interrupts April, "Wait you said a metal mask?" Oh my god you're talking about The Shredder!" April looks at the twins and sees fear from their face, "How do you two know who that is?" wondering how they know him, Dan adds, "We know of him because he killed our parents. I will explain more on the way but first we need to get out of here" the three exit the room that April was being held in and run to the exit. As they find the exit, they are caught off guard when Cynthia's soldiers block off the exits which has them surrounded. Dan gets irritated, "Oh great we got our hands full. We might need to call for backup" Leonardo reveals, "Would it count that I was ahead of you on that one since I called my dad while being on the right side of the room looking for April?" Hayley looks at him, "Leo honestly that is not the stupidest thing you did I'm glad you called for Splinter we will need him" Dan and Hayley start fighting the soldiers as a distraction while Leonardo gets April to the exit so they can escape.

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