Chapter 20: The Escape

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The three werewolves see the exit as Dan is carrying Raphael on his back as they run towards the exit that is being blocked by Cynthia's men and are unable to leave. Raphael still remains unconscious as the three of them are being electrocuted to stay down but resist with the bit of strength they have. Leonardo thinks to himself, "It's over we won't make it back home" he remembers what his father told him and gets back up and swats the men away. Dan and Hayley get up and run to the exit and break down the door to run back home quietly without scaring the public. It is about four o clock in the morning and the moon is seen going down which is only a matter of time before everyone opens their blinds. Back at home, Splinter starts worrying about them not coming home, "I hope they come home soon" April tells him, "Splinter they will come home you have to trust them" Splinter takes April's advice to heart and goes to the boys room and notices Raphael isn't there and starts to panic, "Boys where is Raphael? He was suppose to be in bed due to his injuries" Donatello and Michelangelo notice that he is gone and decide to look for him in the lair and is nowhere to be found. Dan carries Raphael on his back only having colored eyes and teeth as their claws start disappearing. They are hiding from the daylight so no one notices them as the moon is about to fully set Leonardo goes to a clothing area outside of a person's apartment to get clothing for each of them so the rest of their clothes that are torn they can throw away. Leonardo notices while putting on clothes that there is a tracking device on him and gets rid of it by destroying it so no one finds out where they are. They go into the sewers and make it back in one piece, "Raphael is okay he is asleep he will wake up. He went off on his own without anyone noticing he was infected but he is cured" Splinter is relieved, "I'm glad he is okay and back to normal what about you?" Leonardo looks at his dad, " I'm not back to normal yet but I'm not gonna give up I kind of don't mind being like this. I want to use these skills to help me find a cure or just live" Splinter is happy everyone is back home and out of harm's way. Cynthia is mad at her men for being unsuccessful at capturing the four of them, she looks on her device that the tracker is at a random spot and plans on revenge and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

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