Chapter 2: After School Fun

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After their day at school ended, the group meet up to discuss their weekend plans. Leonardo and Donatello seemed a little worried about the brother Dan since he was staring at them but Donatello, "Leonardo I am sorry for not believing you let's just not tell the others what we witnessed today." Leonardo agrees , "Okay deal but we are definitely not telling April." The others approach them from behind with April asking them, "Tell me what?" which scares them for a little bit to which the duo say in unison, "Nothing!" April gives them a weird look but decides to let it go since it didn't seem important while Michelangelo and Raphael catch up with them as they talk about their Friday night plans. While talking amongst each other, Leonardo sees the twins Dan and Hayley walking together while he is staring, Dan looks back and gives him the cold shoulder along with a death stare which makes Leonardo uncomfortable he looks away and focuses on the conversation April and his brothers are discussing. As Leonardo pays attention, Michelangelo asks everyone with enthusiasm, "Hey how about we go to the movies this weekend?" to which Donatello agrees, "Yeah that sounds like fun I hope we get to see an anime movie that is already out. I want to choose this movie since I haven't gotten a turn yet." April, Michelangelo, and Raphael look at each other and say in unison, "Sure." Which makes Donatello happy as he turns his head to get Leonardo's attention, "What do you think Leo?" he asks waiting for a response. Leonardo couldn't stop thinking about how Dan glared at him he isn't quite to sure why probably because he might've figured out that he has a crush on his sister or is just plain old rude, he comes back to reality with his brother Donatello calling him, "Leonardo? Are you okay?" looking at his brother with a worried look to which Leonardo replies, "Oh yeah sure let's go to the movies later tonight. Donnie I have seen the trailer to the anime you were showing me the other day when we were at home and were going on about Attack on Titan." Donatello is relieved that his brother stopped focusing on the twins for the time being since they scared him a couple of hours earlier. Later on that Friday night, everyone meets up at the turtles home so their dad can give them money for the tickets and snacks, their dad hands Leonardo the cash due to him being the oldest, "Leonardo here is the cash for the tickets and for snacks if you boys want popcorn and Leo do not lose your brothers if you guys disobey me you are all grounded for two months. Is that understood?" Splinter says with strictness, the four turtles say to their loving father, "Yes father." the four of them say as they give their father a hug before departing. Before they leave the sewers, they make sure they have their phones on them in case for emergencies. The four turtles hear something coming from the kitchen and tip toe their way to see what was making the noise and sees there is nothing until two figure pop up and say, "Boo!!!" and hear the screams of the turtles to the point to where almost all of them cried. Raphael sees that it is Bebop and Rocksteady as he witnesses the two of them laughing, "Sorry turtles we just thought that would be funny to pull on all of you." Donatello seemed very ticked, "Well you guys it wasn't funny we are going to the movies now we will see you guys later." he says while walking out of the door along with April and his brothers. As they approach the theater, April and the turtle brothers stand in line for tickets to see the new My Hero Academia move that just came out while in line Leonardo was thinking about the twins and thinks to himself, "That guy I saw walking with that girl seems really scary and gives me cold stares everywhere I go in the school? Who does that? I'm starting to think that something is off with those two and brings to one question: How could they all of a sudden move here from Seattle, Washington?" he wonder as to why the twins really moved to New York. Raphael sees his brother staring into blank space, "Uh hey Leo?" he asks as to why he is staring into blank space and not engaging with the group and doesn't respond. Raphael looks at his brother to purposefully take the cash so it will catch his attention, "Earth to Leo!!" Raphael's yell was so loud it startled him and some of the people around them to which Raphael asks, " Hey Leo can we have the money for the tickets? We are almost up and we need the money to purchase the tickets so we can go in the theater to watch the movie. You good?" Leonardo answers his brother, "Yeah I am thanks for asking here purchase the tickets." Leonardo gives Raphael the tickets to purchase. As he is paying for the tickets, Leonardo sees Dan and Hayley with tickets in their hands and sees that they are seeing the exact same movie they are watching but doesn't say a word since he remembered what his brothers told him about hanging out with them. As they grab their tickets, Raphael sees his brother Leonardo stare at someone and asks, "Leo who are you staring at?" he questions as he witnesses a girl with long brown hair which reveals to be Hayley and couldn't stop staring to which Michelangelo jokes, "I think two boys have a crush on the same girl." he says while laughing and teasing the both of them which irritates Raphael, "What me?? Like her??? No way!! Okay maybe a little." he answers embarrassed to the point to where his face turns red. As the others grab their tickets from Raphael, they make their way into the theater to go watch the movie while Michelangelo goes to purchase the popcorn and snacks as he was instructed by his older brother. While the group is sitting in their seats, Leonardo looks to see who walked in and it ends up being Dan and Hayley  which catches him, Donatello, April, and Raphael by surprise since they look like the people who do not like anime movies. Hayley looks to her left to see the group that she saw in the cafeteria and immediately notices Leonardo, "Wait I remember him. He's the one who stopped Dan and I from fighting in the lunchroom what is he doing here? It's so odd that he was staring at me during lunch. Did he know that we would be here or is it just a coincidence?" she says to herself as she is sitting in her seat waiting for the movie to start. Hayley looks back to see Michelangelo carrying the popcorn and extra candy that he purchases so they can all share, she's starting to think she was pretty cold and brash towards Leo, "They seem like nice people I'm starting to feel back because I gave the blue one death stares and cold looks which I didn't mean to I hope he forgives me." As the previews come to an end, the movie starts to play and their attention is draw towards the screen with everyone's cellphones off and no whispers were heard. 

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