Chapter 9: Leo's First Full Moon

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After school ended, Leonardo drops his backpack and books and starts packing an overnight back which catches Raphael's attention as he questions him, "Leo what are you doing?" laying in bed. Leonardo stops packing for a moment to see his brother awake, "Raph!" he cries out and runs up to him giving him a hug, Raphael tells him, "Oh Leo not so hard okay?" Leonardo stops hugging him for a second and puts his hands on his brother's shoulders, "Raphael I'm so glad you're okay how are you feeling? " looking at his brother trying not to shed tears. Raphael looks at his brother grabbing a tissue from the side of his bed, "I am fine Leo I'm just hurt and laying in bed is all. Look I heard you yelling at dad and I feel you should apologize to him you have time" Raphael suggests. Leonardo looks at his brother for a moment and continues packing his overnight bag to see his father walk in, Leonardo tells his father, "Hey dad listen I'm sorry for yelling at you it's just-" his father stops him, "No son I should apologize to you I forgive you as a parent having you boys face those things I thought something was going to happen to all of you and it scared me I just wanted what was best for you" wiping away his tears. Leonardo sees his dad and gives him a hug asking, "Hey dad I know a lot has happened in the last couple of hours I was wondering if I could go over to my friends Dan and Hayley's house to spend the night" his dad crosses his arms and thinks about what he is going to say as he looks at his son Raphael, "I don't suppose that's a bad idea but make sure you are at school in the morning and you come back here after school" he instructs him. Leonardo agrees as his father leaves the room but little does he know that Donatello and Michelangelo are listening from the living room looking at each other not saying a word. He grabs his overnight bag and sees his phone going off coming to find out that Hayley is calling him and answers, "Hello?" standing there listening. Hayley says on the phone, "Hello Leo can you hear me?" while her and Dan have their overnight bags with them in the trunk. Leonardo responds, "Yeah I can hear you Hayley I asked my dad if I could go to your place and he said it's fine" he tells her with relief. Back in the living room, Michelangelo turns to Donatello and whispers, "Dude he got Dan and Hayley's number since when?" Donatello adds, "And he's going to her place? What is going on?" whispering into his ear while listening to his brother's conversation. Leonardo gets done packing his bag and listens to Hayley, "Leo you are going to have to listen to me since we didn't finish our conversation earlier at lunch. Like I mentioned before tonight is a full moon and your gonna have to expect the unexpected such as pain in your mouth which is coming from your teeth as well as your muscles and your eyes changing color. Did you lie and say you were coming to our house?" Leonardo tells her, "Yes I told my dad I was going to your house and he's cool with it also I have been feeling pain in my mouth and I'm super hungry" Hayley assures him not to be scared, "Listen my brother and I are here for you it will blow over I promise. For the pain in your mouth ignore it and don't eat anything trust me. I'll see you later" she hangs up on Leonardo. He grabs his overnight bag and is about to head to the surface until he is stopped by Michelangelo, "Hey Leo where are you going?" he asks in a concerned tone to which Leonardo responds, "I am going to Dan and Hayley's since they invited me to spend the night with them it's a chance for me to get them to know me better" as he turns around to go up to the surface Donatello stops him, "Leo you know you could always talk to us when every you need something or have any sort of problem" Leonardo feels a little better after his two brothers told him that, "Thanks guys" he looks at his phone to see a text from Dan that says, "We are outside" and tells his brothers, "Look guys I'm really sorry about today I just need Dan and Hayley to talk to because I was just on bad terms with them days ago but I actually got quite use to them anyways I'll see you at school tomorrow" he jolts out to head to the surface to meet the twins Donatello grabs his phone to test the tracking device he used to put in Leonardo's bag and can track him as Michelangelo seems hesitant about his idea, "Donnie I don't think this is a good idea. What is dad gonna do when he finds out that we followed our brother for no reason?" Donatello answers, "We just tell him we are going to go out for pizza he won't know. Mikey I'm convinced something happened to Leo during that attack with those werewolves we encountered and infected our brother I just need to know if my theory is correct. Come on we need to be quick" the duo go to the surface quietly without the other mutants knowing as well as their brother Raphael and their father. Up on the surface, Leonardo sees Dan and Hayley and heads into the van but little did they know that Donatello and Michelangelo were following them. They get into the turtle van, start to drive, and follow the trio to the woods which was about a thirty minute drive. As they get to the woods, Dan, Hayley, and Leonardo walk deep into the woods to find an open space for each person so when they turn nothing gets destroyed. Leonardo wishes he didn't have to show up but is left with no other choice, "Hey guys is it too late to back out?" he says while taking off  his blue bandana and school clothing to prevent them from getting ripped. Dan assures Leonardo, "Your going to be fine my sister and I have done this many times we will help you if you lose control I promise" looking up at the night sky looking at the stars his bones started crackling while screaming in pain. Leonardo hears him and Hayley screaming scaring him and is eager to help by running towards their screams until his bones started crackling to where he falls to the ground and looks back, "Oh no it's happening" watching in a state of horror as he watches his right foot elongate and covers his mouth so no one hears him scream. Donatello and Michelangelo arrive at the woods to see the van the trio arrived in, "So much for spending the night at their house Leo wait till dad finds out" he says looking down at his phone, Mikey chimes in, "I'd say your idea was spot on hopefully they are on a walk in..." Michelangelo gets interrupted by hearing screaming coming from the woods which makes the two scared and decide to check it out.

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