Chapter 12: The Truth Is Revealed

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The next morning Dan and Hayley wake up to see everyone still asleep. The two twins turn around to see Leonardo sleeping while Dan teases him whispering, "Look Hayley he is an adorable sleeper that's pretty funny wanna mess with him?" his sister doesn't approve of it, "No Dan leave him alone he might be listening" she whispers hitting him on the shoulder. A minute later, April, Splinter, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael wake up to see the twins normal again, "Since we have our clothes on and no one died we should head out." Dan says as everyone looks at them irritated to which Hayley responds, "Okay I know you guys are mad and I promise I will tell you everything you have my word" Dan seems to be a little upset with his sister, "Hayley I told you I should've stopped the orange one from calling his father" Hayley rebuttals, "No Dan imagine what could've happened if we didn't give him the right to tell his father. That would mean the two of us wouldn't be standing here alive I'm glad I got in the way." crossing her arms as she gives her brother an annoyed look. The other mutants wake up to see Leonardo asleep looking at the twins for an explanation, "Both of you we are waiting for us to explain ourselves" Bebop says with annoyance as Ray Fillet sings to make himself feel better.  Leonardo sits up letting out a big yawn as everyone is watching him, "Uhhh what happened?" he asks stretching his arms out and popping his back noticing his shell is cracked, "Wait a second why is my shell cracked? Uhh my stomach hurts it's like I feel....full...." he sees his father and his three brothers standing in front of him, "Oh um hey everyone" turning his head to see the other mutants sitting up around him. Splinter questions his son, "Leonardo why didn't you tell us the truth? You could've easily hurt us all" with a calm tone as his son starts to cry, "Dad I'm so sorry I didn't know how to tell you I went to the twins since they know what is happening to me" putting his face into his palms as Michelangelo walks up to his brother to give him a hug while Leonardo embraces it by hugging him back. Dan tells everyone the truth, "Everyone we are the ones that should be sorry it is our fault that Leonardo is in this mess I was so caught up in people finding out about our secret that we didn't know how you would react if you found out" Hayley chimes in, "What my brother is trying to say is we take full responsibility for everything. We are werewolves and I am the one that accidentally bit him I lost control it was not meant to happen I am truly sorry" standing there waiting for everyone to respond. Leonardo asks everyone, "So I see that you guys are standing in front of me am I in trouble? My clothes aren't ripped and I have scratches all over my arms and legs who did this?" Dan fesses up, "Leo you actually fought me instead of my sister she was taking Donnie and Mikey to safety from you since you were running after them" Leonardo looks at him in shock, "Wait we fought each other? What! How strong was I?" he asks with his eyes wide open. Dan tells him, "Oh you were really strong and I almost lost. I thought I wasn't going to make it until everyone else showed up Raphael gave you sleep medicine so I could take you down" Hayley sighs, "Yeah my brother gave you those scars and you gave him some which didn't surprise me" April looks at Leonardo, "Leo it's okay I am willing to help you I meant what I said what's weird is you didn't attack me when I thought you would. Is it because you have feelings for me still or did you just recognize me right away?" Leonardo is hesitant to answer her question until Dan interrupts, "Guys we should get out of here since the people of New York are going to open their blinds since the sun is coming out" everyone agrees and starts packing up while Dan, Hayley, and Leonardo go clean themselves up by brushing their teeth as well as putting on his clothes from yesterday as Donatello smells something awful, "Eww what is that smell?" asking his brother bringing his head closer, "Oh god Leo it's you! You smell awful worse than Raph!!" covering his nose. Raphael and Michelangelo walk up to Leonardo to smell him, Raphael smells Leonardo, "Come on Donnie he doesn't smell that bad do I smell that bad?" Everyone says in unison, "Yes!" April puts in her two sense, "Raphael you smell bad don't lie to us. You've admitted to not showering a couple of times which is nasty" Raphael admits, "Leo you probably don't smell awful mine is worse" he smells his brother and almost hurls, "Oh my god!! Leo that smell is worse than my body odor and my morning breath!" Leonardo looks at his brother confused, "Wait I smell bad?" he takes time to smell himself and is disgusted, "Whoa that smell is pretty awful!" putting his hand on his nose, "So after we turn do we smell this bad?" asking Dan and Hayley trying not to puke. Dan tells Leonardo, "I mean yeah we often do smell since we are in dirt also when you transform or often my sister and I would we sweat since it's a lot on our bodies" he says as he turns his head towards his sister. Splinter asks the twins, "Okay can you both explain to me more when we get back to the sewers?" Hayley responds, "Yes like I said I will explain everything to you guys but we gotta get back. Also Leo." Leonardo looks at her, "Yeah Hayley?" Hayley smiles, "You should thank April she really cares about you even after everything you did at school yesterday" Mondo Gecko tells Leonardo, "Yeah bro she obviously cares about you she wouldn't have showed up if we didn't tell her the truth but regardless she came for you" Leonardo starts to cry, "Thank you guys! I want to go home and get cleaned up" the trio brush their teeth and put on new clothes to get rid of the ripped clothes and head to the vehicles to head back home. Before they leave, Leonardo asks, "So when we get back will there be food? I'm pretty hungry" hearing his stomach growl at him as Hayley chimes in, "Yeah we will make you food when we get back. I'm surprised you don't remember the deer you ate." Leonardo goes with the twins, "Wait I ate a what? Ni wonder why I feel full but I'm still hungry." as April and his brothers along with their father tag along for the ride home while the other mutants go in the other van and all of them ride home until they all reach the sewers.

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