Chapter 10: The Chilling Transformation

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Donatello and Michelangelo walk into the woods to figure out who was making those screams to which Michelangelo responds, "I've got a bad feeling about this Donnie what if it's just a mountain lion or possibly a coyote" holding a flashlight in his hand scared out of his mind as Donatello looks at his brother with annoyance, "Mikey we have come this far knowing Leo has been lying to us this whole time we can't just walk away knowing that we have him right where we want him" Michelangelo looks at his brother hesitating for a moment, "Yeah this isn't a good idea we should-" the two look straight ahead to hear Leonardo screaming. Michelangelo and says quietly, "Leo" they start running towards the sounds of his screams. As they pass a couple of trees, they end up finding Leonardo on the ground in pain with Donatello covers his mouth and asks his brother, "Leo are you okay? What is happening to you?" the two walk closer to try and help their brother until he yells at them, "Get Back!!! I'm turning I don't want to hurt you find Dan and Hayley they will protect you" Michelangelo looks at his brother with fear in his eyes, "Leo come home with us we can tell dad what's happening to you and find a cure. Trust us" Leonardo looks up at his brothers holding back the pain, "Go find the twins and tell dad to bring back up! Gooo!!!!" Donatello and Michelangelo both run from Leonardo as he starts to fully turn. His eyes turn vermillion along with his teeth getting sharper, his claws, his body elongating, and he lets out a roar and howls at the moon. Michelangelo and Donatello run as fast as they can away from their brother until they reach the middle of nowhere with Michelangelo asking his brother Donatello, "Did we lose him?" catching his breath so they can make it back to the van as Donatello responds while catching his breath, "Yeah I think so. We need to run and find Dan and Hayley so they can help us" low growls are heard from where they are standing as they turn slowly to see what is making that noise and see two werewolves lurking in the shadows. The two of them stare at the werewolves and decide to sit and not attack which makes them relieved. Michelangelo tells the two werewolves, "Dan and Hayley I know you both are the werewolves that attacked us last night we aren't here to attack you we know what happened. We need your help it's about our brother Leo. He told us that you both would protect us from him if he ever loses control the both of us are going to tell our dad since he deserves to know about this" Dan is about to stop Michelangelo from calling their father until Hayley gets in his way and growls at him while Donatello turns around to see a strange figure lurking in the dark and throws a stick at it which angers the creature rising from the bushes, "Oh gosh that thing is big" everyone sees Leonardo in his werewolf form while Michelangelo looks at his dads contact and turns his phone off to look at his brother. Dan stands on his two feet getting ready to attack Leonardo. Dan charges towards Leonardo and fights him by scratching him on his arm and throws Leonardo far across the woods. Hayley has Donatello and Michelangelo hop on her back as the three run off to get to safety while Dan stays behind to fight Leonardo. He uses all of his strength against him until Dan is thrown to the ground badly injured. Leonardo turns his head and runs the direction Hayley and his brothers went to. While running from their brother, Donatello gets his phone from his bag and calls his dad to tell him what happened, his father answers, "Donatello where are you and Mikey?" he asks worryingly, "Dad you might call us crazy but Leonardo is a monster. Mikey and I went to see if Leo was going to spend the night at the twins and it turns out they went to the woods and they are werewolves. None of us are hurt bring everyone we are going to need backup" their dad listens while he is back at home he hangs up on his son and instructs everyone, "Everyone into the van we are going to need April" he says packing everyone inside as Raphael attempts to get up, "Dad I noticed something about Dan and Hayley and I did see that Leo's eyes turned a vermilion color his shoulders felt like bricks meaning Donnie is right he is a werewolf." Splinter takes his son's words into consideration as the group of mutants go into the truck to drive to April's place to go get her by bringing Raphael along. Back at the woods, Leonardo is running to find Hayley and his brothers until he smells something from a distance. He sees a deer and eats it whole with blood dripping from his mouth as well as his claws. Leonardo sees Dan as he followed him without backing down as he punches him across the face tackling him to the ground. Late at night in New York, the mutants find April's place as Splinter knocks on her door and she answers, "Oh hey Splinter do you know what time it is? It's eleven at night why are you knocking on my door at this time?" she sees all of the other mutants in the van and asks, "Wait what is going on?" Splinter tells her, "Well we need you it's about Leo he is in danger as well as Donatello and Michelangelo you might be our only hope" she looks at him concerned and agrees to go with him by hopping into the van as they all drive off to the woods to help the others.

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