Chapter 18: Facing The Shredder

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Splinter shows up by sneaking through the air vents that Dan left open for him. Leonardo is glad to see his dad, "Dad thank goodness you showed up we are outnumbered" Splinter chimes in, "Son anything now go get April out of here the twins and I will buy you time to do so" Dan looks at his watch and see that the three of them have two hours left before the full moon rises, "Leo thanks for calling for backup hurry and get out of here before you turn we'll be right behind you" Leonardo carries April and runs as the speed of lighting to the van that his father drove. He puts her in a seat, "Stay here for the time being and don't follow me" April looks at Leonardo, "Be careful" he runs off to catch up with the others. Leonardo finds his dad and helps him fight off the remaining soldiers until he hears someone from afar. Everyone stops fighting for a moment to see who walked in and sees The Shredder and Cynthia Utrom controlling a robot. Dan and Hayley look at The Shredder with anger in their eyes as he looks down at the twins with a cold stare, "So you two decide to come back after hiding from me for so long? I can only imagine how your parents must feel right now" Leonardo looks at his father, "Dad take April back to the lair. I'll fight The Shredder on my own and buy you time" Splinter stops his son for a moment, "No son I can't lose you he will destroy you" Leonardo assures him, "Dad the twins and I will be the ones to stay behind. We will find you promise" Splinter hugs his son, "Leonardo I just want to let you know you are a brave leader and I love you" he sees tears coming from his dad's eyes as Leonardo responds, "Dad I love you too. I just want to tell you how sorry I am for yelling at you back at home and I mean it just like I told April I didn't know what I wanted for myself" Splinter hugs his son, "Son I forgive you don't apologize just come home and don't get yourself killed" Leonardo promises his dad, "Okay dad I promise now go get April home she needs to rest. Dan and Hayley will be with me in case anything happens to me I'll see you when I get home" Splinter runs to the exit to get to the van so April can join with the other turtles. Leonardo, Dan, and Hayley turn their attention towards The Shredder as Dan is the first to attack but is quickly taken down. Hayley attacks next but is taken down, Leonardo sees them laying on the ground, "Cynthia, you and The Shredder are going to pay done" he begins to fight The Shredder as Cynthia's robot is laying on the ground from when Splinter took her down and destroyed it. Shredder dodges every single attack Leonardo blows at him, he notices that he is caught off guard from looking at Hayley and punches Leonardo across the room and hits the wall full force, "Good riddance. You three weren't even up to the challenge, you are weak and didn't stand a chance" Shredder picks Hayley up from the ground to finish her until he hears something from the rumble, a low growl along with bones crackling, and so much aggression. Leonardo turns and lets out his anger which impresses The Shredder, "Finally something that is worth the challenge" Leonardo rushes towards him and punches him across the face and saves Hayley.

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