Chapter 8: Telling The Twins

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Leonardo arrives at school to tell Dan and Hayley about what happened to him and Raphael. He runs through and bumps into them, "Hey guys thank goodness I found you. I need to tell you both something meet me at lunch and I'll tell you" Donatello and Michelangelo arrive at school to see their brother in the hallway talking to the twins as they run after him so they can prevent him from telling people about Raphael's whereabouts. While the two are walking, everyone starts to notice how different Leonardo looks which makes the girls' notice him, one girl shouts, "Oh my gosh Leo you look different I like it!" she says before passing out falling to the ground. Leonardo keeps walking with Dan and Hayley, "Well this is going to take some getting use to" Hayley says in response, "So your one with the ladies?" she raises one of her brows and gives him a suspicious look, Leonardo tells them what happened, "Okay I'll tell you and I am only telling you two and no one else but Raphael and I both got hurt yesterday and encountered these gnarly beasts" the two twins look at each other in shock not knowing what to say, he continues, "What's even crazier is one of them bit me last night and gave me this incredible strength as well as hearing, smell, sight and not only that last night I sleepwalked and ate someone's bacon sandwich in the fridge without them knowing and I crave meat. Anyways it hurt Raphael and I don't know what to do and I am freaking out" he tells them panicking while the two see April and the others straight ahead. The twins assure Leonardo that everything will be okay and walk with him to his first period so he isn't stressed out right as they walk up to his classroom door,  Dan lets Leonardo know, "I know it's a lot for you but we will tell you everything at lunch but it is only going to be you and you only" as he looks at him with a strict look on his face. Leonardo goes to his first three classes like normal lunchtime approaches Dan, Hayley, and Leonardo have their lunches in their hands and go to a table without April, Donatello, and Michelangelo. While the three of them are alone, Dan tells Leonardo everything, "We are only telling you since we know what is exactly happening to you. Yeah those things you and your brothers saw wasn't a stray dog or just a normal dog it was a werewolf. I know this because we are werewolves we were those werewolves you and your brothers including April encountered last night and the one with the light brown fur was the one that bit you correct?" he asks him as he is nervous to tell him, "Yes it was how did you know that?" he asks out of curiosity. Hayley starts to put her face into the palms of her hands and admits, "Leonardo that was me that bit you. I thought I had it under control but turns out that I didn't I am so sorry Leo" she tells him as he gets up from his chair slamming the table and flips his chair over, "It was YOU GUYS?!?!?! DON'T YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU BOTH ARE PUTTING ME THROUGH?!?!?!" he yells out as everyone in the cafeteria looks at him while he's looking at the twins as the both of them are seeing his eyes turn vermillion from where they are sitting and Donatello, Michelangelo, and April see his eyes change color for the first time and didn't notice it before which scares April, "Wait his eyes turned a different color how is that possible? We need answers he's never had anger issues before" she questions as she is writing and keeping notes of Leonardo's behavior. Hayley gets up from her chair to calm Leonardo down as Dan tells everyone in the cafeteria, "It's okay everyone it is just something that happened a couple of hours ago that got him worked up he is fine get back to what you were doing" everyone goes back to eating and the trio sits down to discuss what is going to happen, "First off Leonardo you need to not do that again, control your anger that's apart of being a werewolf we are quick to snap like I would do with my sister which is something you should never do" as he looks at him to make sure he is understanding. Hayley chimes in, "Leo I should tell you this but tonight is a full moon and we need to get you prepared so you do not hurt anyone" April sees them having a conversation and decides to get up from her seat and walk up to their table, Hayley continues, "The full moon is what makes us-" she looks to see April in front of them and asks, "Hey April what's up? The three of us were having a discussion about nature" lying to her so she doesn't find out about what they talked about. April isn't convinced, "Hayley save it you too Dan. Leonardo you are going to tell me and your brothers what is going on and why you are acting weird and why your eyes can turn from brown to a type of red" she says with a confrontational manner as Leonardo looks at the twins in disbelief, "April I don't know what is wrong with me I went to the twins because they-" he stops himself before he accidentally exposed them to April. She looks at Leonardo and wants him to finish his sentence, "What? What about the twins? Don't ignore me!" she says getting a little irritated. Leonardo tells everyone the truth, "Well April I had a dream that the things that we faced were werewolves which they were but I asked Dan and Hayley if it was them and told me it wasn't and that it bit me and how they hurt Raphael" April gasps and tells him, "Why would you accuse them like that? They wouldn't do such a thing! You know what forget it don't tell me Leonardo keep secrets from me and your brothers! See you later or not!" she walks away angry and storms off with Donatello and Michelangelo which makes Leonardo feel bed. Dan assures Leonardo, "Dude it's better for her not to find out for now you can tell her when you got it all under control we can help you" as he gets up to give him a hug while Hayley sits there and smiles. Five minutes before lunch ends, Hayley instructs Leonardo, "You have to come with us tonight since it is the full moon we will teach you everything" grabbing his hand and holds it for a few seconds. Leonardo looks down and his face starts to turn red, "Oh okay. I'm sorry if I'm a little shy I just like you" he regrets telling her by looking away. Hayley smiles, "It's okay Leo" she says as she leans in to kiss him on the cheek but stops herself backing away. She continues, "Meet us in the woods far away from your family and make sure you aren't being followed" as she and her brother grab their stuff to leave the cafeteria and Leonardo does the same thing and goes straight to fifth period. As the three of them walk down the hallway, Donatello gets upset with his brother and approaches him, "Leo you hurt April's feelings how could you do that all she wanted as well as Mikey and I was to help you. It's like I don't even know you" Donatello walks away saddened that he thinks his brother is gone forever as Mikey and April have a sad look on their face and walk away with each other which makes Dan, Hayley, and Leonardo feel bad.

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