Chapter 7: The Next Morning

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While sleeping, Leonardo starts to have a nightmare of what happened last night.

Leonardo's Nightmare:

Leonardo fights the werewolves as much as he could with his bare hands until he falls to the ground from exhaustion due to his injuries, "Go ahead and do it already I want my brothers to live" he says with tears shedding from both of his eyes. He looks up to see the werewolves in their human form revealing to be Dan and Hayley to which Leonardo responds, "Wait it was you both why? I let you guys sit with us at lunch and be our friends" as he is laying there out of breath while Hayley walks up to him and grabs his chin, "Leonardo you shouldn't have found out our secret there is no cure you will be stuck like this forever" as she let's go of his chin and walks a few steps back standing alongside her brother. Leonardo stands his ground by standing up and charges towards the twins to get knocked out by Dan, "Well this is the power of a ninja turtle? How pathetic" he says with disappointment. Dan carries him halfway to an unknown building and gives him to his sister. Walking inside, Hayley carries him to a dark room in the school and is talking to a figure, "We brought him like you asked master or should I say The Shredder" she tells him menacingly which is supported with an evil laugh. The Shredder walks forward to see an injured Leonardo and tells him, "Say goodbye turtle" by knocking him out cold killing him.

The Next Morning:

As he is awakened by the sudden dream he just had, Leonardo is covered in sweat and is starting to have second thoughts about the twins and is convinced that one of them bit him. While sitting up in his bed, Leonardo looks at the bandage on his upper arm and decides to take it off to see his bite mark gone as well as his leg feeling better that all of a sudden healed to which he gets up from his bed and starts walking like normal. He looks around the room to see his brother to which he says to himself, "Oh Raph is still asleep? Hopefully he wakes up soon" he says worryingly. He gets up from his bed to walk to the restroom by turning on the sink to wash his face as he hears his stomach growling, "What the? I've never been this hungry before maybe because I didn't eat anything."  He looks in the mirror and notices a change in physique as Raphael wakes up and notices from his bed and pretends to be asleep as Leonardo continues to look at himself, "Whoa! What happened to me? I got more muscle! I can see everything more clearly such as the dust in the air" he puts his hand on the sink and breaks it, "Oh no! Dad isn't gonna like this. Come on sink stop leaking!!!" he grabs a towel that is in their room to clean up the mess he made. As the sink stops leaking and he cleans up the mess, Leonardo grabs his toothbrush to put toothpaste on it to brush his teeth but accidentally gets toothpaste all over the mirror but cleans it up. He gets done brushing his teeth and goes back into his room to put on clothes and notices none of his clothes fit him as he struggles to put his shirt on, "Oh boy this isn't good. I didn't gain weight I fit in these yesterday when I went to school. How are they not able to fit me? Maybe it's because of this extra muscle that I have" he says as he is trying to put on his pants but is struggling to put them on. In the living room, Splinter is walking with Genghis Frog expressing his concern for his sons especially Leonardo, "Look all I'm saying is that I'm worried about Raphael sine he hasn't woken up yet but I'm more worried about Leonardo since he got bit by one of those things that Donatello told us about these so called werewolves" he says as they are walking toward his sons' room while Leonardo is standing there hearing every single word they are saying and wonders, "Wait how am I able to hear them? I wasn't able to do that yesterday" as he is standing there mentally freaking out until he sees his dad and Genghis Frog walk in unannounced with Splinter saying in a state of horror, "Leonardo what happened to you? You looks physically different that before with extra muscle" Leonardo didn't know how to tell his dad since he doesn't know himself and answers him, "Dad I honestly do not know I woke up like this honest" as his father couldn't believe what he was seeing he instructs his son, "I am keeping you both from school so we can figure out what is wrong with you today only Donatello and Michelangelo are going " as him and Genghis Frog are going to leave their room Leonardo gets angry with his father, "Dad!!! I am going to school today! Dan and Hayley need to know that I am alright along with April!! I am going to school and that's final!!!" he says aggressively. Splinter couldn't help but notice Leonardo's eyes changing from brown to vermillion which scares him but not Genghis since he isn't really scared of anything while Splinter lectures his son, "My son something is wrong with you and most of all do not talk to me that way I am your father and you will do as I say whether you like it or not" he tells him as he attempts to put his hand on his shoulder until Leonardo pulls away to grab his backpack and notebook until he leaves his room but doesn't know that Raphael was awake to hear everything. Everyone looks at him including April and his brothers Donatello and Michelangelo as his eyes are brown again and goes to the surface to go to school without giving his dad an apology or interacting with anyone. As he makes it to the surface, he turns around to see his brothers calling him but ignores them and says to himself, "I gotta go find Dan and Hayley and tell them about my condition they might know what to do" he thinks to himself as he starts running to school super fast so he isn't late as Donatello, Michelangelo, and April look from afar with worry on their eyes hoping Leonardo will come back to his senses.

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