Chapter 19: The Final Battle

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The three transformed werewolves look down at The Shredder and fight him. He notices how strong the three of them are, "Wow I underestimated the three of you but what you didn't already know is we are keeping Raphael hostage for testing" Leonardo looks at Shredder with rage and scratches him across the face and jumps on him and punches him repeatedly. While punching him, Shredder gets the upper hand by uppercutting him as Dan throws him to the ground and starts to laugh, "We got some of the twins DNA when they were small and use it on your brother and it ended up working" Raphael is seen in a room tied up as one of the soldiers inject him with serum. He starts to feel strange as his teeth, claws, and eyes turn to a deep green color, he has a monster like look as he grows a snout and gets longer legs. Raphael jumps out of the window and let's put a big roar as the trio see him in a horrible state. Leonardo sees his brother in his werewolf form and fights him while Dan and Hayley fight The Shredder. Raphael lets out his rage as the workers that infected Raphael work on an antidote which will take a time since majority of the laboratory is being destroyed. Dan and Hayley take down The Shredder by pushing him down a trash can area and is crushed by the machinery. The two find Leonardo to make sure he is okay but instead find Raphael with slobber dripping down from his mouth as his hands start to shake. Cynthia sees that her laboratory hideout is being destroyed, Leonardo sees that they have developed a cure and takes the chance to finally get himself back to normal. He takes time to look at his brother to see him looking at the twins like he is going to attack them. He begins to charge at Hayley until Leonardo gets in the way. Raphael sees him with a needle in his hand and attacks him as Leonardo quickly dodges and puts it in his skin with the cure coursing through his veins. After a couple of minutes screaming, Raphael passes out and turns back to normal with no claws, teeth, or a snout along with green eyes. The three werewolves realize that the building is about to go into lockdown surrounded by Cynthia's men, "Do not let those four escape. I want them alive" the men follow orders and start shooting at them so they do not move a muscle. They realize they might not make it out alive but decide to run forward without stopping.

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