Chapter 1: The Day At School

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Six months after defeating Superfly, the turtles: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo are loving their new school. The bell rings to be dismissed from their third period class to go to lunch, as they are going to the cafeteria to eat their food, Leonardo is sitting with April and his brothers. Leonardo asks, "Guys our science test is on Monday have everyone been studying?" Donatello and Michelangelo tell him in unison and with confidence, "We have!" as they are holding their study guides in their hands and shows their brother. April looks at Leonardo with a smile, "Yeah I have thanks to you." Leonardo starts to blush while looking at April while Raphael makes fun of him by laughing at him, "Dork alert. Bro you don't have to hide that you like April it's pretty obvious you know you really need to start-------" Raphael's voice begins to fade as Leonardo sees a girl sitting at one of the cafeteria tables at the far left of the room near the window along with a boy that he has never seen before and interrupts Raphael and asks April while looking at the girl, "Hey April who are those two?" as she turns her head when he called for her attention, she takes a glance for a second and observes, "Oh them? I don't know them personally but I will say I have seen them before I just never talked to them. Those two are the new students that just moved from Seattle, Washington their names are Dan and Hayley their twins" she says as she is putting a spoonful of her food in her mouths and eats it. Leonardo couldn't believe who he was seeing due to how beautiful she is, "Wow she's pretty" he says while staring at her. Raphael notices his brother eyeing her and chimes in, "That's interesting and all but I wouldn't waste my time talking or hanging out with those two or socializing with them it is best to leave them be. Also in regards to the study guide you were talking about earlier I haven't been studying since I haven't made flashcards yet" he tells his brother as he is showing him what he has on his paper. Leonardo seems very fluctuated with Hayley l but doesn't make it noticeable by telling his brother and stops staring at her, "Yeah you right I'm not gonna waste my time talking to those two also Raph you need to start studying since dad has been onto you about your science grade" he says while having a spoonful of yogurt on his metal spoon, he turns his head to see her staring at him. Her brother Dan is eating his food and notices his sister staring at someone which doesn't sit well with him, "Sister just because we are new to the school and have only been here for a month does not mean you should stare at people your most likely going to creep someone out and will be made fun of for it." as he is putting his hand on her shoulder to get her to stop. Hayley is sitting in her chair letting her brother know, "Dan we are being watched by someone sitting at that table over there" as she is looking straight ahead at Leonardo to which he looks and stops staring at her, "I'm trying to get him to turn away so he doesn't walk up to us. Is that a problem?" Dan's eyes start to turn light green while Hayley's starts to turn red orange to which Leonardo notices from afar which frightens him and gets Donatello's attention, "Donnie look their eyes are different colors I'm starting to think they aren't human" he says as he witnesses the two standing up from their chairs which looks like they are gonna fight. Leonardo gets up from his chair to race his way over to stop them from fighting which he is successful as his brothers notice by standing up from their chairs as April is sitting scare what is going to happen to Leonardo. Leonardo puts his left hand on Dan's shoulder and his right hand on Hayley's shoulder, "Guys stop don't fight. What is going on?" he asks as the two stare at each other. Dan stares at his sister and realizes he got the entire cafeteria's attention, a little upset he grabs the food from his table and his backpack to throw his food away and storms off. Hayley looks at Leonardo for a moment and walks over to grab her belongings and her trash to throw away and leaves the cafeteria. April and the three brothers run up to Leonardo to make sure he is okay, Donatello gives him a lecture, "Leo what did Raph tell you about staring at those two or just hanging out with them? It isn't worth it and it's a waste of time." he says as the bell rings for lunch to end. After they clean up their table, Leo walks with the others to go to class, while April asks the others what movie she wants to watch, Leonardo sees Hayley staring at him down the hallway which annoys her and leaves. His attention is on her until April gets his attention, "Earth to Leonardo. You okay I'm starting to worry." Leonardo begins to get a little frightened at the fact the two twins might do something to him, "Oh yeah I'm just kind of scared. It looks like the twins are or might come after me." Michelangelo gets concerned but doesn't show it but let's his brother know, "Well yeah you did stop their fight in the cafeteria which people have been talking about through the halls." Raphael teases his brother, "Dude you are one hundred percent overthinking this whole situation but I assure you their is nothing to worry about." Leonardo feels his brother might be right as he is looking at his brother all cheered up, the bell rings to go to their next class and Leonardo goes to his next class and waits for it to start. As he is sitting patiently in his chair waiting for math to end, he decides to draw in his notebook a picture of Hayley with long brown hair as well as her sand like skin with a gray shirt and shorts while thinking to himself, "Why did she stare at me? I mean she's pretty and all but why does her brother hate me? I would love to get to know her or possibly go out with her." he gazes into the drawing he drew of her until his teacher notices, "Leonardo?" she calls out his name with no response, she attempts to call him again, "Leonardo!" he comes back to reality as he sees his teacher looking at him, "Are you still with us?" she asks as she is standing near the whiteboard to which Leonardo replies, "Yes teacher I'm sorry I am listening." as he puts his pencil down and closes his notebook. The teacher advises him, "Leonardo stay after class so I can have a word with you about daydreaming in class." Leo looks down embarrassed with the whole class not saying a word. As she is getting back to her lecture the bell rings and everyone is dismissed except for Leonardo as his teacher calls for him, "Leonardo a word please?" he walks up her desk scared on what she is going to say, she asks him, "Do you know why I had you stay after class?" Leonardo tells her, "It's because I was daydreaming during class and not paying attention to the lecture?" he says disappointed with himself. The teacher continues, "Yes that is correct I am assigning you extra homework and today's lecture so you are up to speed. I hope this is a lesson to pay attention while I am going over stuff yes?" Leo cheers up, "Yes ma'am. I'm sorry it won't happen again." He grabs his stuff and leaves the classroom to catch up with the others. As he is walking, he sees Hayley and her brother Dan in the hallway looking at him having Donatello witness the encounter and both of them start to get scared but decide to let it go and not bring it up to the others. 

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