Chapter 11: The Chase

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As the rest of the group are on their way to the woods to help Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and Hayley stop for a moment to take a break from running. Donatello jumps off of Hayley's back to sit on the ground to get water from the stream by filling his metal bottle up, "This is just what we need from running from a big monster" Michelangelo and Hayley walk towards the waterfall to get water. Donatello witnesses Hayley drinks a ton of water like crazy as he strokes her fur calmly, "It's okay Hayley you did great" reaching in his bag to give her beef jerky so she has enough energy to take them back to the van. Splinter and the others drive towards the entrance of the woods and April begins to question, "So why did you guys bring me here?" looking at Splinter and the crew as Splinter tells her, "It's about my son Leonardo something is wrong with him" as April looks at him not convinced, "Look I am not talking to him at the moment due to how he treated me at school he has the twins that are going to deal with him" she responds opening the vehicle door trying to leave until Raphael stops her, "April we need you Donatello messaged us that something is wrong with my brother and I might know what it is" she looks at Raphael concerned, "What did happen to him?" Raphael tells her the truth, "Well you remember when we were attacked by those two werewolves last night?" she nods her head, "Yeah I do what about them?" Raphael looks at his dad and turns back to April, "Well one of the werewolves bit him and it might've done something to him and turned him into a beast. His eyes turned different colors and I want to help him I am asking you to help us since your the only one that can make him come back to his senses" convincing her to help them as she looks at Raphael with her eyes wide open. Near the waterfall, Donatello sits with Michelangelo and worries about Leonardo, "Mikey what if Leo doesn't go back to normal? What if he doesn't turn back from that horrifying form?" Michelangelo reassures his brother, "Donnie we will help him" as he hugs him while Hayley watches them feeling bad for the both of them. On the other side of the woods, Dan and Leonardo are fighting each other by breaking trees and branches. Dan runs away from Leonardo which makes him go on a chase. Hayley listens to the roars of the two which proceeds Hayley to start running with Donatello and Michelangelo on her back. While running, Hayley notices something from a distance and sees Leonardo's bag that he left on the ground. Donatello hops off her back and holds onto it so he can give back to his brother, "This is Leo's I'm going to hold onto it for the time being. We need to find Dan and Hayley's bag so they have something to change into tomorrow" he hops back onto Hayley's back to finds their stuff. As they finds their bags, Michelangelo announces out loud, "Yes we found them!!!" his shouts alert everyone including Splinter, Dan, the other mutants, April, and Leonardo which he quickly regrets, "Oh I don't think I should've yelled that out loud" covering his mouth in shame. The bushes start moving which catch the trio's attention and start to get scared while Hayley gets in front of them and sees April, Splinter, and the mutants, "Dad!! Raph!!!" Hayley eases up as the two turtles run up to hug their brother and father as Michelangelo tells his father in relief, "I'm so glad you are here I thought you were this big monster that was chasing us. I just don't get why Leo didn't tell us about his condition" he wonders as April interrupts him, "Look it's nice that we are all together but we need to help Leo now can you both tell me where he was last? It would-" Hayley hears something heading towards them as the entire gang look to see who it is and is revealed to be Dan. Hayley sees her brother and jumps on him as she licks her brother on the cheek showing her affection which Splinter asks, "Wait why aren't they attacking us?" Donatello tells his father, "Dad these are the two friends we made at school their names are Dan and Hayley they are the werewolves that attacked us and protected us from Leo" Splinter looks at his sons confused, "Wait protecting you from Leonardo?" Leonardo rushes in to see everyone standing right in front of him as he snarls with saliva coming from his mouth with his body full of scars that Dan gave him from his legs, arms, as well as a scratches on his shell which shocks April. Dan and Hayley stand up to defend the others as April walks towards Leonardo with light in her eyes, "Leonardo it's okay it's me April I'm your friend" she tells him with no fear as Leonardo looks at her with anger, "I care about you a lot. Your brother Raphael is the reason why I decided to help you he convinced me to talk to you as I am doing right now. I thought you having a crush on me was kind of cute and endearing" Leonardo looks at April for a moment to come back to his senses until he looks up to see Dan and is getting ready to charge until he notice everyone there except for one person: Raphael. Hayley looks up without Leonardo looking to see Raphael hiding while holding a gun with sleepy medicine in it as he pulls the trigger as the needle poked into his skin which angers him. Leonardo looks up to see his brother and attacks by breaking down the tree he was hiding at as Raphael quickly jumps off to join the others. Dan and Hayley tackle Leonardo to the ground so he doesn't get up. Leonardo gets up to see his vision getting blurry along with shortness of breath and falls to the ground and sleeps for the time being as his father looks at him, "My son I am going to help you I promise" grabbing a blanket for the three werewolves to stay warm while the others go to the vans to grab a tent along with firewood to set a campfire to spend the night. They fall asleep for the rest of the night until dawn approaches.

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