Chapter 15: Figuring Things Out

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On their way to Cynthia's lab in the late afternoon as the full moon is going to use in four hours Dan, Hayley, and Leonardo go to see how far it is. Leonardo worries and thinks about how The Shredder could've killed his family and friends, "The Shredder seemed scary to face plus when the twins were looking right at him it looked like they know him? How do they know each other?" as he is walking to find the hideout he asks Hayley, "Hey Hayley I know this might not seem the question you and your brother want to hear but do you know The Shredder somehow? You both looked scared when you saw him" they look at each other while he is holding the map in his right hand, "Also how do you know where Cynthia's hideout exactly?" Dan looks at his sister and directs his attention to Leonardo, "You remember how my sister told you the day we met we came from Seattle? Let's just say The Shredder was the reason why we moved here in the first place. He killed our parents, we ran away, and moved to hide from him. In short you could say we were running away from our problems" Leonardo looks at the both of them, he continues, "We know of Cynthia Utrom because we lived in her lab for most of our childhood not only that we were her test subjects" Leonardo has a thought and tells them, "Wow you guys were tied up and being tested on? My brothers and I were tied up and getting the mutagen sucked out of us you both can tell she is crazy. My dad calls it milking but you know what I mean" Dan and Hayley look at Leonardo with a weird look on their face but Hayley changes the subject fast before it gets awkward, "If we are going to save April it has to be done right which means no going off on your own unless you have a method in doing so before we turn in the next couple of hours. Deal?" she says like she means it. Dan and Leonardo respond in unison, "Deal." Hayley seemed to think they understand as Leonardo look at the sky remembering there is a full moon, "Hey Leo don't worry we will rescue April" putting his hand on his shoulder cheering him up, "Okay what's the plan exactly?" Hayley smiles at Leonardo, "How do you like going through air vents? You need to learn how to sneak in" Leonardo seemed to be a little afraid since he has never done that before, "But if we are going to get in there I'm pretty sure there will be certain rooms where it will require a password and we go in together not separate" Hayley seemed relieved, "Thank goodness you both were listening to me" The trio were on the same page and arrive upon the lab and wait outside to go over the plan.

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