Chapter 16: Back In The Sewers

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Splinter worries about the twins and his son Leonardo after what The Shredder did to his other sons and the mutants. He tucks his three sons in their beds and walks in the kitchen to grab an ice pack to proceed into their room to give to Michelangelo for his knee, "Here you go my son" Michelangelo takes the ice pack from his father, "Thanks dad" he says while putting the ice pack on his knee to prevent it from being bruised. A sound is being heard from the side of the room, "Oohh my arm" Splinter sees his son putting his hand on his arm while in pain, "Raphael are you okay?! Your not hurt are you?!" Raphael looks around to see everyone injured and asks, "Wait a second where's April?" Donatello stays silence for a moment and looks down in shame, "Donnie? Where are Dan and Hayley? Where's Leo?" Splinter tells his son, "Raphael.......April has been kidnapped. Leonardo went with the twins to save her and bring her home. This man called The Shredder who is working with Cynthia Utrom came in and took down everyone to which everyone is led with injuries" Raphael is at a loss for words and wants to do something about it, "Okay I'm going out dad" he says getting up from his bed to grab his sais. Michelangelo notices his brother leaving, "Raph where are you going?" quiestioning his brother as Raphael responds, "I'm going out like I told dad I'm going to help Leonardo and the twins to save April" Michelangelo protests, "Raph we can't go everyone is injured and they need us to take care of them. Leonardo and the twins will be back with April you need to stay we don't want anything to happen to you" convincing him not to leave, "Your my brother I know Leonardo wasn't suppose to leave but he left to help April. What I do wonder is the twins looked at The Shredder like they know him not sure how they do" confused as his father and brother wonder what is going on. Scumbug tosses and turns which worries Splinter as he rushes to her aid, "Scumbug! Are you okay my love?" she couldn't stop worrying about her family while Splinter stands next to her. The turtles look to see everyone waking up from being unconscious, "Guys your okay!" Michelangelo says with excitement while Donatello helps Genghis Frog sit up, "Did you see who attacked you?" Bebop tells him from detail to detail, "Well he was big and he had a helmet" Rocksteady adds, "Yeah not only that he seemed very upset when we offered him but he barged in like nothing. He asked about Dan and Hayley for some reason like the three of them know each other from somewhere then again it's New York everyone knows everyone" Splinter confesses, "Everyone his name is The Shredder he works for Cynthia Utrom and is a dangerous person he won't rest until we are all dead which is far to say for someone like me but it's true" Donatello asks his dad, "I know you had Leonardo go with Dan and Hayley to save April but what if they need help as in they are trapped? I just hope nothing happens to them and they come back safe" worrying about the trio. Splinter assures everyone, "I know but we need to stay here we can't risk all of us getting captured besides they will let us know if they need backup you guys need to rest" everyone lays back down as Raphael sneaks out without his father or anyone else knowing, "Leonardo I'm going to help you get back to normal and the twins will help you too. You have my word" walking out of the sewers and heads to the surface as he is on his way to help his brother.

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