Chapter 13: Helping Leo

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As the gang arrive home, Leonardo and the twins put their stuff down while everyone else goes to make themselves food and get water. Dan takes it upon himself to head to the living room to lay down on the couch, "Uhhhh that's better" shutting his eyes to take a nap while his sister goes to the kitchen to make Leonardo food. She walks into the kitchen until she turns back to see Leonardo go into his room to grab brand new clothes. She walks towards his room. Right as Leonardo grabs his clothes along with a towel Hayley enters his room, he stares at her for a minute, "Hey Hayley what are you doing in here?" he asks confused to which Hayley replies, "I just came to check up on you after everything that's happened I am going to help you" she stares into his eyes as he stares back at her. Leonardo looks at her, "Why would anyone want to help me? I'm a monster I smell awful not to mention how I treated my family including April" he attempts to turn away but Hayley puts her hand on his cheek, "Leo my brother and I are going to help you I promise unless you want to be like this for the rest of your life" Leonardo gives her a weird look, "What? No way I want to be back to normal but for some reason I like these new me besides I stink you wouldn't want to be near me" he tells her in denial as she doesn't seem bothered by it, "Leonardo it doesn't bother me nor does it bother my brother we are use to it" she admits with a smile as he smiles at her back. In the living room, everyone has a meeting as Splinter advises Dan to wake up, "Dan wake up I need everyone listening" Donatello looks at Dan and wakes him up by tapping him on the shoulder and sits up to hear what he has to say, Splinter continues, "Guys I know last night was a lot for everyone but we are willing to help my son no matter what it takes" Donatello asks his dad, "Dad don't you think Hayley and Leo should be in the living room with us?" he asks while his hand is raised. Dan chimes in, "Sir I know you want your son back to normal but what if he doesn't want the cure if there is one?" everyone looks at Dan speechless to which Wingnut response, "What would make you say such a thing? And more importantly where is Leonardo?" Dan sits there in silence with everyone looking at Wingnut, "Wait where is my sister?" In Leonardo's room, Hayley stares at him with her hands on opposite sides of his face, "Hayley whatever your trying to do get it over with" she stares at him as she leans her face closer to his until Dan walks in and interrupts them, "Hey guys" out loud as Hayley let's go of his face and makes eye contact with her brother while Leonardo looks away hiding his embarrassment. Dan looks at the both of them, "Umm did I interrupt something?" he asks curiously as his sister changes the subject, "Oh nothing I was checking up on him to make sure he was alright after what had happened last night" covering up the fact they almost kissed to which Dan replies, "Oh okay well Splinter is wanting the both of you to be in the living room in about an hour so get cleaned up" the both of them agree while Dan leaves the room as the two look at each other awkwardly, "Well I'm going to see what your father needs you go take a shower and I will go after you" Leonardo smiles and heads to the bathroom to take a shower. Hayley walks into the living room, "I'm here what needs to be discussed?" April instructs her, "Sit here" she sees Leonardo walking towards the bathroom, "Where is Leonardo going? Everyone needs to be in the room for this discussion" Hayley tells her, "April he went through it yesterday he has a lot on his mind" April rebuttals, "Well he wouldn't be in this situation if you had just controlled your werewolf form none of this would be happening" Hayley sighs feeling guilty while Leonardo stops for a moment but lets it go "I'm not gonna deny that this is my fault I want to make this right not just for my brother and I but for everyone else" Leonardo turns on the showerhead and hops in the shower but forgets to close the door, Dan tells Splinter, "I have been meaning to ask you before I had to get my sister from your son's room but what did you mean when you said you want your son back to normal? Isn't that your son in the bathroom taking a shower?" Splinter makes sure he isn't listening, "Dan I know what you mean but my son is a kind hearted person he isn't my son anymore all I see is a monster" tears begin to form in his eyes as Hayley looks at Splinter irritated, "He is your son!!" she continues as Leonardo uses his super hearing to listen to the conversation "How could you say that about him after going after you helped him? Your son is not a monster!" Michelangelo gets upset with his father, "Dad he is my brother and he isn't a monster he needs us" Leonardo turns the showerhead off as he gets out to dry himself with his towel. He looks at himself in the mirror to see all the scars all over his body and takes what his father said to heart, "Maybe dad is right I am a monster I almost hurt the twins and possibly could've hurt April" he looks down at his hands and clutches them to make them fists full of anger. Dan assures Splinter, "Look he isn't one we can have him adjust for the time being and find a cure for him and everything will be like it never happened" Bebop tells Dan and Hayley, "Maybe your right you both can help us hear them out Splinter they didn't mean for any of this to happen and Leonardo will be back to his old self" Leonardo has had enough of their conversation, his eyes start turning vermillion and punches the bathroom mirror with glass shattering as it falls to the ground. Everyone listens and looks into a panic, Hayley gets up from the couch to see what happened while Raphael shouts, "Hayley wait!" ignoring Raphael's plea she approaches the bathroom entrance she sees broken glass and sees Leonardo's werewolf vermillion eyes staring at her in anger and gasps, "Leo—I know you were listening to our conversation the entire time you are not a monster" she walks towards Leonardo to get him to focus on her as she holds her hands on his cheeks, "Do you remember this? I would hold your face like this and you didn't turn away why is that?" suspicious as Leonardo confesses, "Hayley—I don't know" anger in his eyes he leans closer and kisses her until he realizes what he's doing and pulls away, "Oh my god I'm so sorry" shocked and embarrassed by what happened, "Leo it's okay I won't tell my brother" the two of them lean in for another kiss but this time it lasts for five minutes as her back hits the wall as he puts his hand on the wall and grabs her hip. Leonardo's vision started to turn red like blood he stops kissing her, "Wait wait wait wait. What the heck was that? My vision started to look....primal" Hayley seemed concerned, "Leo it's probably due to your hormones being a werewolf has its perks it's something your going to have to control. You were very into kissing me at the moment you almost lost it" the thought of it scares until Raphael walks in, "Whoa Leo you broke the mirror! I"ll get the cleaning supplies to help out it's alright" Raphael leaves the room to get the broom and dustpan while Hayley has him calm down, "My brother and I promise to help you. Your a good person and a good mutant like the others. So I'm going to take it you like me more than April well crush wise" Leonardo's face turns red, "Wait what?! No um..."  Hayley smiles and lightly laughs and goes to kiss him on the cheek as Raphael walks in to give Leonardo the supplies, "Okay I'm back here's are the brooms and dustpan" Leonardo asks Hayley, "Hey Hayley is it..." Hayley answers, "Yeah Leo I'll help you it's okay" she grabs one of the brooms and the two of them start cleaning until there is no glass on the bathroom floor and it is spotless.

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