I'm so mad about what happened to Léannah. She wouldn't tell me what happened or who did it but my instincts tell me it's Kayla. Léannah told me not to stress it but every time I see Kayla I just want to punch her in the face. But I won't, cause I don't hit girls and Léannah asked me not to do anything. Léannah was calling her friend Aloura on FaceTime to tell her what happened and I figured since I'm in the room she would tell me too but then again I never know when she might switch to French. "Léannah girl I've been waiting for your call," Aloura said with a smile when she answered but it soon faded when she saw the bandage on Léannah's nose. "Léannah what happened" she asked concerned
Léannah looked at me and then looked back at Aloura "la salope m'a attaqué dans la salle de bain d'aujourd'hui pendant la période libre. elle a dit quelque chose à propos de ne pas baiser avec son frère et l'homme, mais je ne sais pas de quoi elle parle"
Yup just as I suspected she said it in French but I could tell who ever did it didn't make Aloura happy. "Does Ray know?" Aloura asked
"Does Ray know what? I asked curiously
"non, je ne veux pas qu'il le sache. ce n'est pas son problème, il est à moi" Léannah said completely ignoring my question.
"Léannah you should at least tell him" Aloura said
"Tell me what?' I asked slightly agitated
"Je ne suis pas son problème. Je n'ai pas besoin de lui s'occupait de moi comme une petite fille. Et il ne voulait pas s'occuper de toute façon." Léannah said looking down.
"Léannah if your not gonna tell Ray then you at least need to stand up for yourself and if this bitch puts her hands on you again I'll personally pay her a visit" Aloura said
"I'll handle it Loura" Léannah said
"Léannah can you come here please!" Dad called from downstairs
"I'm coming" Léannah said then got up
"ne lui dites rien"
These girls were talking about me right in front of my face. Even though I didn't understand I knew it was something I should know. I waited for her to leave before asking Aloura what she said "what did she say?"
Aloura hesitated but eventually spoke "she told me not to tell you this but she said that Kayla beat her up and say something about don't fuck with her man and brother or some shit like that. She didn't want to tell you cause she says she doesn't want to be your problem and she thinks you wouldn't care" she said
"Why would she think that. I care about her, even though I've known her for 2 weeks she's still means something to me" I said and I meant it
"I don't know why she would think that but I need you to keep an eye out on her for me. Léannah has been bullied when she was here but she always had me to help her out. No matter how much she says she can deal with it she needs someone by her side. You need to look out for her Ray" Aloura said
"Your acting like she's suicidal" I said jokingly
"I'm serious Ray. She's not independent and she's needs someone there for her until she learns how to be there for herself" she said in a serious tone
Her mom said something is French in the background and she rolled her eyes "I gotta go Ray but promise me you'll be there for her when she needs you the most" she said
"I promise"
"Okay tell Léannah I said good night and I'll talk to her tomorrow" she said
She pressed the end button and she disappeared. I promised Aloura I'll be there for Léannah and I'll keep my word.
I walked down the hallway trying to avoid the looks and stairs people gave me. Since I got the bandage on my nose Kayla made up the rumor that I got a nose job. I finally made it to my math class. I sat down in my seat as I waited for the kids to fill the class. When the bell rang that's when everyone rushed into class. Kayla glared at me as she took her seat next to me. I know realized why this seat was so important to her. It was the seat closer to mr. Kyle's desk and she had a petty crush on him. Hoe much. Mr. Kyle was a tall, tan built man in his late 20s early 30s with a short curls. He sorta looked like the older version of Chresanto but Chresanto was way cuter. Math went by faster than usual. Probably since we had a test and Kayla couldn't really make this period miserable for me. The bell rang and I handed in my test and walked out. I was heading to my locker to get my things since it was the end of the day when queen bitch decided to walk up to me "aye frenchie you know I don't like you right" she said
Was that a real question? You know let me not be smart and say something that will get my ass whooped "yes I know Kayla and your not the highlight of my day either" I said
"Want to repeat that frenchie" she said approaching me
I backed up and banged into the lockers behind me. "Kayla go home" a male voice said
"Trevor why you always gotta interrupt me when I'm tryna beat a bitch" Kayla complained
"Kayla go home and leave Léannah alone" he said once again
"Why should I?" She asked with an attitude
"Because I need to talk to her" he said and my eyes instantly looked at him
"Y-y-you want to talk to me?" I asked shocked
Okay I'll admit it. I have the biggest crush on Trevor. We haven't talked since he saved me from his sister on the first day of school but I've caught him staring a few times. I actually thought he wouldnt be interested. "Yea I wanted to know if you'll go out with me Friday night" he asked with his drop dead gorgeous smile
"Trevor what are you doing?" Kayla asked clearly angry
"What do you say?" He asked completely ignoring her
I looked at him then at the girls. They were all mean mugging me waiting for me to say what they all wanted to hear but I decided they shouldn't win this one "sure" I said with a smile
"Great so I'll pick you up at 7:00" he said "lets go Kayla" he said then walked away
Kayla groaned and approached me "this isn't over frenchie" she said then walked away with her bimbos glaring at me.
At that moment I didn't give a shit about what she thought about me agreeing to go out with her brother. Trevor Jackson just asked me out. I wanted to scream but I didn't since I was still in the school building. I opened my locker and got my stuff with a smile plastered on my face. I closed my locker when I was done and walked out the school towards Ray's car. I got in the car and Ray, Chres, Craig and Jacob all looked at me. "What took you so long. Got me worried sick" Ray said
I ignored him and looked out the window still smiling. "What you cheesin' about Léannah?" Chresanto asked
"Yea what's gotten into you?" Jacob said
"Trevor Jackson"
I'm probably the most happiest bitch alive right now.
I watched as Léannah prepared for her date with Trevor. I don't approve but I'm not gonna tell her that. I could tell she's really happy that he asked her out. Once again she was on FaceTime with Aloura and they were arguing about straightening her hair. "Lay man just straighten your hair just one time please" Aloura begged
"Non, tu sais que j'aime pas les cheveux straight" she said
"I swear every time I'm with both of you it's like fucking French class" I said and they both laughed
"Léannah doesn't speak French around you?" Aloura asked
"I do I just use the word il peux comprend" Léannah said
"See like that!" I said exclaimed "she only uses words close to English words"
They both started laughing again. Léannah brushed her hair back in a high ponytail and put in some lip gloss. "How do I look?" She asked turning around
She was wearing a orangish pinkish tied shirt with dark blue jeans and orangish pinkish sneaker wedges. Her tight high curly ponytail suited her and her outfit perfectly. I held her iPhone up so Aloura could see her "you look hot" Aloura said
"I agree" I smiled
She blushed at both compliments. Just then we heard the doorbell ring. Léannah and Aloura squealed in excitement. "Go head girl. And hit me up with the deets later" Aloura winked then hung up
Léannah took her phone off the charger and we both headed downstairs. Dad was already talking to Trevor. Probably telling him 'the rules' about dating his daughter. When he reached the bottom of the stairs I glared at Trevor and he returned the favor. Dad turned around and saw us "oh Léannah I was just telling your little boyfriend here about how to treat a woman" dad said and she chuckled
"He not my boyfriend Kenneth" Léannah said as se stood next to Trevor "yet"
Dad raised his eyebrow at the pair as Trevor put his hand around her waist. "Well you kids have fun but not to much fun" he said opening the door for them
They walked out and headed towards Trevor's car. "And be safe" my dad said worriedly
He closed the door and turned around with a worried face. "It's just now kicking in isn't it?" I asked him
"I didn't expect to grow so attached to her so soon" he said
"She has that effect on people" I said
"So explain to me what happened to Léannah's nose" he said
Dad doesn't know about the incident with Léannah and Kayla and neither Léannah and I plan on telling him. "Uh...um we were play fighting and I accidentally hit her to hard" I lied
"I see y'all are getting along quite well" he said
That's weird. I expected him to get mad for me supposedly hitting her but he didn't. Let me just leave like that so I won't get my ass whooped. "You can say that"
"Well I'm gonna be in my office if you need me" he said then walked off
Well my Friday night is gonna be boring.
Trevor took the beach. I've never been to a real beach before. All the beaches in Montreal are manmade and are not very clean plus it's very far from where I lived. Trevor was so nice to me all night. He bought me ice cream, he helped me with my English a few times without making fun of it and he made me feel better about the whole Kayla shit. "So what happened to your nose?" He asked
We were walking on the pierre by the beach with our hands locked together.
I almost forgot I had the bandage on it. "Um..uh Ray and I were playfully fighting and we took things a little too far" I lied
I wasn't about to tell him his sister attacked me in the girls bathroom a few days ago. I don't need anymore problems in my life. "Oh so is Ray like your boyfriend or something" he asked nervously
"Umm no he's actually my brother" I said and his shot up towards me
"Really?" He asked surprised
"Yup he's my older brother" I said
"I feel so stupid" he groaned
"Why?" I asked curiously
"Because for the last two weeks I thought y'all had something going on from the way y'all was so close and when I saw him at your house when I picked you up I thought all my accusations were true" he said and I chuckled
"Nope I'm just his little sister" I said "it actually a long funny story" I said
"We have time" I said looking at me I my eyes
I couldn't help but blush. We sat down at a picnic table and watched the beautiful ocean and sunset. "Well I learned that my father didn't want me anymore and that he wasn't really my father. After changing around from my grandmother house to my aunt house and back to my grandmother house they finally found my dad which happens to be Ray dad. They put me on the prochain plane out here and here I am" I said making the story shorter than its suppose to.
"Wow. But it seems like you, Ray and your dad get along" he said
"Yea were making it work"
"Do you have any friends back home?" he asked
"Just one. I wasn't very popular in school and I guess the curse followed me here" I said looking down
"I'm very sorry Léannah about Kayla. She's just a bit jealous that your always around Ray and since Ray and Kayla dated and Ray ended it after a week she thinks you are her replacement" he said
"Wait Ray and Kayla went out?" I asked confused
"Yea, he didn't tell you? That's also the reason why we don't really like each other" he said
"Wow" I said
But why wouldn't Ray tell me about him dating Kayla. I don't know what difference it would've made if he did but it still wouldn't hurt to know. Probably if he did tell I could've probably avoided this thing with Kayla. Trevor and I enjoyed the rest of the evening talking and getting to know each other. Trevor isn't as bad as his sister.
I'm so bored. I tried texting Jacob but he was too busy face timing his girlfriend. I tried Craig but he was busy baby sitting and then there's was Chresanto. I love Chresanto with all my heart (no homo shit) but there is so much you could take of him in one week. If you haven't noticed Chres isn't one of the smartest people ever and he's very immature and there's so much of that I could take. But right now I had no choice. I was desperate for some entertainment right now. Just when I was about to dial his number the security beeper went of indicating someone opened the door. The beeper only comes on when someone opens the front door, the back door or the side door. I hurried downstairs to see Léannah closing the door and taking off her shoes. "Oh Léannah!" I said with excitement "thank god your home. I've been bored as hell. How was your date?" I asked
She cheeses hard. We walked up to her room and she told me everything about the date. I was impress on how she described Trevor cause usually he's a jerk to girls. "And another thing," she said getting all serious "why didn't you tell me you went out with Kayla?" She asked
"I didn't think it mattered" I said nonchalantly
"You didn't think it mattered C'est essentiellement la raison pour laquelle elle me harceler à l'école and shit! elle pense qu'elle est remplacé par moi!" She semi yelled
I looked at her in confusion for two reasons 1. What the fuck did she just say and 2. Why was she so mad. She took a deep breath and spoke again "Trevor explain to me that Kayla only bother me because she feel intimider by moi" she said
"But we're siblings" I said still confused
"Évidemment, elle ne le sait pas. Dumbass" he mumbled and I glared her
"I just want to pimp slap you right now" I mumbled back
She looked at me and stared at me "vous ne ferez pas la merde," she said "Your not gonna do shit" she repeated in English
"Is that a challenge" I asked smirking at her
She kept mean mugging me. I decided to mess with her. I slapped her on her arm and instantly she attacked back. She was stronger than I expected her to be. She was one hell of a fighter. We wrestled on her bed for a while. The fight wasn't serious but I could tell she wanted to claim her victory. After a while I got her to laugh and then it turned into a normal bother and sister play fighting match until we both fell off the bed still tangled with each other and made a loud "THUND" on the carpeted floor. We were laughing uncontrollably until dad came rushing into the room "what was that" he asked angrily
"It's alright pops we're just bonding" I said getting up and helping Léannah up in the process.
"Well I got work in the morning so don't let me hear your 'bonding' wake me up again" he growled and slammed the door shut.
Then Léannah I started bursting out in laughter again. Léannah had grown on me in the last 2 weeks that she's been here and I'm starting to like this whole 'Big Brother' idea.
As a month and a half flew by, Ray and Léannah has grew closer together as siblings. Trevor and Léannah started to get closer too as they went on more and more dates which made Kayla and her crew angry. Léannah had been working on her French and she's been improving. She no longer stutters and she pronounces her words properly, however she still mixed her English and French sometimes and she still has her French accent. Kayla is still trying to make Léannah's life a living hell because she still thinks she's replacement for Ray. Basically she's one jealous bitch.
I walked down the school hallways to my next class which I had with Ray. I took 11th grade history and he just happened to be in my class. Since we had 10 mins in between every period I didn't rush to get there but I didn't stop either to hang out since I didn't really have any friends. I was about to walk into my class when someone pulled me by my arm and pushed me into a corner. I had a feeling it was Kayla so I prepared myself for a beating. But it's wasn't her, it was her brother. "Trevor you can't just snatch people out of the hallway like that" I said irritated
I like Trevor and all but pulling me by my arm and pulling me into a corner like he was about to rape me was uncalled for. "I can if its a pretty girl and if I need to ask that pretty girl an important question" he said and I blushed
"What do you want Trevor" I asked still blushing
"For you to be my girlfriend"
I just stood there speechless. Did he really just ask me out? What guy would want to go out with me. No guy ever payed me as much attention as Trevor before but I thought Trevor was just being since his sister was giving me a hard time. I didn't expect him to grow feelings for me. I came back to reality and realized he was staring at me with hope in his eyes. "Yes" I finally said with a smile.
"Great!" he cheered
The bell rang which made both of us jump "we better get to class" he said nervously
I nodded and we both went our separate ways. I got to my class and was happy that the teacher wasn't there yet meaning I wasn't late. I took my seat next to Ray not even acknowledging his presence. "Well hello to you Léannah" he said trying to get my attention
But I ignore him. All that was on my mind was Trevor.
I went through the rest of my day with a smile on my face. After 2 months I finally found the courage to ask Léannah to be my girlfriend. I walked through the door of my house and closed it behind me causing it to echo throughout the big house. I walked up the long stairway to my room and sat on my bed. I pulled out my phone and changed Léannah's name in my phone from 'Léannah❤' to "❤Babe❤". I then texted her, "Hey Beautiful :)". I sat my phone down and waited for her to reply. My phone lit up and I read her message "Hey Trevor :)"
We texted back and forth for awhile till Kayla interrupted, "who you texting lover boy" she teased
"Léannah" I simply replied
"Why?" She asked with an attitude
"Because I feel like it" I said still not looking at her
"Trevor why do you spend all your time and energy on that bitch when you have Carmenella trowing herself at you every minute" she said
I rest my phone on my bed and looked at her. "Léannah is not a bitch so I suggest you stop calling her out of her name and I never said I wanted any of your thirsty friends so Caramel or whatever the hell her name is is wasting her time" I said
"Whatever you just don't know a good woman when you see one" she said angrily and walked out my room
I picked up my phone and saw I got a text from Léannah;
❤Babe❤: I've been so long for this moment :)
Kayla's words replayed in my head "you just don't know a good woman when you see one"
"Oh Yes I do"
I came home and heard a squeal upstairs from Léannah's room. I walked upstairs and saw her room door was half open so I decided to eaves drop.
"OMG Léannah I can't believe he asked you out" Aloura said in excitement.
"Je sais bien! I didn't expect him to ask me out." Léannah said
Oh so she got a boyfriend huh. So who this nigguh be.
"But I gotta meet him first then y'all can say its official" Aloura said and Léannah chuckled
"Aloura Trevor's a nice guy but I promise you'll meet him soon"
Why the fuck is she gonna go date him after his sister beats on her every week. After that I couldn't listen anymore. I went to my room and sat there and waited for her to finish her conversation with Aloura. After about an hour and a half a heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I yelled
Léannah walked into my room with a smile on her face. "So Trevor huh" I said before she could tell me
She frowned "how did you know?" She asked
"Don't worry about it. Why would you go out with your bully's brother?" I asked
"Exactly bully brother not bully. And you don't know him like I do Ray" he said
"You know the fake him. He's a jerk just like his sister Léannah" I semi yelled
"Why do you hate him so much. Tous le temp que je talk about him you get mad or énervé. I thought you would be happy for me. C'est quoi ton problème!" She yelled back at me
She was mixing French and English together which meant she was getting mad. Although there was French in her sentence I still understood. "My problem is that I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt!"
"Well maybe you should stop caring" she said then walked out my room.
"Fine but don't come to me when you get your ass dumped!" I yelled after her
"Tant mieux!"
I can't believe she told me to care less. She my sister and I expected her to understand where I was coming from. But I was serious when I said to not come to me when she gets dumped. I guess I just experience my first sibling fight.
I walked out of the school at the end of the day. Thinking that I was done with Kayla for the day I was wrong. Her and her crew walked up to me and cornered me. "So you think that you can play with my brother's emotions and fuck with Ray too then you go fucking with Chresanto" Kayla said angrily
She was starting to form a crowd. More and more students started to form a circle around us. "Kayla what are you talking about" I asked slightly intimidated
"I guess we have to jog your memory again," she said "Carmenella deal with her" Kayla said snapping her fingers.
Carmenella approached me and punched square in the face. I fell back from the force and held my face. There was a lot "ohhs" from the crowd. "This is for fucking with my man" she said then kicked me in my stomach.
I clutched my stomach in pain as I let a few tears escape my eyes. The crowd around us cheered as she kicked my repeatedly in my stomach and side not caring that my arms were blocking it. "You. Homie. Hoppin'. Hoe. You. Gon. Learn. Today" Carmenella grunted in between kicks
Then Kayla got on top of me and started beating the shit out of me. I tried to fight back but there was no use she had a control over me since Carmenella was still kicking me. I painfully glance over at Danielle. She just stood there with her hands over her mouth in shock. I begged her with my eyes to get some help. I felt Kayla grip around my neck then continued to beat me. All I could think about was, "I was going to die."
Chres and I just got done talking to Trevor about the consequences of breaking Léannah's heart. I still don't like the nigguh but I've decided to accept him for Léannah. "Aye man so we cool, I can date your sister" he said
"You got one more person to meet but basically yea you can date her" I said giving him dap.
At that moment Danielle came running from the back of the school. "Ray!" She yelled in a worried tone "Léannah is getting attacked my Kayla and Carmenella" she panicked
"WHAT!?" All three of us yelled
We sprinted to the front of the school and saw a huge crowd. We pushed past the crowd and saw Léannah laying there crying out in pain as Kayla and Carmenella beat the shit out of her. Chres rushed over to Carmenella and pulled her back from Léannah. Trevor and I rushed over to Kayla and tried to pull her off but she was putting up one hell of a fight. "Kayla get off of her before I beat you like the man you look like!" I yelled
Trevor pulled on her and she finally let go. I helped Léannah up and pulled her into me. She bawled into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. "Next time you'll think twice Frenchie!" Kayla yelled still in Trevor's gripped
"Don't fuck with my mans!" Carmenella yelled trying to get out of Chres's gripped
It was pretty obvious that Carmenella was crazier than Kayla. Up to this day I still don't get how Kayla is the leader of the crew.
"You psycho bitches," Chresanto yelled "you could've killed her!"
"To bad we didn't!" Kayla yelled
"Kayla get you ass home now!" Trevor said pushing her towards her car.
She scoffed and hopped into her white Eos. "Carmenella, Danielle Lets Go!" Kayla yelled from her car and they hopped into the car and drove off.
I held Léannah as she gripped on to me with her dear life, bawling her eyes out. She was terrified, she was embarrassed, she was in pain and I needed to get her home. We walked through the crowd while everyone stared at us. "Get y'all nosy asses home!" Trevor barked to the crowd
They all scattered like flies. We walked to my car and I handed Trevor the keys since Chres couldn't drive yet. I got in the back seat with Léannah as Chres got in the passenger seat and Trevor got in the driver's seat. He drove to my house and pulled up in the driveway. We got out and held Léannah as we walked in side. She was still crying uncontrollably. We brought her up to her room and sat her down on her bed. I tried to get up to get something for her to change in but she wouldn't let me go. After a few attempts to calm her down we eventually gave up and let her cry. Her sobs soon stopped and she fell asleep in my arms. I laid her down and got up to get her some change of clothes. I went to her drawer and got out some boy shorts and thank top. We all help each other change her while we tried not to wake her up. While we changed her we saw all the bruises on her arms and legs, stomach and waist, and her face wasn't any better. I hated the fact that Kayla was a girl cause if she wasn't I would've been on my way to her house and beat the shit out of her. "Kayla has gone too far" Chres said while looking at Léannah's bruised up body
"What happened?" I asked
"I don't know," Trevor said getting up from the bed "but I'm about to find out" he said and headed towards the door. "Tell Léannah I'll text her later" he said then left.
My brotherly instincts are kicking in and they're telling that Kayla needs to pay for this.
I banged on Kayla's door violently and angrily. I wanted to know what happened and I wanted to know now. "The fuck you banging on my door for" Kayla said in a irritated tone
"The fuck was that back there" I said referring to when she almost beat the living daylight out of Léannah "you could've fucking killed her"
"She didn't listen the first time so I had to tell her I meant business" she said nonchalantly.
"What do you mean she didn't learn the first time?" I asked confused
"Her broken nose? Yea I caused that" she said as if it was nothing.
"Your a fucking psycho bitch you know that!" I yelled at her "what was your reason for beating up Léannah" I asked
"She was all over Rayan and Chresanto and Carmenella and I didn't like that so we took care of it" she said
Now I know why Rayan dumped her ass. She fucking crazy and heartless and delusional. Her and that beast Carmenella . "Rayan doesn't fucking want you anymore that's why he dumped your ass. You beat up a girl because the boy you like spend all his time with her. Maybe if you got your head out your ass you would realize what's really going on between Léannah and Rayan" I said
Her facial went from soft to angry. She bawled up her fist and punched me square in the face. Kayla is a lot stronger than the average girl, although she's petit she can put up one hell of a fight. "You have fucking issues" I said angrily as my face started to grow numb.
I walked towards her door and then turned back to face her "and if you put your hands on me again I guarantee you will regret it. I don't give a fuck who you are to me control your fucking anger" I said then left her room.
I'm really starting to think about Kayla's motives.
Léannah hasn't went to school in a week let alone leave her room. Trevor and Chres would come over everyday to check up her but she never leaves her room. The only person she talks to is me and she does it when no one is around and when dad is at work. Speaking of dad he found out about what happened to Léannah and he made a complaint to the school causing Kayla and Carmenella to get suspended. I had just got home from school I decided to go up to her room and check on her. When I walked into her room I saw her rambling trough things and trowing them around like she was looking for something. "What's going on Léannah" I asked
"My neckless I can't find it"
"What neckless?" I asked curiously
"It's a blue and silver diamond neckless in the shape of a heart. My mom gave it to me before she died. That's the only thing I have left of her than this engagement ring some guy gave her," she said showing me a beautiful diamond encrusted heart ring "both of those probably cost more than my life and they mean so much to me. I can't find them anywhere!" She yelled out in frustration.
I went over and hugged her. I understood where she came from cause when my mom died she left me my real father's gold chain and I would lose my mind if I lost it. "Did you take it off or something?" I asked her while rubbing her back to calm her down.
"No I never take it off" she cried
"What does it look like?"
She got out of my grip and went over to her dresser. She pulled out a picture of her and Aloura. I looked around her neck and saw the neckless. "That neckless looks familiar" I said
"Yea cause I've been wearing stupid" she said sarcastically
"No, no I mean like I've seen it recently"
It was quiet for a while then we looked at each other like we read each other's mind and said, "KAYLA!"
"That bitch stole my neckless and I remember how too" she said
"When she was on top of me I felt her grip my neck but I didn't know why but I realize she stole my mother's neckless," she said "Je prêts à tuer cette salope!" She said charged out the house.
I don't know what he just said but the look in her eyes told me she's ready to kill. I had to rush to follow her out the house and I already saw down street. I ran to catch up with her but by time I did she was already in her confrontation with Kayla in the neighborhood park. "You fucking bitch give me back my neckless!" Léannah yelled
"Your fucking delusional. I don't have anything that belongs to you!" Kayla yelled back
"It's around your fucking neck right now just give it back" Léannah yelled getting more and more angry
"Oh this neckless," Kayla said touching it "I found it. It's pretty right" she smirked
That was it Léannah slapped her in her face and I knew at that point I had to take her home. I grabbed Léannah before Kayla could get up and I rushed her home. When we got home Léannah rushed up to her room and slammed her door locking it in the process. "Je le jure sur la tombe de ma mère if she doesn't give me back my fucking neckless I'm going to kill her" I heard her yelled as I passed her door.
I'm guessing she's on face time with Aloura. I decided to go to bed and let her calm. I'll fix the whole situation tomorrow.
It was the end of the day and I decided it was time to put my plan in action. Craig, Jacob, Chresanto and I walked up to Kayla's locker when the majority of people left school. Léannah still hasn't come to school so this was the perfect time. "Aye Kayla" I said
She turned around and gave me a flirtatious look "hey Ray"
"Look I just want you to give me Léannah's neckless." I said calmly
"Why?" She asked with an attitude
"Because that's the only thing she has to remember her mother by" I said getting slightly annoyed
"I don't give a fuck about her mother. I like the neckless so I'm keeping it" she said
I looked at Craig, Jacob and Chres and saw the same angry expression on their faces that I had. The only person that really knows Léannah like I do is Chres since he's my bestfriend but they all agreed to help me stand up for Léannah if she ever needed it and I appreciate that. "Aight now listen,"I said in firm voice "you got three choices. 1. You give the neckless back and we go on like we've never had this confrontation," I said "2. I have Chresanto here restrain you and I snatch the neckless from your neck and if your friends try any funny business I'll have Jacob and Craig take care of then as well," I said pointing to them next to me "and 3. I have a personal friend come and beat the shit out of you since I can't do it myself" I said referring to Aloura
"She may be 5 hours away but that's five hours you have to think about "what if I made the right choice"" Jacob said
"So which one is it going to be" Craig said
"Fine fine," she said taking off the neckless "here"
She handed me the neckless and we smiled at her. "Good choice. Although I wanted to see your ass get whooped" I said and we turned around and started to walk away.
"Why do you care about her so much?" Kayla asked
I stopped and turned around to look at her "cause she's my fucking everything" I said then walked out.
I took the guys home then headed home. I went up to Léannah's room and saw her texting on her phone. "Who you texting?" I asked sitting next to her on her bed.
"Just Trevor, he was talking about how Kayla went home and started acting weird" she said
"Look I'm sorry Léannah about your neckless" I said
"It's okay at least I still have the ring" she said looking down at her phone in disappointment
"But I got you something to cheer you up" I said
She looked up as I pulled out the neckless out my pocket and put in her hands. She gasped as she looked at the neckless "how did you get it?" She asked shocked
"Nobody fucks with my little sister" I said
"I thank you Ray for everything" she said hugging me.
I hugged her back careful not the hurt her bruised stomach and waist
"That's what big brothers are for"
Leannah's ring, neckless and date outfit on side
That's The First Five Chapters of this book
Vote and Comment If You Think I Should Continue :)

Mixed Emotions (Ray Ray Love Story)
FanfictionHer long, curly brown hair, her fair flawless complexion, her perfect body shape, her swag. I fell for it all. "Who's the hot girl" my Chresanto whispered to me and that's when he made the announcement "this is my daughter Léannah" Ray and his s...