Chapter 14- In Memory Of...

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It's been hours since the shooting. We're waiting in the hospital for news are Trevor. His mother couldn't stop crying and his dad looked like he was about to kill someone. Chresanto was comforting Danielle and I was being held by Ray. Craig, Jacob, Camilla and Mercedes arrive about an hour after we got here. Daddy was here also along with Danielle's mother. Doctor's passed by so often but when we asked about Trevor's condition they wouldn't tell us anything. Ray had told Aloura what happened and she texted me about a million times but I didn't answer. I just wanted to know how Trevor was doing. As I sobbed I looked down at my dress and stared at Trevor's dried up blood. I started to feel nauseous and dizzy and I almost fell off my seat. "Woah," Ray said catching me before I fell "are you okay Léannah?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Yea I'm fine" I said but honestly I wasn't feeling good. I haven't eaten in hours and I was starting to feel light headed.

I bend down to take off my shoes because my feet were starting to hurt and I saw some more of Trevor's blood on my legs. While staring at it I got that nauseous feeling again. I baby barfed in my mouth and rushed over to the nearest garbage can and started throwing up. Danielle and Camilla came over and held up my hair. "Léannah are you sure your okay" Camilla asked in a worried tone.

"I'm just a little hungry" I managed to get out.

They helped me back to my chair next to Ray and I rested my head on his shoulder. I think I cried out all my tears but still couldn't help but feel worried about if Trevor was gonna make it. Just then a doctor walked in. "The family of Trevor Jackson" the doctor said and we all stood up.

"Is my baby okay?" His mother cried.

The doctor gave us a sympathetic look "he was hit with three bullets. One went right past his heart, grazing it a little, the second one hit his spine which could possibly cause paralysis in the future and the third fracture his rib cage and caused serious damage. We managed to remove the bullets in time but he's still not doing so well. He lost a lot of blood and his heart is too weak to pump anymore." The doctor said.

Trevor's mother broke down crying and his father shed a few tears. Danielle was tearing up and Camilla looked scared. I just stood there in disbelief. I was so close to losing the one I love. "He's stable and awake now but he only requested to see a Léannah Jones" the doctor said.

Everyone look at me as I looked at the doctor. "That's me" I said in a cracked voice.

"His room is this way, follow me" the doctor said putting his clipboard to his side and walking ahead of me. We stepped into a dim room. He gestured me to enter the room and then closed the door when I walked in leaving me alone in the room. I walked over to the hospital bed and saw a sick looking Trevor laying there, hooked up to many machines and IV needles. He was so pale and sick looking. He had black bags underneath his eyes and his pink plump lips were now purple and shrivel. I gasped at the sight of him. He wasn't the same Trevor I was with just a few hours ago. This whole scene gave me flashbacks of my mother when she was on her death bed. I guess he sense my presence cause he slowly opened his eyes. "Hey baby" he said slightly smiling.

"Oh my god, Trevor" I said and held his hand

"Léannah listen to me," he said in his barely audible voice "you know I love you with everything in me. I've been fighting for my life for the past 6 hours and I feel that I'm not getting anywhere." He said

I couldn't believe him right now. He's thinking that death is his only option. "No Trevor no," I cried gripping his hand tighter "you can't leave us, I need you-we need you. Trevor fight for us please" I begged him as tears ran down my face.

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