Chapter 32- Downhill...

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I laid on Léannah bed while she cuddled up next to me fast asleep. I had spend the night with her and for like the 4th time this week she had another meltdown. I didn't like all this stress on her but she was causing in on herself. Maybe if she just came clean about everything she wouldn't be going through this right now. Its really not like Léannah to fail her classes, don't give a fuck about life and always walk around depressed. I'm scared for her, I really am. All she's doing is thinking about herself when she doesn't realize her decisions are affecting people around her and her baby. I was totally against her not telling Ray or Trevor that they might be fathers in a few months and I tried to get her to tell them but she was being stubborn as hell and won't give in.

I let out a depressing sigh and gently rubbed her stomach that was slightly exposed from under her shirt. I hate to admit it but I did become too attached to her baby and that's not good- for her and for me. 

Once again I let out a depressing sigh. Was I good friend to Ray for keeping this secret from him? But if I told him then I wouldn't be a true friend to Léannah. I was so torn and I didn't know what to do. I didn't have anyone to talk to because know one is suppose to know Léannah is pregnant except Danielle, Daniel and Aloura but they had their own lives to deal with and I didn't need to be dumping my problems on them.

Just then Léannah's bedroom door creaked open. Laylani's head poked into the room with a slight smile. "Is Léannah up? Kenneth wanted to talk to her." She said slyly.

"Tell him shes coming, Ill wake her up." She nodded and closed the door.

I slightly moved and leaned over Léannah. "Wake up sleepy head." I whispered to her but she didn't move.

"Léannah, wake up." I said slightly shaking her. Still nothing.

"Come on Lay, I know you're not sleeping the baby is literally leaving footprints on your stomach." This time she giggled but still kept her eyes shut.

"If you don't open your eyes imma harass mini me." 

"Fine, I'm up." She groaned and sat up lazily.

"Good, now your dad called you downstairs." One again she groaned and laid back and buried her head under her pillow.

"Why don't you just talk to him Léannah, hes getting worried that his once innocent daughter was catching an attitude and being distant."

"I just wanna be left alone is that too much to ask?"

"Léannah your almost 6 months pregnant. You need help and you know it. You cant keep this to yourself forever you need to talk to him!"

"Get out." 

I just looked at her like she crazy. "Huh?" 

"Get out Chresanto!" She yelled.

"Whatever Léannah, you're just mad cause you know I'm right."

I got up and walked out her room. I'll just give her time to cool down and come to her senses. But I hope she knows she cant hide this forever.


I know I was wrong for getting mad at Chres but he telling me things I didn't want to hear. I knew I had to tell my dad at some point but I didn't want that time to come. I still decided to go see what my dad wanted to talk about because I cant avoid the conversation forever.

I slowly walked into my dad's office while he typed away on his computer. "Hi daddy." I said lowly hoping he wouldn't hear me but to my luck he did.

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