Aloura wasn't the happiest person when she found out about dad leaving Lauryn kids here to go on vacation with her.
"What's done is done. I'm not changing my plans," Dad said as he placed his suitcases by the door. He was leaving in just a few hours which means Laylani and Justin will be here in a few hours. "It will be fun, I promise."
"You can't leave Justin in this house with us, someone will end up getting murdered."
We didn't have a problem with Laylani, it was Justin we didn't like and want.
"911 is available 24/7" Dad replied to Aloura.
"So you expect to leave five teenagers in a house alone for the whole summer and then come back and expect everything to be all peachy? That sounds even crazier than going on vacation with a woman you met six months ago." Léannah tone was sarcastic and full of attitude, she wasn't any happier than Aloura.
"If you're not comfortable with staying in the house then go to Trevor's house, it's that simple."
Is he stupid or is he stupid? What parent suggest that their daughter spend the summer at her boyfriend's house. I actually grew mad cause I started thinking of all the possible things that can go down between Trevor and Léannah this whole summer if she does go over there.
"Obviously I'm not gonna to Trevor's house and leave my bestfriend here. What kind of stupidness is that?"
"Watch how your speaking to me Léannah!" Dad warned in a firm tone.
"Whatever, this is bullshit." She mumbled and pushed past me to go upstairs.
Dad let out a stressful sigh and sat down on the bottom step on the staircase. "I just wished you guys would understand. I really like Lauryn and I want to make things work. You guys don't have to like her kids- y'all don't even have to like her but at least be civil, for me? Please?"
I kinda felt bad for the way we reacted. Who are to ruin dad's chance at happiness. Just like we did he deserved love. I could tell he really liked Lauryn and I'm willing to sacrifice my summer so he could be happy with her. "As your second daughter and third child, I will sacrifice my summer for your happiness and apologize for mine and Léannah behavior. It was unacceptable and we deserve ass whoopins'."
Aloura is such a fool. Dad smiled and thanked us for understanding. "They'll be here in a few hours so you and Léannah should discuss who giving up their bedroom."
I know this discussion isn't gonna go well. After dad dismissed us Aloura went to go talk to Léannah. After about an hour and a half they barged into my room. "Wassup?" I asked sitting up in my bed.
"Nothing, just waiting till they get here."
I nodded and the room fell silent. I then remembered I had to ask them something. "Aye, Jacob, Craig and I are planning a surprise 16 birthday party for Chres since he cant really afford one himself. Y'all wanna help? You can ask Danielle if she wants to too."
"Oh yeah, I remember Jacob mentionned that to me last week. Sure I'll help." Aloura replied with a smile.
"You already know imma help. Chres is my bestie."
"I thought I was your bestie hoe!" Aloura said looking at her.
"Well you thought wrong," Aloura looked at Léannah like she was stupid. "Your my sister. Your friendship status is higher than everyone else's."

Mixed Emotions (Ray Ray Love Story)
FanfictionHer long, curly brown hair, her fair flawless complexion, her perfect body shape, her swag. I fell for it all. "Who's the hot girl" my Chresanto whispered to me and that's when he made the announcement "this is my daughter Léannah" Ray and his s...