It's been two weeks since Léannah went back to Canada and I miss her like crazy. The house is so boring and quiet without her. The crew is so different without her. She calls and texts once in a while but not as often as I would like her too. "Still thinking about Léannah huh?" Chresanto asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about how much more fun it would be if she was here" I said.
"She's only gone for a 4 more weeks," he said "you could survive"
"Easy for you to say" I mumbled.
We were walking around the neighborhood enjoying the summer breeze. There's was kids playing jumprope, hopscotch and basketball in the streets. It was like any other summer. "Lets call Craig and see what he's up to" Chresanto suggested.
Jacob's blexican bitch ass was in Canada also with Léannah and Aloura. Apparently he already made plans to spend half the summer with Aloura so he left the same day as Léannah and he's also coming back the same day as her and I made sure to tell his bitch ass to keep an eye on Léannah cause she's not gonna tell me what's going on down there. I nodded in agreement and took out my phone and dialed Craig's number. "Hello?" He answered like he sleeping.
"Yo bruh it's Ray, whatchu up to?" I asked into the phone.
"Asleep nigguh!" He growled in a annoyed tone.
"My nigguh it's 2:30 in the afternoon!" I yelled into the phone "dafuq you mean you asleep?"
"I had a wild night last night" he said followed by a yawn.
Only Craig. He loves to party and most of all he likes the broads who's there. "Look man get ready, we coming to get you" I said then hung up not even giving him a chance to answer.
"Lets head back back to the house and get my car" I said.
We turned back and headed down the street back to my house. I went inside the house real quick to grab my keys then headed back outside. I unlocked the doors and Chres and I got in the car and drove off. The car ride silent. Chres was texting someone and could see him smiling at each text he got. "Who you texting?" I asked.
"Léannah," he said as he replied back to her message "she said she misses us all and she's having fun but Jacob is pissing her off" he said and I let out a small chuckle.
I looked over at his phone and realize the name on top said "CupCake💕" with pink hearts. "Why is her name cupcake in your phone if you call her taco?" I asked.
He chuckled before speaking "she put her own name as cupcake," he said smiling "I don't know if she told you but she always tells me and Jacob the she's a cupcake because she's pretty and sweet on the outside and soft and mushy on the inside"
"Interesting.." I said as I pull up to Craig's house.
I turned off the car and got out. We walked up to his door and rang the doorbell. We waited about 5mins until he decided he wanted to answer the door. "Y'all bitch asses better be lucky I like y'all" he growled before pushing past us to go in my car.
Chresanto and I just slightly laughed and shrugged. We headed back to the car and drove off. Once again the car was silent. I honestly don't know how I survived before I met Léannah cause my life is hella boring whiteout her in it. "Where we going?" Craig asked after texting on his phone for the longest while.
"To my aunt Tishana's house," I said "at least there we would be bored"
"Is Camilla gonna be there?" He asked

Mixed Emotions (Ray Ray Love Story)
FanfictionHer long, curly brown hair, her fair flawless complexion, her perfect body shape, her swag. I fell for it all. "Who's the hot girl" my Chresanto whispered to me and that's when he made the announcement "this is my daughter Léannah" Ray and his s...