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Russian Federation(male)

Nickname(s)- Rus, Sir/your royal highness, Vodka man(from USA)

Parents: USSR(male, мама(unknown person)

Siblings: Armenia(female),Azerbaijan(female),Belarus(male), Estonia(female), Georgia(male), Kazakhstan(male), Kyrgyzstan (Male), Latvia(male), Lithuania(female), Moldova (male), Tajikistan(male), Turkmenistan(male), Ukraine(female), and Uzbekistan(female)- all but Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan started their own kingdoms

Extra: Loves Turquoise, Likes writing stories and sketching, likes dancing, gay, likes homemade food, doesn't like warm/hot weather, early bird, "serious", Somewhat mentally stable. Doesn't like meeting new people but still talks and stuff


Nickname(s)- Ame, America, your royal highness/sir

Parents: France(Male) Uk(Male)- They adopted their kids

Siblings: Canada(male), Australia (female), New Zealand (male), India( male), Bangladesh(male), Pakistan(female). -India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan moved out and started their own kingdoms.

Extra: Loves Yellow, Likes making music, Hates dancing, Bisexual, loves homemade food, gets cold easily but doesn't get hot easily, Loves sleep, "funny", mentally unstable (because who isn't!?). Distant to new people most of the time. Oldest sibling


Nickname(s)- Maple, Can-Can, Sir/highness

Parents- Same as USA

Siblings- Same and USA

Extra: Loves blue, Baking, straight, likes dancing, likes winter and summer, night owl, Mentally stable (surprisingly), very social. Second oldest sibling


Nickname(s)- Stralia, Animal talker, Princess/miss, Aussie.

Parents- Same as USA

Siblings- Same as USA

Extra- Loves rainbows, Talks to animals (they don't talk back), Has rock collection, straight, likes to make clothes, VERY social. Second youngest sibling

New Zealand(male):

Nickname(s)- Zee, Sheeps, Sir/highness, Zealand.

Parents- Same as USA

Siblings- Same as USA

Extra: likes kiwi's (the bird and fruit), loves green, likes dancing, youngest sibling, loves canadas pancakes.

I'm too lazy to do the others...

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