Chap. 3

119 4 17

Hey... sorry I disappeared for a bit, my motivation disappeared. I had to look and find it again... and get ideas too.

Canada POV:

     The masquerade is over... finally, we can all get a break. Well, maybe not all of us. Dad and Papa were trying to get Zee to calm down... He did have a lot of sugar and is jumping up and down rapidly. "Papa, can we each tell you our favorite person we met at the Masquerade and invite them over for a sleep over?!" Zee asked repeatedly, "I would but it's up to your Dad" replied Papa. Zee turned to Dad and said "please" rapid fire at least 50 times before Dad shouted without thinking, "ALRIGHT, FINE! WE'LL DO IT" Dad sighed, "Just go to bed and calm down or I'm not doing it." Zee squealed like the 10-year-old he is.

Dad sighed and looked at me for help. I walked over and picked up Zee and then walked over to a giggling Stralia, who probably is sleep deprived from taking care of her pets last night. I dragged them to their rooms and practically threw them on their beds. I know that Ame probably went straight to his room the second everyone left. You throw him into a social event and he'll stay on the edges of the whole thing unless someone talks to him... Then he'll talk a little, and then disappears to the edges again.

     I walked over to Ame's room and knocked on the before opening it. "Hey, Ame, how was the party?" I asked... WHY WAS HE STARING AT THE CEILING SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT!? He looked at me and stuttered a little, "uh, I-It was good..." My eyes narrowed. "Is that why you're smiling at the ceiling for no reason?" I asked, "Or are you smiling because you got to insult someone again?" He dramatically gasped and looked at me, pretending to be offended. "Me? Insult someone? I would never!" he said, We both laughed at his ridiculous comment. "Okay though, it wasn't actually the worst." He said and folded his arms. I smiled and said, in a sing-song voice, "Ooookaaaay~" And then I left.


     Why was Can-Can acting like that? Was I really staring at the ceiling like a Dumbass? Why did I say the party was good? Am I going crazy right now? Or am I just very sleep deprived? I'm just going to figure that out later, and by later I mean never. I changed into some very comfy PJ's then walked to my bed and fell face first onto it, I'm too tired to get in like a normal person... whatever normal even is. I inchworm-ed into my blankets and stared at the ceiling again.

     Then I started thinking... a little too much probably. Like, who thinks about how weird owls look when you see how long their legs are?! [It's pretty weird if you haven't seen it] I don't think a lot of people do. Anyway, I was thinking and then a random fact I read about a few years ago popped into my head. 'Right before you sleep the person you think of is either the source of your pain or happiness' I don't know why Russia is the person I thought of last before falling asleep into a very dreamless, long, and restless night.

-Time skippity skip-

     I woke up to the sun blinding me when I sat up. "Damn it!" I yelled, "I forgot to close the curtains god dammit!" I stood up and marched, annoyed, to the curtains and closed them. HA! Take that change! [I decided to make Ame autistic, and autistic people hate/struggle with changes] I smiled and sighed, before walking over to my closet and well, got dressed in a more 'casual' outfit. It wasn't formal enough for a Ball or anything, just something that's formal but not formal at the same time... y'know?

I walked out of my room and to the dining room. I sat down next to Zealand who was either bouncing or shaking in his seat. I looked down at him mildly concerned for my younger brother. Can-Can smiled at me and lightly elbowed Dad. Dad shot an annoyed look at Can-Can and then looked at me. "America... Zealand proposed-" he said, but I interrupted just to be annoying, "oooh, Who's the lucky, hopeful 10 year old girl?" I smiled and Zee slapped my arm, making me laugh. "Joking, i'm joking," I said, "Take a sec to chill Zee" He looked back at the pancakes Can-Can made and aggressively stabbed them with his fork.

     Dad cleared his throat and started again, "Zealand has proposed an Idea." I raised an eyebrow and shoved some pancake into my mouth, "He said that I should allow you and your siblings to invite your favorite person from the Masquerade Last night over for a sleepover" he finished. I almost choked on my pancakes and looked at Dad with a surprised look. Papa, Can-Can, Aussie, and Zee all laughed or giggled at my response. Dad looks like he regrets saying yes to Zee's Idea.

     I finished inhaling my food like a vacuum before answering, "Well, either Nippon or Russia. I've known Nippon for a while and I know you want me to 'try harder' to get a friendship with Russia." I continued, "Therefore, I don't really care. Just choose one of the two" I stood up and walked to each of my family members and lightly patted their head... Except Dad, I kind of hit his a little bit harder... Dad stood up and looked at me, I smiled nervously and he smiled before chasing after me. "DAD CHILL! CHIIIIIIIILLLLL!" I screamed while running away, tripping too, and we were all laughing.

-after THAT chaos-

     I was out of breath and so was Dad, I waved bye to my family before heading to the family pet room. As the name says, it's a place where all of the family's pets live. I opened the door and put on my falcon glove. To no surprise I saw Gratis, my bald eagle, already flying over to me. I held up my arm horizontally and Gratis landed on the glove. I smiled at her and said hi and then she flew off again. I left and went to Can-Cans room

... Why isn't he here?... Eh, he's probably hanging out with Stralia and Zee


Okay, don't come after me because Ame is autistic. I'm autistic so I know what it's like and what autistic people do, just to clarify. Also Gratis is Spanish for Free. And I forgot to mention this but Japan in Japanese is '日本' and it can be pronounced 'Nihon' or 'Nippon' So that's why Nippon is Nippon and Nihon is Nihon... IDK if that made any sense. I'm also gonna work on making more character descriptions for some characters I forgot abt😅

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