Chap. 18

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     That shitty tall fuckin' bitchy motherfu-


     "C'mon Russia! Just a small little punch!" I yelled trying to punch CSA. He shook his head, but I kept trying because no one hurts Zee like that. No one.

Russia POV:

     I have so many god damn questions. The one trying to hurt, or kill, everyone is just a childish female after revenge. The person I love most suddenly acts like a child too and is trying to punch the childish bitch.


      Now that I'm done mentally cussing out both of the ridiculously tall idiots, I can actually not act like a bitchy little bitch. "Listen, can we talk this out?" said Russia, of course he's the voice of reason... that's probably a good thing. I nodded and so did Ame. In turn, Russia set me down and we all sat on the floor to talk awkwardly. "So, why are you trying to hurt my family CSA?" asked Ame, I smiled, "Revenge of course." I answered. Russia face-palmed for whatever reason and so did Ame. "That's not what I meant, I meant what do you want revenge for?" Ame asked again, rephrasing his question.

     "For being mom's favorite, for being remembered, for being perfect" I spat. Ame and Russia looked at each other confused. Ame shook his head, "That's... not true, what you said." He said, "I wasn't moms favorite, Canada was, I'm only remembered because I'm weird, and perfect?" He scoffed, "I'm not perfect, I'm anything but perfect" I rolled my eyes. Of course, he looks down on himself, he's always been like that. focusing too much on his faults when he already has so much given to him.

     "You are perfect." I said, "You're good looking, you're not afraid to show your true self, your kind, you're quiet, you're smart, you're perfect. And I'm not!" It's not that I want to be perfect, I just want to be similar. "So, what if I am? I'm also forgetful, blunt, I sleep a lot, and I eat a lot" He countered. I groaned in annoyance and looked at Russia, he shrugged... great job Russia... You're completely useless to me.


     I'm glad that Confederate thinks of me like that... but I don't even have a real personality. I just make one up for every person or for a group of people. I don't even catch clues when people clearly show that they like me... at least according to Can-Can. "Look, since you want revenge for the things I for some reason have... how come you never got those in the first place?" I asked, that just made her even more pissed.

     "Because you always one-up me! You didn't even notice when you did!" She practically yelled at me. Russia glared at her, and she glared back. I felt out of place here, two people I know glaring at each other and I'm just sitting here like a duck. I reached for CSA's tomahawk and set it in the middle of our little triangle. "You used mom's gift to try to hurt me... She'd be so disappointed and sad." I said quietly, "She said to only use it to defend each other... not to hurt each other." CSA looked at me and nodded. "I know... I figured that I was already too far gone that she wouldn't care." She shrugged, I sighed "You know mom never stopped caring about anything she loved." she nodded. 

     CSA looked at the tomahawk and smiled softly, it's been a while since I saw her smile like when she was a kid. "I guess I don't want to kill you anymore..." She whispered, "Maybe it's mom from her own little kingdom in the afterlife?" I smiled and so did Russia and we all nod. "Probably" I laughed, Russia smiled, and CSA laughed with me. Then CSA stood up and did a little something I didn't expect. "So..." She began, "how about I go to jail now?" Russia and I were shocked. "Y-You're just gonna g-go?" I stuttered in shock and amazement. She nodded and shrugged, "I mean, I did almost kill your siblings, even though they technically aren't" She muttered. Russia stood up, "I guess I'll have some guards escort you there?" he asked, she nodded and smiled at me. "Nice to see you again, my idiotic twin" She said before leaving with Russia.

Russia POV:

     As I was walking CSA to some guards I decided to learn some more about her and Ame. "So, what's your relationship with Ame?" I asked, she laughed. "Of course he didn't tell you about me" She said, "I'm his twin sister. His biological one by the way. Canada was kind of like a step-brother" I nodded, that's interesting. I decided to ask another question "So, what was Ame like before Britain came along?" I needed to know what he was like back before all the colonization. "hmm? Oh, he was really nice and loved listening to mom's music" she giggled, "He also hated the winter months, he would always complain about being a human popsicle." I smiled. So, he gets cold easily.

     After another minute we came across some guards. We walked over and they saluted, "Hello, I need you to take this woman to jail." I said, "She's the attempted assassin at the funeral, treat her kindly though, she's had a change of heart" The guards looked at each other confused but nodded and took CSA away. She waved goodbye to me, so, I waved back. Then I turned around and saw Ame also waving goodbye.

     I smiled at him, "Well, that was really underwhelming." I commented. He nodded "It really was. I'm just glad I got to see her happy again." he sighed. I shrugged, for what was probably the 10th time tonight, "Sometimes a little group therapy works" I joked... I got a smack on the head for that. "That was not group therapy, it was a good-cop-only interrogation!" He said. We laughed and walked back to our rooms. At least now everything is under control and not as chaotic as before.


I struggled writing this, I don't want it to endddd! But the end is coming, either 19 or 20 i'll work on that... Anyway, I seriously don't want this to end. 


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