Chap. 6

105 3 32

Canada POV: [btw I'm right abt to face plant onto my keyboard rn]

     Breakfast was a bit interesting... After Zee finished his pancakes Ame finished his and tried to steal Papas chocolate croissant... that ended up with Ame getting hit in the face with the croissant he was tying to steal. Then Stralia's Joey, Jiya, bounced in and Stralia had to chase Jiya to get her back into the pet room... Then Zee decided to run around the room yelling "CHICKEN" for whatever reason. This all happened under 30 seconds... I think Samoa spit out a little orange juice from all the sudden chaos. Everyone except Papa and Dad looked at me. I looked at them and shrugged, "Its normally more chaotic, this is probably the best that's happened." I mentioned. They all looked at me like I just did necromancy.

     "I'm sorry... WHAT!?" Papua New Guinea asked, I took a sip of my chocolate milk, "You heard me, this is normal" I had some more pancakes. Russia did the same and just pretended to act like nothing was happening. When the chaos stopped everyone was done eating. Ame bonked us all on our heads like he always does, when I say all I mean all. He did it to Samoa, Papua New Guinea, and Russia even.

      Me and my siblings changed in our rooms while our guests changed in 3 of the 5 guest rooms we have. When we all met back up in the ballroom we all played a game that Stralia came up with. It's kind of like truth or dare but it's just the truth, Someone will ask you something and you answer. But there's a twist, the person has to ask personal stuff or stuff that can be used against you. Like your greatest phobia, how many family members you have, how good or bad your mental health is, least favorite person, past fatal injuries, etc. It can get intense, if that wasn't obvious already.

     "Can-Can," Papua New Guinea said, " what is your greatest pet peeve?" I thought. "I hate it when people say 'katchup' instead of 'ketchup' I guess" I replied, yeah It's kind of weird but think about it. It's spelled 'K-e-t-c-h-u-p' not 'K-a-t-c-h-u-p' It just... why!? Anyway, it went on and on and on, until Russia accidentally asked Ame a pretty personal question. "Which parent do you have the worst relationship with?" Russia asked... Ame tensed up a bit and looked like he really wanted to leave but he answered anyway. "Dad, or Britain, We don't really have the kindest relationship" Ame shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal, probably trying to make sure no one worries a lot.

     Russia's eyes narrowed as if he was suspicious about something, or he just knew that Ame was trying to make it seem better than it really is. After a few more rounds of the game we stopped playing and decided to walk in the for some reason massive courtyard we have. We each walked around with our different guests and because Ukraine couldn't come I was tasked, by Zee, to spy on Ame and Russia. It was pretty boring to watch. I swear those two are already acting like two friends that secretly love each other but are in denial for their feelings. The amount of times I thought 'Just kiss already you dumbaxes!' has happened too many times. 

-Time skip that feels like the hundredth time-

     Once everyone regrouped after around two hours we sat in the middle of the courtyard and just did whatever we felt like doing. Ame decided to lay down and stare at the sun... how is he not blind by now? I have no idea. Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Zee, and Stralia decided to play some tag... why they chose that I have no Idea. Russia just sat down on a bench and pulled a notebook out of nowhere... WITH MULTIPLE PENCILS! Where did he get those!? WHAT!? I'm... just going to pretend he carried those around the whole time.

     I stared at the clouds for a while and the next when I looked back over at Ame he was walking in circles around this random, and old, bird bath.  Huh, that's... interesting. I've seen weirder things, right? He's just being the oldest brother he is. [yes, Canada you are entirely right. He's just stimming... andthinkingaboutthepurposeoflifeandhisexistenceandquestioningrealityandoverthinkingeverything nothing much] 

     After that we all just hung out and did some more chaotic stuff. Then we went back to the dining room for lunch and went to the library and read some books while me, Ame, and Zee did some prince stuff. Finally the day was over and we all slept in the ballroom again. I forgot how loud Ame snores, how does everyone still sleep like there isn't a whole drumline playing inside?


     This is the third or second chapter i've published today, and sorry this one is shorter. I'm tired, probably depressed, and IDK what i'm doing with my life anymore. I'm so glad that writing is my coping mechanism and just my escape from reality. You're probably wondering why i'm being all depressed now instead of before. 

     It's because i may or may not have been watching Vent tiktok compilations on youtube while writing this. But if you know someone that needs help, or yourself, either be that help of look for some. You might not think you're SHing but there's a lot of things that are considered SH. 

EX. cracking knuckles 24/7, under/over eating, nail/lip biting, excessive exercise, staying up late, purposely watching things that make you sad/worried, watching porn yk, and anything that's purposely harming you. [I may or may not have 6/8 of those. the underlined ones, but uh... i'm working on it I promise]

If you need too, call your country's lifeline and get help. If you refuse to seek help I'm going to end up causing a ww3. And we don't want that. So, I know i've said this multiple times but to be clear, GET HELP IF YOU KNOW YOU NEED IT! [if you need to vent or anything just go to your notes app, if you have one, and write it all down. Or vent to me, I no judgy person... unless you've been a jerk to me, then I'll silently judge you but I know none of you irl so you're good.]

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