Chap. 16

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     Something's off, but I don't know what. The person who tried to kill my family had a tomahawk, Native America had a tomahawk but it wouldn't be Mom. She's gone gone, so who did it?.. Who is it? Is it someone I knew or is it just some random person with a tomahawk? That's so confusing, like, who else would have a tomahawk? I can only think of Dad, because he loves taking historical things from other countries, doesn't he have that one obelisk from Egypt? Oh, yeah he does... and I swear to god he needs to stop with his little 'collecting' hobby, it's gone too far if he does have the tomahawk. Wait, no, it coudn't have been Dad, he also almost died... then did he give the tomahawk to someone else?

     My thoughts are interrupted by Russia walking outside and heading towards where I'm standing. I look at him and smile, "Hey Russia, how're you?" I asked. He smiled back and shrugged, "Here and there, the council decided that the coronation should be put off until your brother gets better." I nodded. "That's a very kind council you got there." I said, mine is all boring and strict. Mine wouldn't let me add a small little holiday for hunting to be illegal for 24 hours, the poor animals don't get a break.

     Me and Russia stood there for a while, looking at the stars and stuff. After a while, we sat down and kept watching the stars. We're surprised by a girls voice, sounding excited, say "aawww! Can-Can, they're on a date!" we turned around in shock, and ready to object... until we saw that it's Stralia. I stood up, "Stralia, we're not on a date. We're just hanging out." I said, and then Can-Can walked over. "Oh, c'mon Ame, a date isn't that bad, it's just a hangout but with someone you love." Can-Can objected against my objection. I rolled me eyes and folded my arms, "It's. Not. A. Date" I said, and then I felt Russia's hand on my shoulder. "I wouldn't mind it being a... date" Mumbled Russia, I turned my head and looked at him in disbelief.

     Can-Can and Stralia shoved me towards Russia and instincts happened, I grabbed onto the nearest thing... which happened to be Russia... wait... this is familiar. After I regained my balance and stopped hugging a now blushing Russia, I faced my two siblings. "So that's what you guys were trying to accomplish at Zee's sleepover!" I yelled and pointed at them accusingly. They laughed and nodded before Stralia swept my legs and I almost fell flat on my butt. The reason I said "almost" Is because a certain Russia caught me. Now I'm the blushing mess.

     After Russia helped me back up I glared at my siblings, "You've been planning this since day 1 haven't you?" I asked, they nodded. "I'm guessing you guys weren't expecting so many speed bumps too?" Russia asked, they nodded again. I looked at Russia and then looked away, "My siblings know me so well they can predict my next crush..." I muttered. Russia blinked in what I assume is surprise and then hugged me. "They're so good they can predict mine" He said, this is definitely interesting... but god, I do love him.

Canada POV:


Australia POV:


Russia POV:

     I'm so glad Ame's siblings are for some reason psychics. I love Ame so freaking much and didn't know until Stralia said "date" and when I turned into a tomato. No matter, I still love Ame and I'm glad he loves me back... wait... HOLY SHIT HE LOVES ME BACK! This is so weird, a good weird but still weird. Happiness is pretty much all I'm feeling right now, I can't describe it in any way, it's just so... so AMAZING! Amazing being minimal... Words seriously can't describe it, I love Ame to freaking much to describe anything right now.

     When Ame hugged me back I think I almost died from happiness. The four of us stayed like this for a long time, me and Ame hugging and Stralia and Can-Can happily whispering. Then Stralia collapsed, Canada caught her though. The second Stralia fell, Ame let go of the hug and shoved me away. I was emotionally hurt by that action until I noticed the glinting blade of a small knife in Ame's right arm... jeez, that guy must get stabbed a lot if he doesn't care... until I realized he's too angry to care. "Ame don't even think about chasing the-" I tried to tell him, but he ran towards the figure anyway, so I followed.

     The figure threw some more knives here and there, and me and Ame zig-zagged and kinda just ran like idiots... I swear, I feel like an idiot running like this, I mean, I could die if I don't so I'll be an idiot for now. When we got to the wall me and Ame shared a brain-cell. How do I know we did? Well, I sped in front of him and I became a springboard, I had my hands clasped and open in front of me, and the second he put his foot on it I launched him up... He definitely wasn't expecting so much force and his landing was a little... rough... He stood up quickly and went back to chasing.

     Canada trailed behind me and helped me get on the wall, I was way too far behind Ame and the mystery figure. I ran as fast I could make my legs go... which surprisingly is really, really fast. I caught up soon enough and Ame was struggling to keep up the figure. So, I did what any good person would, and I ran even faster even though it was only a little bit. I was only a few feet away, so I obviously reached out my hand and grabbed the cloak they were wearing. But when physics normally say 'whiplash for you' instead it said 'what the frick' because the figure just turned into smoke.

     Ame caught up with me and stared at the cloak, does he know who it is? "let me guess, you caught them, they turned into smoke before you could see who they were, and now all wer have is their cloak and what's inside it?" Ame said. I nodded and handed him the cloak "Do you have any idea who it is?" I asked, his eyes narrowed and he nodded. "If it's the person I'm thinking of, then we're gonna have a fun time trying not to die." was all he said before walking off with the cloak... ouch.

     Canada walked to me after I got down from the wall and asked, "You okay? You seem bummed out." I nodded. "Not the best. I catch them and they turn into smoke but I did get the cloak..." I said, "I'm just worried about Ame" Canada nodded in understanding. "He does that sometimes" Canada commented, "Being excited one moment and then forgetting about it the next moment" He smiled at the ground. "It's happened a lot." He said before looking back up at me, "Just give him some time... Ame is just a little different, not a lot of people notice for some reason though" I nodded, he is interesting.


Just so you all know, I'm working on another Rusame AU right now. Mainly because I'm going to end this book soon, probably around chapter 20 to chapter 28. My books are short, I know ;-; but it's better than nothing. I also made this chapter a bit longer to make up for chapter 15.

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