Chap. 17

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     The familiar cloak, the tomahawk, the disappearing into smoke... why didn't I see it sooner? of course it's her, it makes so much god damn sense now. She wants our family dead, but why? Out of revenge? Is she being paid for this? Why did she decided to come back... wait, she's not trying to kill my family, she's just trying to hurt them, to make me feel like I can't do anything. Well, it's not going to work! Nope! Nuh-uh!

     She's trying to kill me; she just wants to add some insecurity here and there, so I go and look for her alone. Smart, but she's tried this before, and it didn't work. So why would it work this time? That's right, it won't. She's too angry to think things through, right? Or maybe I'm just over thinking this? What if it's just some person who has moms' old stuff? No, I doubt it. I have my own pair of mom's stuff, and this stuff is Her's. Not my stuff, not moms' stuff, it's her stuff.

     I have to tell Russia and my dads. After I finish being in the medical room for the second time, I walk back to my room. When I walk in I look at Dad, he's already waiting for me, he's sitting on his chair but looking at me. Russia or Canada probably told him about what happened to Stralia. I rolled my eyes, "Stralia's fine, if that's what you're wondering" I scoffed. Dad shook his head, "No, I know she's fine. I've been against you for too long. I want to start over." My jaw dropped, I'm sorry WHAT?! He's hated me since I-I don't know! Now he wants to start over?!

Quick side note. There's mention of the CSA in this, idk if that's triggering or anything so I'm just putting it here if you feel uncomfortable with it.

      I take a deep breath and fold my arms. "Fine," I said, "We can start over, only if you and the family leave as soon as possible." then his jaw dropped. "You can't be serious!" He yelled, I looked at him dead serious. "Do I look like I'm joking?" I asked, he shook his head and sighed. "It's not because I don't like you or the family" I said, "It's because Confederate is back. And she seems pretty determined to hurt all of you." I finished, which left him even more shocked. He nodded, "Very well, I'll talk to Russia and see when we can leave." I nodded and then sat on my bed while Dad went to talk to Russia.

    Russia... I love him and he loves me. So, what does that make us? We've technically never been on an official date, so we can't be lovers. But we're not friends either... so what are we? I guess we can figure that out after She's taken care of. If we don't get her arrested or something, she's going to kill everyone. I can't have that.

Russia POV:

     I was walking back towards my office after the eventful night. Then I see Britain running towards me. I turn around to face him, confused. "Yes, Britain?" I asked, he looked at me seriously before he spoke. "Me and my family need to leave, other than Ame. An old friend of his is coming back to hurt us supposedly." he said. I nodded, if he's talking about the figure then he's definitely in the right mindset to leave. "I'm pretty sure there's nothing planned for tomorrow, that would be the best if you want to leave early." I said, he nodded and almost left but asked one more question "What about Zee and Stralia?". I thought about it for a moment. "Australia is good to go, just watch her ankles they're what got stabbed. But I don't know about Zee." I said, he nodded and we stood there thinking. "We could leave Zee here until he's better and he could come back with Ame?" He suggested. I nodded "that's the best option we have I think." I said.

      After he left I walked into my office and saw someone already inside. "You do know that I don't like people who mysteriously stand by my desk" I said. The person turned to me and I heard a soft chuckle. "Oh, I know, I just don't care" They said, well not they, she. Her voice is much more feminine and definitely the same height as the figure from earlier. "Then why are you here?" I asked, she smiled and I took a step towards her. "I just want to cause my twin some little... fun" She giggled, "Ame used to think I was a ghost haunting him. But the truth is that I never left!" Ok, now I'm confused.

     "I'm the CSA, Confederate if you want," She smiled, "I'm after revenge. Revenge on your little crush." That's the last straw. I grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground. "Where's your little smoke trick now?" I said angrily, she panicked and tried to kick me. "I can only do it when people aren't touching me!" She yelled, "Now let me go!" I shook my head and started to drag her with me to Ame's room. When I knocked on the door Ame opened it immediately. "Hi Rus!" He said happily, I smiled "Hi, I have a little someone you probably know" I said holding up Confederate. Ame's smile dropped and he glared at her. He looked back at me and pointed at her with a confused look on his face. "How did you..?" He asked, I shrugged. "She can only do the smoky thing when no one's touching her... and she was standing in my office like she owned the place." I said, handing her to Ame.

    I shouldn't have given him Confederate... Now I'm the one holding Ame back from beating Confederate while making sure she can't poof into smoke. This is interesting... two currently violent people, one I'm in love with the other trying to hurt a family and probably me in the future... This is going to be interesting.

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