Chap. 8

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Just a quick side note... idk what i'm doing anymore so if this chapter is more chaotic than the last one... sorry. Also, I forgot to mention that sleepovers in this world/AU last like 3 days. And that if a country collapses or "dies" if their remembered enough they're more of a ghost. I also forgot to mention that Ame, Can-Can, and Stralia all have their own kingdoms but rule over them from their parents palace... and yet they still take annoying lessons... HAHAHA PAiN! [wtf? 'PAiN'... i tried to type all caps but my keyboard stopped being a keyboard and now it looks like the equivalent to a voice crack... i'  too tired to fix it rn]


     Today is the third day... tomorrow morning they're all going to leave and be gone. FINALLY! I'm tired of having to engage in social activities, it's tiring. Sure, Russia is nice and all but I can't talk so much and so often, I'm socially awkward and anxious. I can talk on and on for certain subjects, but I need to recharge my figurative social battery.

     It was after lunch and I had a break from all the talking and stuff, so I walked to my room to do some work and make sure my kingdom was doing well. I sat down at my desk and picked up a pen. After around 30 minutes I looked up from my papers and looked out the large window. But I saw something... it's a figure, a humanoid one too, facing the window. I stood up and walked over to see more details on who it is. I didn't even walk 10 paces until I paused... my eyes widened. "It's you..." I said "how-why are you here?" The figure turned around. Their flag with a white background and a big red dot slightly off center... and red lines shooting out of the dot like a sun. It's the Japanese Empire.

He smiled and said, "whatever do you mean, dear America? Aren't you glad to see me dead?" I took deep breath and sighed. "Yes, but why are you here?" I asked, "What do you want? You already messed with Hawaii what do you want now?!" My voice escalated into a yell... God, i'm glad the walls and door are sound proof right now. He chuckled, that just pissed me off, "Can and old enemy not stop by to say hello?" I glared at him. "You said hello, now leave. Unless you want to tell me what you want" I demanded.

     He strolled over to me so we were face to face... I forgot how short he was... anyway he looked up at me, his annoying smile faded away into a blank face. "I came to deliver some... news for you." He sighed. I bent down so we were on the same level, "I want nothing that comes from you" I spat. He raised an eyebrow, "oh? But this one is for you specifically from your mother" he said. I stood up straight and folded my arms, "And that is?" I asked, intrigued. He looked... regretful... and-and pained. He inhaled and looked up at me with red eyes filled with an odd kindness and pity, "your mother, Native America... She passed, completely. She told me to tell you that she wished she talked to you earlier" He muttered. I blinked, this couldn't be true... r-right? I mean, I know that spirits can pass totally, but Mom? She... sh-she's gone... forever.

    My hands shook, my breathing is uneven, and I looked at the ground. "Leave... now, before I decide to bash your ghostly head into a god damn wall!" I yelled. He nodded and left, I strode back to my desk and switched my pen out for a pencil. I snapped the pencil in two, I didn't want to have to deal with anything anymore... I walked to my bed and flopped onto it. I didn't know it was dinner time until Can-Can and Russia walked in... Can-Can gasped and rushed over to me. "Ame! I-is everything okay? Wh-what happened?" He asked, I didn't answer I just sat up and hid my face. "I-I'm f-fine..." I mumbled, Can-Can hugged me... I tried to pull away, but he just hugged me tighter. Russia stood next to us, trying to figure out why I'm crying... Can-Can was doing the same.

     I can't keep it from them... especially Can-Can. "M-mom... N-Native America... sh-she's gone... for g-good" I whispered, their eyes widened and Can-Can hugged me even tighter and hid his face in my shoulder. Russia opened his mouth to say something but shut it... i'm glad he did, i'm not in the mood to talk right now... Can-Can pulled Russia's sleeve and Russia stumbled. Can-Can grabbed his arm and pulled him into the hug. I tried to leave again but Canada and Russia pulled me back... I gave up on trying and just hugged them back. Russia left to tell everyone else why me and Can-Can weren't going to show up for dinner tonight.

Russia POV:

     I wish I could say something to make Canada and America feel better. It's better to not say anything though, I just need to be there to help them. When I walked into the dining room Britain looked at me, "where's America and Canada?" He asked. I sighed, "their biological mom, Native America, passed on." I answered, gasps and mutters filled the room for a few seconds. [when I paused here the word count was 911 and I was like "oopsie daisies!"] Britain nodded, "I'll see how they're doing later tonight, just... give them some space" he said. I nodded and sat down. 

     When dinner was done we all headed to the ballroom... except America and Canada. We all sat there in awkward silence... well, almost. Stralia was hugging Zee, who is muttering a lot, I bet he's worried about his older brothers... it makes sense. I don't blame him, I doubt America cries very often and when he does I bet it's normally something big and important. I looked in the general direction of America's room. Zee and Stralia noticed and scooted a little closer to me, I looked at them and they smiled sadly at me. I smiled back, "I feel bad... I wish I could help in some way" I said. They nodded, "Yeah... Ame not showing up for dinner happens every now and then, but Can-Can always shows up" Stralia said, "We got worried when he didn't show up... and now we know why" her voice cracked a little at the end.

We sat there for a while, just staring. I didn't notice how much time passed until I heard quiet snoring right next to me. I turned my had and saw Zee leaning on me and sleeping, Stralia was doing the same. I blinked in surprise and looked out the window only to see that it's dark outside. I kept staring at anything, the ceiling again, the walls, the floor, outside... I just stared at nothing.

-Time Skeep-

     I woke up and the first thing I noticed is that I felt stiff... Not surprising considering I fell asleep while sitting up... and had two of America's siblings fall asleep on me. I noticed that Zee and Stralia were already up, so I stretched. I stood up and walked around until breakfast. I saw Zee and Stralia standing in a corner. I smiled at them and they waved at me... and then they went back to talking about something. I don't know what though...


     Russia... you idiot, you should know what they're talkin' abt at this point... IT'S IN THE TITLE OF THE FLIPPING BOOK!! Also... lmk of I accidentally made a plot hole or smth, I HAVE to fix those things istg.

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