Chap. 2

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     Only an hour before the Masquerade officially starts... Oh joy... [Hey, it's your terribly idiotic writer, 1diotbloop, I hope you noticed the sarcasm bc I'm an idiot] I don't want to deal with people, or just having to speak with people I'm not close too. But I have too... I know dad doesn't like me much, but I do know that he's trying to establish these relations with everyone... So, I won't be entirely on my own when I rule. It makes sense and it's nice, but couldn't he at least treat me a bit more... Kindly?

     Oh well, I can only ask for so much. I got dressed and walked around to get used to the outfit, I don't want to look like a self-conscious sunflower, do I? Then I popped my head out the door and I could hear people talking from the ballroom already... I'm so glad I don't have to go out there until it officially starts, when it gets dark outside. I closed my door and paced back and forth. After a little while I stopped pacing and stood in front of the nearby mirror and practiced some different facial expressions. [It's an autism thing, but people can also just do it. Idk if I should make Ame here autistic... Tell me if I should pls!!] When I looked out the window the sun was setting, it covered the sky in amazing shades of red, orange, magenta, and slight dark blues. 

I walked out of my room and made my way to the ballroom. When I walked in, I noticed all the noise, and then I understood why. "Stralia! Go put you're Joey back where it's supposed to be!" I yelled and ran over. She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Alright fine, I just wanted to show our guests Jiya." She turned around and left, her Indigo dress flowing behind her. How does she just bring a Joey into the ballroom and just- I-I don't know! I walked away from that as quickly as I could, without drawing too much attention to myself. I ended up near a corner of the ballroom and I looked around trying to find who might be Russia.

     I was about to move to a different spot when I heard someone to my left squeal... Oh no, please don't be who I think it is... I turn my head and see Japan and her younger brother, who is the one who squealed. "AME-KUN!!" He yelled and ran over to me; I forced a smile onto my face. "H-Heeey Nihon... Uh, could you maybe not hug me?" I said and asked. He nodded and ran back to his older sister's side. She smiled at me and said, "Sorry about Nihon Ame... I think he just thought of another anime idea because of your amazing outfit." she looked at Nihon and pat his head. "It's not problem, I don't really mind until he attacks me with hugs." I smiled and we talked a little more. But when Nihon ran off Nippon had to chase him and make sure he didn't break anything, which I'm sure dad appreciated.

     I moved to a different spot and looked a little more and then I noticed Can-Can walking over with four other people. I walked over to Can-Can to save him some walking. "Hey Can-Can, who are these friends of yours?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled, "Well, this is Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan" He said, "And finally Russia!" He gestured to them each as he said who they were. I looked at Russia, he was a bit taller than me and has very pretty grey eyes. His outfit looked like it was based off a evergreen forest in winter. It's a dark green that fades into a white with, what is probably glitter, covering the top... that sounds like a pain to wear.

     I bowed towards them and then shook Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Russia's hands. We all talked together a little and eventually it was time to dance, my least favorite part of the events dad has. Nippon was nearby so I walked over and held my hand out for her to take. "Would you like to dance for a bit?" I asked, she smiled and took my hand. We danced and danced, I occasionally tripped but Nippon pretended she didn't see anything... Which I greatly appreciated. Then we were near Russia, who was dancing with Stralia... Poor guy, he's gonna be stuck with her rambles on Anacondas, Spiders, Bats, and Kangaroos... I feel bad for him. Conveniently enough it was time to switch our dancing partners. I tried to switch with Russia and dance with Stralia but she smiled at me and made me dance with Russia instead... Damn you Aussie.

     Me and Russia danced for a while too... in awkward silence. There's no way I'm starting the conversation, No way José! A little while longer and he finally said something, "You and your family have a nice palace. I wouldn't expect anything less from your father" I shrugged. "It's pretty nice," I said, "It's just my dad that's the problem. Papa is just fine though, he's nice" He looked at me weirdly. "You... Have two dads?" He asked, I nodded. "Yep," I replied, "biologically, they're not my parents or any of my siblings parents. They adopted all of us." I stumbled but pretended like nothing happened. "And India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan are also my siblings, they just moved out because they were tired of dad" I added, that earned another weird look from Russia.

     I decided to ask him some stuff too, "So... What's your family like?" I asked. He shrugged... THANKS A LOT MAN! I tried something else, "do you have any hobbies? I like making music." He thought for a little while. "I guess I like to sketch and write a little" he said, that's pretty cool... We danced and talked some more, and once the masquerade was over, we said our goodbyes and I stood with the rest of my family watching our guests leave.


Hey, so just so you all know... I know I didn't have Ame "accidentally" kiss Russia, but it WILL happen soon. just trust me on this people

This is what Stralia was wearing btw

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This is what Stralia was wearing btw That's my Pintrest, where I find all/ most of the pictures and art. None of the art is mine so far...

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