Chap. 4

106 3 12

Canada POV:

     Me and my siblings are having another meeting in the hidden spot in the courtyard. "Zee... why were you smiling at us like you had a plan while Dad and Ame were practically playing tag?" Stralia asked, I nodded in agreement. Zee rolled his eyes but then I'm pretty sure that Stralia and Zee had a telepathic discussion, Stralia stood up and said loudly, "That's a perfect idea Zee! No wonder you wanted a sleep over with our favorite countries!" I sat there as confused as a person who just started trying puzzles doing a 1,000-piece puzzle.

     Stralia saw my most likely confused expression and said, "Ame said Russia or Nippon, right? Dad is probably gonna choose Russia for obvious reasons. Soooo, Ame and Russia will be joining us... It would be soooo cute if we pushed Ame into him tonight." She smiled and I smiled back. "Zee, you're a small genius." I muttered, that earned a smack from Zee. We laughed and then Stralia began talking about all these ideas on how we could do it. We discussed some more and finally on letting our short sibling, Zee, pushing Ame while Ame and Russia are talking, let's see how this goes.

-Time skippy skip, and POV switch to Ame-

     I sighed, I don't want to have to deal with anyone that isn't immediate family. But thanks to Zee I have to deal with either Nippon or Russia... Joy... We're all sitting at the dinner table eating, like everyone else probably would. Then Stralia spotted something out the windows and stood up abruptly, "Guys! They're here! C'mon let's go say hi!" And of course her first instinct is to run over to greet them and literally drag me along with her.

     I stood next to her grumbling to myself. Then Samoa came out of her carriage and then Papua New Guinea... and after a little while Russia came out of his. Stralia looked at me and elbowed me, probably trying to get me to say hello to Russia. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Russia, I held out my hand. "Hello Russia, Welcome back. Sorry about my younger brothers idea" I said, he nodded and shook my hand. I smiled and headed back inside with the rest of our guests, "C'mon, we're having dinner. If you haven't had anything to eat or if you just feel like it, either works" I said.

     When me and Stralia came back I saw Zee eating my food and he stopped with some mashed potatoes right in front of his mouth... and he smiled. I gave him a 'what do you think you're doing' look and he went back to his seat. I rolled my eyes and sat back down; Russia decided to stand awkwardly in the corner of the room... Until Papa asked him to come join us. He sat down hesitantly next to me. "Have you eaten anything before you came here?" I asked, he shook his head. I looked at Dad and Papa, they nodded and whispered to a servant nearby and they nodded and left. When they came back they had a plate and set it down in front of Russia.

     He seemed surprised for whatever reason. "Whatever you don't want to eat," I said, "Zee will eat it, he loves food almost as much as me" I looked at Zee with an accusing look. Zee giggled and had some more food. Russia nodded and started eating. I went back to eating while Dad, Papa, Russia, Stralia, and Samoa were talking about something around the topic of war and alliances and stuff. "-Wouldn't you agree Ame?" I heard Dad say, I almost spit out the water I was drinking when I heard my name. "Uh-Uh Wh-What?" I asked trying not panic at the conversation being directed towards me. Dad sighed and said, "Do you agree that Russia's father should have an alliance with us?" I nodded and started eating again, I don't care for stuff like that.

-time skip again-

     Me, Stralia, and our guests were following Zee, who was trying to find the perfect room for the sleepover. "Zee, why didn't you do this earlier?" Stralia whined, I just rolled my eyes. Everyone else either looked confused or tired, I don't blame 'em I'd be tired too if I had to follow Zee around for 2 hours in a castle you know nothing about. After another half hour Zee decided to have the sleepover in the ballroom, probably because it was close to the restrooms, kitchen, and has a decent number of soft couches for each of us. I ran immediately to the couch closest to the kitchen, because I wake up at 1 a.m and want a snack. I noticed that Stralia and Zee took the couches that were on the other side of the room. That left 3 other couches for our guests, Russia ended up with the one closest to me.

     After we're all settled Zee told, or dragged, us to the middle of the ballroom and said we're going to play truth or dare... Shit. Don't get me wrong, I love playing truth or dare, it's just a problem when Zee is excited to play it. You see, he does some pretty extreme stuff. One time he dared me to climb up to the highest point of the castle without any safety gear... I'm so glad Papa stepped in, and probably saved my god damn life, so I didn't have to do it. 

     Everyone sat down in a circle and Zee started... I'm gonna die tonight... "Samoa, Truth or Dare?" Zee asked Papua New Guinea, She immediately said "Truth." Zee smiled. He chuckled and asked "Have you ever had to supress any gay thoughts?" She looked down and I know she's regretting her choices. "... Y-Yes" She said, Zee smiled and said, "Hey, it's no problem. Ame is Bi and I wish could read his mind." I looked at him. "What the frick dude?!" I said, almost yelling, I shook my head and smiled. "You're really gonna expose me like that?" I asked, he just nodded and smiled. Papua New Guinea [why did Papua New Guinea decide on it's name? Like wtf, don't people struggle writing that? I mean, I do but we're ignoring that] turned to Stralia and said, "Australia, Truth or Dare?" she thought for a little then said, "I'll go with dare". Papua New Guinea nodded, "I dare you to face palm whenever someone says 'dare', until the game ends okay?" Stralia nodded. Stralia looked at me, "Truth or Dare, Ame?" I sighed... "... Dare" I said while Stralia face palmed. "alright then, I want you to give me a summary on why you don't like to talk to new people." Oh this'll be great...


alr people, We're getting closer. IDK if you wanted it to go faster or slower so I may or may not add a side plot, y'know? Just to move things along a little faster but kind of slower? That made no sense didn't it... Frick.

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