Chap. 9

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FYI, I'm running out of ideas, but Ame and Can-Can are gonna be depressed for a while... should I do a chapter in Zee's or Stralia's POV?

Russia POV:

     After breakfast France told us, the guests, to make sure we have our stuff ready to go before we leave. When I had all my stuff ready to go I looked around and saw that everyone was also ready. We had some free time so we all headed out into the courtyard, looking for flowers to give to America and Canada. I saw a blur of red, white, and blue out of the corner of my eyes. I stood up straight [no, ur supposed to be gay Russia] and looked around, I saw America waving at me, that explains the colors. I walked over and handed him some of the flowers I picked, not a lot but enough to mean something and show I care. He took them and smiled, "Thanks Rus!" He said. I smiled and nodded, "do you want to see some of my art?" I asked, he nodded.

    We sat down on a nearby stone bench, which was really uncomfortable, and I handed him my notebook. He took it and asked, "How and where do you get this? I swear you pull out of thin air" I laughed. "No, I just have a pocket just big enough for it in my jacket" I said while smiling, he smiled back. He opened the book and went through it, and he didn't just spend a few seconds scanning over them... he actually took time to look at them. He pointed at one specific sketch I did, "What's this?" He's pointing to the one where I sketched my family when we were all living together and causing chaos. "that's me and my family when we lived together, and when we were chaotic and had time for fun" I whispered, smiling. 

     I remember that Ukraine was chasing Kyrgyzstan around because he took her flower crown. And that Romania was arguing with dad about what was better, chocolate or vanilla. A lot more was going on too. I mean, a LOT was going on. So much I couldn't even sketch it. America continued going through my book, he even traced some of the lines with his index finger. I watched him do this a little while longer. "Isn't there a lot of symbolism in art? Like, Sketching art?" He asked, out of the blue. I nodded, "Yeah, why?" I asked. He smiled at me, "You have a lot of roses, I don't know what colors they are but I can picture a lot of them being yellow or red" He replied. I nodded, "Why do you know so much about art?" I asked curiously. He laughed, "Well, common sense... and I like to make music, I play a lot of band instruments and some string instruments too." He said.

     We talked a little more, I think I got his mind off his mothers death temporarily. [sorry Rus... but you didn't it's a little something I call masking... HE'S PRETENDING GIVE HIM A HUUUUG] AAAAnd I jinxed it. He looks sad now, "I don't remember a lot... But I do know that Mom loved flowers." he mumbled. I smiled sadly, "I bet she's somewhere where she belongs, whether it be heaven or some other place that's made for the best people" I said, trying to comfort him. He nodded and smiled slightly, "Thank you, Rus" He said... "also, by the way, Can-Can was told by Ukraine that you really like vodka. Is that true?" He asked. I nodded and looked at the ground, slightly embarrassed for some reason. "Here," He said as he picked up something, "I have some if you want it" He held out a bottle of vodka. I smiled and took it, "Thanks a lot" I said, YES! VODKA, YAAAY! [Rus, focus on your future boyfriend and possibly husband... U never know!] I looked at him and thanked him again.


     How and why is he so cute right now? I hand him some vodka and now I want to cuddle him... frickity frackity... I had a small feeling I liked him but now I'm sure of it. I know i'm smiling and laughing, but I really just want to hide in my room and cry... But Mom wouldn't want that, would she? When vodka man was done getting excited over some vodka, I learned that he also writes short stories. It was time for russia to leave... unfortunately.

     I walked with him to the entrance and watched him leave. I shouted, "We need to hang out again sometime!" He smiled and nodded. I smiled back and watched him leave with all of our other guests. When they were all out of sight I looked at Can-Can and we both shared a pained smile. I quietly walked to my room. The second I closed the door I leaned against it and slid down, until I was sitting down. [if you've watched Frozen just think of that scene when Anna and Elsa are on opposite sides of that one door, that's what i'm trying to do right here and probably failing] I sat there for a while and stared at the wall in front of me. 

     I stood up and went out for lunch. I looked at the ground the whole way there and I barely ate anything... I just wasn't hungry. No one said anything about it, they know i'm not going to listen to them anyway. After lunch was over I went back to my room and did more paperwork I forgot to do. I couldn't focus, my attention always went somewhere else. I gave up on doing my work and grabbed another pencil and snapped that one like I did with the other one yesterday, I looked at the jagged and sharp edges of the broken part. I shook my head and threw the pencil away. I walked to my window and stood there, looking outside. I looked at the clouds, grass, trees, the wall keeping our palace separate from the town outside. I started crying, again, I didn't bother to try and stop it... It wouldn't stop even if I tried... I just... I wish that I could remember mom more...


     Great, some terrible depression depictions. Anywayyyy, I feel like I should tell you guys more abt me... if you want to idk, just ask questions and i'll probably answer. No promises tho, anyway, I have a math test tomorrow that i'm gonna fail and a band rehersal tomorrow at 6:30 so I gonna go sleep now. See ya people soon!

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