chap. 12

68 1 12

IDK what I'm doing but I do know what I'm doing at the same time. Also did you notice that Britain called everyone else by their nicknames except Ame?

Canada POV:

     Here we are... In a black carriage, with gold details and dark green inside. Heading east, towards USSR's old kingdom. Me and Ame decided to sit next to each other, and Dad and Papa are on the other side. Stralia and Zee though... they decided to pretty much surf on the carriage... even though it doesn't have a top. I just hope they don't fall over and fall out. Ame's right leg is bouncing a lot... I mean, I'm nervous too, just not that nervous I guess. I'm not sure, I just know that Ukraine is going to need a lot of support.

-piks eimt-

     After 12 hours of boredom we're finally where we need to be. I felt my mouth lift up into a half-smile, at the sight of the palace. It's dark grey stone is worn down and rugged on the outer wall, separating the palace from the town. The palace itself also has worn stone, but instead of regular dark toned stones, it's obsidian. Not polished though, just obsidian. There are few windows, but enough so it looks somewhat pleasant inside... Though, I wish USSR chose some other colors, like yellow or a navy blue, to go with the black and red.

     When we got to the gate we were stopped. "Halt, do you have an invitation to enter?" A guard demanded. Papa handed Dad the invitation, because Dad is closer to the guard, and Dad showed the letter to the guard. The guard nodded, "welcome, try not to cause trouble, we're already dealing with a lot" he muttered and whistled loudly up at the top of the outer wall. The gate slowly, and loudly, was lifted up by chains and we drove through. My smiled evolved into a small grin, I love the garden. Me and Ukraines favorite spot, the garden, is where fresh vegetables, fruits, flowers, and other plants are grown year round. It always looks amazing, no matter what.

I glanced over at Ame, and saw he's smiling at all the flowers. He turned his head and looks at me, he pointed at some sunflowers in the distance. I quietly laughed at his excitement towards the sunflowers. Even though he loves the color yellow I still don't understand why he likes sunflowers so much. He even wore a sunflower themed outfit to the masquerade! No wonder Rus and Ame are in denial... well, more like only Rus now. Anyway, I can see why Russia's in denial, Ame is either too cute or too stupid... or both... oh Jeez, not both I beg whoever is in charge of the universe.

    Finally, we're in front of the entrance. Stralia and Zee stumbled here and there when the carriage stopped, and then they hopped out. Me and Ame stepped out after them, Dad and Papa followed behind me and Ame. We entered and went inside. The main room, which is the equivalent to a normal persons living room but a lot bigger, is still the same as always. A large bronze chandelier, with real candles, hangs in the middle and makes the room seem more friendly and welcoming. We all headed to some sofa's that were around the edges of the room. There are also some other countries sitting or standing around.

     Shortly, Russia and his siblings walked through a previously closed door. [ BTW, the doors are massive, like in the movies for castles/palaces] Everyone in the room stood up and bowed Or curtsied, depending on whether or not they are female of male. Russia  took in a deep breath and started speaking, "Welcome, everyone, to our home. If you're a sibling of mine, you can go ahead and walk to your old rooms. If not, i'll have some maids show you where you'll be staying" he gestured to some maids that are standing by the entryway and they waved and smiled at us. I waved and smiled back. "Today, you can wander around and get to know your way around the palace if you don't already" Ukraine added, the left with her siblings following behind her... like little ducklings following their Mama, she is pretty much a mom though. Taking care of all her siblings before most of them moved out, because USSR was busy fighting against Ame in the cold war or because he was too sick to take care of his children.


     I almost blushed when I saw Russia. How and why does he have to look so good!? I felt my breath hitch when he walked in. Me and the rest of my family is following a maid who is leading us to our rooms. I'm just following wherever Can-Can is walking and staring up at the ceiling thinking about how much I definitely like Russia.

     Can-Can stopped, so I stopped, and we're in front of a room. I looked behind me and saw another room that's across from the one me and Can-Can are standing at. "-Erica, did you hear our plan?" I heard Dad say. I shook my head, he sighed out of annoyance and spoke "You and me are going to take the smaller room while Papa and the rest go into the bigger room" I tried to keep my shock to a minimum. I just nodded and followed Dad into the smaller room, the one across the hall, and Can-Can gave my a sad look. 

When me and Dad unpacked our stuff we just stood in front of each other awkwardly... in silence. After a while, I decided to lay on my bed. He sat down on a chair near a window, and opened a book and read it. I watched the ceiling for a long time, I eventually fell into timeless sleep.


    Cool, now Ame is stuck with Britain for about a week-ish IDK yet. Also, what's one of your greatest pet peeves? Mine is when people walk slow, even though it's not always something they can control.

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