Chap. 5

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     I guess I have to tell Stralia why I don't like new people now... I want to die right now... "I don't like talking to new people because I'm socially awkward," I said, "And I can't start conversations, social anxiety is another thing, and once I start talking I don't exactly stop." I  finished explaining, Finally. I looked over at Samoa and asked him, "Truth or dare?" He looked at the ceiling and said, "Truth" Not really a talker huh... Cool. "Okay, What's your favorite animal?" I asked, he smiled and looked at me. "Whales" he said, I nodded a little unsure about how I should react... I'll just nod I guess.

     Once the game ended Zee asked- wait no, he demanded that we talk with the person we invited over. I sighed and just went to the couch I chose, Russia being the guy he is followed and sat on his couch. I guess it's a good thing our couches are kind of close? Never mind, Zee just pulled me off the couch and told me to stand up while talking with Russia. I noticed that Stralia did the same to Russia... they're up to something aren't they.

     I just ignored them and talked with Russia, pretty awkwardly too. "Sooo... Sorry Zee came up with this whole Idea thing..." I said, trying to start a conversation... It went a lot better than I thought. "It's alright, we didn't really get to talk at your Dad's Masquerade. So, I don't really mind" Russia said, "Besides I'm still wondering why you decided to invite me. I saw you talking to the Japanese siblings, I thought you were pretty good friends." I shrugged. "Eh, I just told my dad to choose, I'm not very social anyways." I replied. I looked around and noticed that Can-Can wasn't with us... Oh, right. His friend couldn't come, He's probably already sleeping in his room by now.

     While me and Russia were talking I had a feeling that it was really quiet for some reason, Russia noticed it too. We both looked around and noticed that everyone else gone... Where did they all go? "that's... weird" Russia commented, I nodded, "I expected it from Zee and Stralia but not from Samoa and Papua New Guinea" I said. I was about to head back to my couch but someone pushed me. "WHAT THE FRICKITY FRACK!?" I yelled as I lost my balance and instinctively grabbed onto the thing nearest to me... Which is Russia. I didn't know it until he almost fell over too. We stumbled a little trying to get our balance... Russia did, I didn't... I fell face first onto the floor. "...ow..." I muttered and stood up.

      I turn to look at Russia but instead see Zee, Stralia, Samoa, Papua New Guinea all looking at each other  and then they looked at me and smiled. "What?" I asked... I was confused until Can-Can walked out smiling and told me. "You just hugged Russia, Ame" He said, My jaw dropped. "UUUUH... I-I dunno what you're t-talkin' about." I said trying to deny that I did Indeed hug Russia for support. Everyone except me and Russia laughed, I turned bright red from embarrassment. Stralia giggled, "whatever makes you feel better, Ame" I walked over to my couch and curled up in the blankets, hiding my face  by looking at the back of the couch where your back normally leans on.

     I couldn't sleep, as usual, so I started noticing all the flaws in the design on the couch. Why is that flower off center? That thread is sticking out. the gold colored threading isn't even there. I went on and on until I somehow fell asleep. Too bad it's as dreamless as always.

-Morning, Hooray!- [JK I hate waking up in the morning]

     I woke up to a bucket of water dumped on my face. I shot up spluttering, "WHAT THE FUUU- I mean Frick." I corrected myself, trying not to swear in front of Zee. I saw Zee, Stralia, and Can-Can holding a massive bucket over my head, probably the one that used to be full of water, and were laughing.  "Whose Idea was this?" I asked, Zee and Can-Can pointed to Stralia. Stralia giggled and bolted off, I stood up and sprinted after her. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled, she giggled again and ran faster. "AND HOW THE FRICK DO YOU RUN SO FAST?!" I added, which caused more taunting giggles. This went on for a while.

Russia POV: [FINALLY!]

     I was sitting on the couch I ended up with watching USA trying to catch Australia. I walked over to Canada who was smiling and watching. "Why is USA chasing Australia? I know you guys woke him up but... why is he so determined?" I asked. He smiled at me, "Just call him America, and He's protective of his sleep." He shrugged, "I'm guessing you don't know our nicknames do you?" he asked me. I shook my head. "Well, You can call Australia Aussie or Stralia. New Zealand like to be called Zee or Zealand, but if you want to annoy him call him Sheep. America is either America or Ame." He finished, "And I normally go by Can-Can to my siblings, but Canada or Can works. Just don't hold a can of something when you call me Can... it gets confusing." I chuckled and nodded. "Noted," I said, "also why did you and Aussie push America?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled. "We have our reasons," he said, "and those reasons are"

"1- we're siblings"

"2- siblings have to annoy or embarrass their older sibling at some point"

I nodded confused, but I did understand a little. Me and my siblings that still stay with Father do make fun of Ukraine every so often.  Me and Canada watched Aussie and America chase each other for a while. We talked a little too but we mostly just watched.

     Once America finally stopped chasing Aussie we all headed to the dining room for breakfast. We all sat down and me and the other guests didn't know what to do so we all looked at the head of the table, where France and Britain sat. But France was the only one at the head for some reason. America and his siblings were already eating so I looked at the other guests and we all decided to start eating as well. "Mmmm! Thanks for the pancakes Can-Can!" Zee said, I looked down at the pancakes in front of me and tried them. They are good, and their homemade too if Canada made them... Why do they taste like the pancakes Ukraine just learned how to make? Did she learn from Canada? I mean, it would make sense because she visits this palace often.


Wonderful, I finally got to write Russia's POV. Sorry if my characters all sound the same, I'm still trying to figure out my writing *insert sad 1diotbloop noises*.

 I'll work on the next chapter now, and btw If i mix some things up I'm sorry. I got like 3 hours of sleep last night and I was half awake and half asleep for half of that. I'm so tired rn... Bi-Bi! [if you have any questions for me, PLEASE ASK.] @Lettuceb17 thx for replying so much and talking... I get lonely and all by friends are busy so TY.

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